what's the silliest or most ridiculous thing that motivates you?



  • city_southernbelle
    My Cinderella Moment...the moment where the guy you've been crushing on for ages notices you or the guy that broke your heart begs for you back

    and yeah I know thats both cliche and silly to want to lose weight for a guy and I am not but sometimes when I am hard down in the gym, it pushes me to go further.
  • hortensehildegarde
    hortensehildegarde Posts: 592 Member
    these are all great and so many I can relate to!

    I think we are all working on good reasons to want to change, and to do it for ourselves, but it's nice to see other people have some not-so-reasonable motivators as well.

    Whatever keeps you going, sometimes the rational good-thinking reasons might not cut it and being less likely to be eaten by a zombie is all you got to cheer you up that day. I find that perfectly reasonable! :)
  • SlimToBeSara
    I think what is motivating me at the moment is a photo of me on my phone, taken back in 2011 when I was on holiday and sporting a smaller figure. I look at that and say to myself "I did it then I can do it now". Plus...I want to get back into my favourite skirt that I last wore on said holiday x
  • Shewolfgurl
    Showing up at my ex-husband's house to visit my son and having him say "Holy S$!t"...lol
  • Analiz76
    Analiz76 Posts: 4 Member
    Just in case I run into my hubby's evil, nasty, witch of an ex-wife at another family event.....

    Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with their divorce. We met a few years AFTER his divorce but she still shows up at a few family functions because of their daughter. Very pretty woman but sooooooo mean & snooty!
  • RunningRoundParis
    RunningRoundParis Posts: 14 Member
    justcat206 wrote: »
    To convincingly cosplay River Tam some day....

    Awesome. My goal is to cosplay Harley Quinn :p
  • AmandaLeighisme
    AmandaLeighisme Posts: 110 Member
    Oh I have a few of these:
    - getting to shop in regular sections of the mall not the fat girl section (esp wide calf shoes)
    - Wanna look better than I ever did in HS as a big finger to those who never gave me the time of day
    - I want a guy to be able to scoop me up like in those movies without breaking the poor guy's back/alternatively, weighing waaaay less than any potential mate
  • CariJean64
    CariJean64 Posts: 297 Member
    I want to be able to sit in those silly plastic outdoor chairs without worrying about the weight limit.
  • LionessWhispers
    LionessWhispers Posts: 69 Member
    Gerard Butler.
    Umm... I didn't know this was an option but sign me up! o:)
  • AllTheNoms
    AllTheNoms Posts: 135 Member
    To be fit enough to only date men with abs. I don't want to date the C team...I want the A team! :)
  • colleenrutledge6
    colleenrutledge6 Posts: 3 Member
    to be the "fit" or "skinny" one in my family
  • MegzC321
    MegzC321 Posts: 152 Member
    I want to shed pounds so that I can take a pole dancing fitness class!!
  • juliatindell
    juliatindell Posts: 5 Member
    I'm definitely on the pictures train. I HATE it when people take photos of me, and that makes them sad and it makes ME sad. I want to feel more comfortable in my skin.

    I also feel kinda silly about the whole running-into-people thing. I love the idea of running into somebody who can't help but say "Wow!"
  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 389 Member
    Haha..Like the OP, I had a hideous jacket given to me by someone who thought it was wonderful. Actually bought it for herself but too small. I wore it once to please her when visiting her home (not a public place). We both lost weight, and I gave it back to her to "celebrate" her success with something she liked. Sadly she regained her weight, and then moved away. I discovered I was the surprise recipient of the jacket, left in my work cubby upon her departure. I promptly graced a local thrift store with it.
    On another note, I have WAY too many clothes, and it is a pleasure to get rid of the bigger unflattering ones, and fit into the ones I have liked but been unable to wear. Who needs shopping-it's right there in my closets.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    i want to be a hot piece of eye candy on my man's arm for the rest of our lives together.
  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    I was always one of the bigger kids in school... and had low self esteem for it. There were a lot of other "ladies" who would tease me relentlessly for it. Since graduating, I've shrunk - and some of them have *ahem* grown. I'm quite excited (when I finish losing) for my high school graduation. It's gonna be... fun.
  • fobs13
    fobs13 Posts: 1,080 Member
    I have really lovely dresses in my wardrobe that I want to wear again soon!
  • lilmisfit1987
    lilmisfit1987 Posts: 183 Member
    edited October 2014
    There's a pinkie and the brain shirt from hot topic that I bought knowing it was way too small for me over SIX YEARS AGO! I have kept it the back of my drawer because I was convinced that some day I would be able to wear that shirt. I STILL WANT TO WEAR THAT SHIRT! It's so utterly ridiculous and childish I know, but MY GOD I want to wear that damn shirt!
  • jrose1982
    jrose1982 Posts: 366 Member
    I have many motivations, but here's the silly one:

    A while ago I read that NASA is now hiring civil engineers (that's what I do) to be astronauts. In the past they only hired electrical, mechanical, or computer engineers. All a civil could for them was design the launch pad. Now they want to train civils to potentially go to Mars and study the properties of the soil and water.

    So I realized that if I could lose 100 lbs, shift my career a bit, and wait for them to drop the height requirement (I'm 2" too short), I could be a fricken astronaut!

    Suddenly my fantasy of being an astronaut looked somewhat attainable. I mean, I can't make myself grow 2", but losing 100 lbs and learning geology is still easier than learning electrical engineering.
  • teranga79
    teranga79 Posts: 202 Member
    *goes to google NASA requirements....* I'm pretty sure that the chance of being an astronaut would motivate me :)

    Currently I just want to stay smaller than my sister (shame!)