150 lbs GONE!



  • Asherah29
    Asherah29 Posts: 354 Member
    wow awesome!
  • scole1008
    scole1008 Posts: 19 Member
    Wow, congrats, you look amazing!
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    Fantastic work! You look amazing!
  • cdcjensen
    cdcjensen Posts: 30 Member
    You look incredible! Aren't you thankful for MFP? I have been on my fitness journey for about 9 months now and have lost 40 pounds so far. I am about 13 pounds from my goal and your story is totally inspiring! Don't you find that when you've decided to get healthy and had success that you want to help others to do the same? I have some family members I would love to see get healthy, but it must be their choice. We can't do it for them. Thank you for sharing your story and best wishes to your future success. Keep paying it forward and it will motivate you to stay on track. I would love to be friends on MFP if you're interested.

    I am always happy to share my story and journey with anyone who feels they might benefit from it -- I know how much it meant to my personal struggle to see from others that it's possible to achieve. But you're right -- it has to be the person's choice. A person has to be mentally and emotionally ready to make whatever change it is in question. I quickly learned to just stop talking if a person starts making excuses, etc. In my opinion, it just means that they aren't ready to do what they need to do, and that's ok, but it's not a decision I can make for them.

  • lyrics09
    lyrics09 Posts: 217 Member
    wow you look beyond incredible!!!! Amazing job! Inspirational that's for sure <3
  • mseslee
    mseslee Posts: 101 Member
    cdcjensen wrote: »
    Angimom wrote: »
    You look amazing. Would you, could you please elaborate on your calorie goals, and your exercise routine. Congratulations.

    Thank you! Honestly, for the first 100 lbs, my exercise was just walking a few miles several days per week. It was only in the last 6 months that I got more serious, which for me, means doing the elliptical a few days per week and then a little strength training a couple days per week. My neighbor is a personal trainer, and he told me the food aspect is far more critical to weight loss than the exercise piece, and based on my own journey, I have to agree.

    For food, like most people, it seemed like it took no time before MFP had my daily limit set close to 1200, and I was pretty faithful to that. If that meant just eating steamed broccoli and a little piece of chicken for dinner, then that's what I did. It wasn't easy, but I had so much to lose that I decided I'd rather be super disciplined and get it done, rather than being a little more relaxed and taking several years. I did, however, make sure I kept my carbs, sugar, and sodium well below what MFP allowed. Seems like those were the weeks where I had the most success on the scale.

    congrats!! you look amazing!! wow in such a short period,you lost so much weight! you're a inspiration! good job!
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    You are amazing... well done! You look fabulous! :)
  • Omg! That's really inspired me to make the choice to go to the gym, I was umming and erring about it but I definitely am now! Well done!
  • C5North
    C5North Posts: 50 Member
    So inspiring! I would not be able to recognize you as the same person. What a wonderful job. I love seeing success stories like yours as someone who will lose another 127 pounds minimum.

    Maybe in about a year I'll be able to write a post like yours. You make that hope possible. Thanks!
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    Great job!

    I don't know why, but as soon as I saw your after pic, Sharon Stone's wardrobe from Basic Instinct came to mind. Minimalist, neutrals, chic. Watch the movie for inspiration. I can see you wearing all of it!
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Wow! You look amazing, what a transformation. I don't have as much to lose, another 40 pounds out of 71, and I'm hoping that being 18 (19 in two days, but still) I'll also be one of the lucky ones when it comes to loose skin. It's amazing how something as simple yet brilliant as MFP can change people's lives and I'm so grateful for it as many of us are. Congrats on your weight loss!
  • I'm just starting my journey with 140 lbs. to lose and I stumbled on your post. It means so much to me to see it can be done. It sounds impossible but real people like you are making it happen. That keeps my hopes up that in a year or two I will be posting my own success story! I hope you never stop being proud of all that you accomplished!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Congratulations on all your dedication and success. You've passed along a lot of hope to others.
  • jal92475
    jal92475 Posts: 53 Member
    Holy wow!
  • AShannon54
    AShannon54 Posts: 111 Member
    You totally rock! You are a great inspiration and I bet you feel fantastic.

    Have you transitioned into maintaining instead of loss? I have about 15-20 more lbs to lose before I hit my long term goal (I have lost almost 120 lbs to date) and I am already worried/thinking/stressing about having to change my diet from 'loss' to 'maintenance'.

    I have been working so hard and I have a daily routine for calories and it's a bit scary for me to start eating more. Overeating was the reason I gained all my weight in the first place. Any tips or suggestions on how to slowly move into 'maintenance mode'?
  • cdcjensen
    cdcjensen Posts: 30 Member
    AShannon54 wrote: »
    You totally rock! You are a great inspiration and I bet you feel fantastic.

    Have you transitioned into maintaining instead of loss? I have about 15-20 more lbs to lose before I hit my long term goal (I have lost almost 120 lbs to date) and I am already worried/thinking/stressing about having to change my diet from 'loss' to 'maintenance'.

    I have been working so hard and I have a daily routine for calories and it's a bit scary for me to start eating more. Overeating was the reason I gained all my weight in the first place. Any tips or suggestions on how to slowly move into 'maintenance mode'?

    I've been doing it for a few weeks now, and I've got to say that it is FAR less stressful to me than weight loss mode was. I think that's because once I reached my goal (which was a somewhat arbitrary number), I stopped stressing over the scale and moved emphasis to how I look and feel. I still step on the scale each week, but it's more for a gut check than anything else, and I'm finding it stays pretty steady, maybe swinging a couple of pounds in either direction, but hovering at my goal. I've crept my calories up VERY slowly, so even after a month, most days, I only eat about 1400, although I go out to dinner with my husband once a week and now get what I actually want. I will keep inching up calories slowly as long as everything stays in check. And, of course, I still track everything faithfully in my food diary. That's how I'm managing the fear -- as long as I know what I'm consuming (and can point to the issue if the scale goes up), then I'm finding my fear subsiding as I show myself each day that I can actually eat and maintain control.

  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    You've clearly put in a lot of hard work. Congratulations on reaching your goal!
  • Deborah271
    Deborah271 Posts: 73 Member
    Wow, I'm totally blown away, amazing is all I can say, people like you give me hope and today I needed to see this! I would like to add you as a friend please if I could, I really could use some support.
  • Annabear3
    Annabear3 Posts: 92 Member
    You look amazing! What an inspiration.
  • bootcamp85
    bootcamp85 Posts: 64 Member
    Wow.....congratulations......what an inspiration u are
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