I'm genuinely hungry for 3000ish calories/day?



  • Agator82
    Agator82 Posts: 249 Member
    You have a BMI of 24 :| that is not a problem. You are probably short on nutrients and in-turn nutritionally starving yourself eating the wrong stuff. Open your diary so the smart people, whom you asked for help, can offer some input.

    Or go visit your doctor and show him/her you nutritional profile.

    How much bona fide weight change (no +/- 5# overnight) have you had in the last two months?
  • habit365
    habit365 Posts: 174
    Based on your description of what you eat, I'm going to put a guess out there that you are not eating enough fat. If that is the case, it could be messing with hormones pretty badly, including the ones that help you feel satiated. Eating 1000 calories of veggies is not going to help if what you really need is a fatty piece of salmon.

    I agree with the PPs who said to open your diary for more specific suggestions.
  • markrichtsspraytan
    markrichtsspraytan Posts: 89 Member
    Gastritis can feel similar to hunger pains. I dealt with this for a little. Eating would make it feel better but only for a short time. If you feel the pains shortly after eating a 300 or more calorie, nutritious meal/snack (like within 30 min to 1.5 hours), then you need to talk to a doctor.
  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I'm guessing you're not eating enough fat.

    This. I can't really say anything else based on the limited information you provided.

    What do your macros look like? When do you feel lightheaded, shaky, and like you're starving? Do those symptoms go away soon after eating and return 45min to 2 hrs later?

    I would go to a doctor. Be more specific with the doctor. Bring logs of what you eat on a daily basis and how you feel before and after eating.