Have I hit a plateau already?

I'm a bit concerned because I've only lost 10 lbs total and I've been the same weight for about 2 weeks now (Part of why I joined MFP). I thought it was my calories, so I've been keeping track on here. A couple of days ago I cut my calories down because I'm afraid that I'm not working out enough.

Oh wait I forgot to mention, I'm over 300 lbs, so I'm nowhere close to my ideal weight. I do 30 min of cardio everyday. My cardio workout no longer makes me sweat so the other day I changed it up and I'll see Friday if it does anything. I've been measuring my waist and bust but not my hips, and no change in waist and bust and idk if there's change in hips. I'm pear shaped so I figured my hips would lose last.

I don't have any medical conditions, so I'm thinking that I'm not working out enough. My big problem is I don't have much time to workout. So I'm trying to do the best I can in 30 minutes. I'm also starting to get worried because I have a classmate who's only in the 200's and she's lost 35 lbs in one month and all she did was cut calories and start walking. I never had that huge weightloss in the beginning that bigger people are supposed to have and I contributed it to how I always drank a lot of water before I started trying to lose weight but could it be something else?

Sorry this is so wordy


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    edited October 2014
    Water weight fluctuations can occur daily. Even 2 weeks is not long enough to know if you hit a plateau. But I will ask, do you use a food scale and do you log food daily? Also, how many calories are you eating?

    And your friend lost a lot of water weight.. there is no way she lost 35 lbs of fat.
  • nekoyaz
    nekoyaz Posts: 33 Member
    I log daily and I have my calories set to lose 1.5 lbs a week now. I search for my food in the database and sometimes I'll enter my own recipes and figure up portions. I've only exeeded calorie limit a few times but usually I can get those calories back after I work out. I work out at night if that makes a difference.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    edited October 2014
    35 pounds in one month is more than a pound a day. How much to cut and walk to burn enough for that. How much precious muscle was used for energy. I think weight lost like that is only ok in a life or death situation.

    Do you use a food scale?
  • z_bra
    z_bra Posts: 79 Member
    You are probably eating too much. Do u weigh your food and count calories
  • nekoyaz
    nekoyaz Posts: 33 Member
    No, I estimate, so I might be slipping in a few extra calories that way, but that wouldn't be enough to hault weight loss would it?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    nekoyaz wrote: »
    I log daily and I have my calories set to lose 1.5 lbs a week now. I search for my food in the database and sometimes I'll enter my own recipes and figure up portions. I've only exeeded calorie limit a few times but usually I can get those calories back after I work out. I work out at night if that makes a difference.

    Can you open your food diary? And do you use a food scale?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    nekoyaz wrote: »
    No, I estimate, so I might be slipping in a few extra calories that way, but that wouldn't be enough to hault weight loss would it?

    well that plus more sodium equals can mask weight loss.

  • safarigirlelka
    safarigirlelka Posts: 29 Member
    Have you dieted much in the past? I have dieted many times and it has definitely affected my metabolism adversely. Don't give up! Your body will eventually start burning fat for fuel! xx
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    nekoyaz wrote: »
    No, I estimate, so I might be slipping in a few extra calories that way, but that wouldn't be enough to hault weight loss would it?

    Absolutely it could. Weighing and measuring is pretty important if you're not seeing the results you want to. That's where I would start.

    Do you weigh yourself at the same time every day?

    Also, shark week really screws up my loss for twoish weeks, every month. I have a "gain" that sticks around for about 10 days. It's obnoxious.
  • nekoyaz
    nekoyaz Posts: 33 Member
    I tried to lose weight once in the past when I was in high school and I was successful for about 6 months. I lost 30 lbs but it was very slow coming off. I don't know how to open my food diary for y'all to look at. Right now I'm set to eat 1,970 calories a day. I do have trouble with sodium. I always go over.
  • nekoyaz
    nekoyaz Posts: 33 Member
    I did hold about 4 extra lbs for my period but it went back down to what I'm at now. I weigh myself about 8 at night when I first get to the gym
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    if you use a laptop. Top right corner setting>diary settings. Scroll down the page and you will see and check the dot for diary settings.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    nekoyaz wrote: »
    No, I estimate, so I might be slipping in a few extra calories that way, but that wouldn't be enough to hault weight loss would it?

    There was a video floating around recently that showed how different a day can be calorie-wise if you eyeball the portions vs. weighing them. In that particular video, the food that had been estimated was over 1000 calories more than the food that had been weighed out.

    Some people are really, really good at estimating portion sizes. But most of us are just really bad at it. If you can spare the $20 for a food scale, it might be a good investment for you. Estimating can definitely wipe out the deficit for some of us.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Your friend lost weight way too fast to be healthy. If you are losing @ 1-2 lbs per week, you are doing a great a job! I'm sure you will get plenty of advice on your diary. Also keep in mind that weight loss isn't linear, some weeks you will lose more, some weeks you won't lose anything. If you get to the point where your weight stays the same for more like 4 weeks, then you are at maintenance and need to reevaluate. Hang in there!
  • pplastics
    pplastics Posts: 135 Member
    In your diary, it lists banana 1 oz, 25 calories. Is this for one whole banana or just 1 oz of banana? A whole banana, depending on the size, is 100 to 150 calories. Do that every day and there is 700 calories a week that you are underestimating.

    Also, the exercise calories listed on MFP are usually over what the true calorie burn is. From what I have read, most people only use 50-75% of what MFP tells them they burned.

    Keeping track of calories, at first, can be tricky. Definitely recommend a digital food scale (very inexpensive at Walmart, Target, etc) At first, weigh everything you can and verify that the listings you are using are accurate (quick google search). It gets much easier after you've done it for awhile.

    Read this for some great information: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants#latest
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    accurate logging, including weighing and measuring is EVERYTHING.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    nekoyaz wrote: »
    No, I estimate, so I might be slipping in a few extra calories that way, but that wouldn't be enough to hault weight loss would it?

  • nekoyaz
    nekoyaz Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you to everyone who has responded. I am at least doing the weight thing right. I input what the machine says I've burned instead of MFP and I always put my weight into the settings on the machine so it has to be the overestimating of my food. I didn't even realize I was off on bananas by that much. I'll try to make it to Walmart in the next few days and check out their scales.
  • bokaba
    bokaba Posts: 171 Member
    Additionally, most of your pre-packaged food appears to be very high in sodium, which can cause water retention.