Almost-40 Females?



  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    edited October 2014
    Jennloella wrote: »
    Is anyone doing strength training? I just gained back the weight I lost while pregnant, and am now focused on fixing the *soft* and getting back my stamina and strength. Two babies in two years, I'm weak and I hate it! I'm struggling to get my cals and macros right so I don't backslide and lose more...

    I lift heavy and have been for about 10 months. I also love, love, love high intensity cardio and do 5-6 classes a week (step and spin)
  • RahmaB823
    RahmaB823 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 38 and have two toddlers ages 3 and 4. When I had my second child I lost 30lbs using myfitnesspal. I stopped and I gained 10 of those pounds back :(. I am back on here and hope to lose 20lbs to get back to my pre-babies weight. The struggle!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Jennloella wrote: »
    Is anyone doing strength training? I just gained back the weight I lost while pregnant, and am now focused on fixing the *soft* and getting back my stamina and strength. Two babies in two years, I'm weak and I hate it! I'm struggling to get my cals and macros right so I don't backslide and lose more...

    I am following All Pro's beginner routine now. I started off with bodyweight exercises (Nerd Fitness beginner routine and then Start Bodyweight's basic routine.) Then I moved to plan created for me by a personal trainer over the summer. I switched to APSBR a couple of weeks ago.

  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Jennloella wrote: »
    Is anyone doing strength training? I just gained back the weight I lost while pregnant, and am now focused on fixing the *soft* and getting back my stamina and strength. Two babies in two years, I'm weak and I hate it! I'm struggling to get my cals and macros right so I don't backslide and lose more...

    I'm doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution for the 2nd time. It's addicting. It's 4 high intensity circuit training routines and 2 cardio days per week for 3 months. Every two weeks the workouts change so you don't get bored. I've gained more strength from this program than anything I've ever done. Highly recommend. You could sub lower intensity cardio (or not do any) on the 2 cardio days if you are worried about losing weight.

    I'm currently doing stronglift 5x5 program because it's all lined out for me for now, I just realized my protein was probably lacking by about half, so I upped that last week, we'll see how it works. I'm doing Bodyrock as well and beginning to get back to running. I've never really had to *think* about macros and such, I just sort of ate healthy, kept active.... it's like my life paused while I was pregnant with the two girls and when I woke up, I was OLD and SOFT. it's very different getting it back this time, and very discouraging. I used to just look at a stack of weights and get toned hahah. Oh to be in my 20s again!! (it's been 9 years since I had my other kids)
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    Jennloella wrote: »
    Is anyone doing strength training? I just gained back the weight I lost while pregnant, and am now focused on fixing the *soft* and getting back my stamina and strength. Two babies in two years, I'm weak and I hate it! I'm struggling to get my cals and macros right so I don't backslide and lose more...

    I am following All Pro's beginner routine now. I started off with bodyweight exercises (Nerd Fitness beginner routine and then Start Bodyweight's basic routine.) Then I moved to plan created for me by a personal trainer over the summer. I switched to APSBR a couple of weeks ago.

    I'm going to google that now, do you know of any other lifting programs that offer advice on nutrition as well. I'm sort of lost with all that. It's been years since I was lifting regularly and I just sort of ate what I wanted - never been one for sweets and such it was never an issue. Now it seems like I either start losing or gaining. Can't find my sweet spot.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Jennloella wrote: »
    Is anyone doing strength training? I just gained back the weight I lost while pregnant, and am now focused on fixing the *soft* and getting back my stamina and strength. Two babies in two years, I'm weak and I hate it! I'm struggling to get my cals and macros right so I don't backslide and lose more...

    I lift heavy and have been for about 10 months. I also love, love, love high intensity cardio and do 5-6 classes a week (step and spin)

    I love spin, and I love to run! I'm worried I should be backing off the cardio though, but it seems like if I sit still a few days, I gain weight. If I go balls to the wall, I start losing. Will I have to go one way or the other before I can tone up? I feel like I'm in someone else's body hahah.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I'll be 39 in a few months. I'm actually in the best shape of my life right now. Want to be amazeballs by 40.

    I work full time, but my son is 18 so I definitely can't be lumped into "working mom", lol. It's not like he needs much from me any more besides moral support and college tuition.

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Right here - totally me. Just want to lose about 20 before May, which I have no doubt will happen. Im really excited to see the other side of winter!!!! bounce bounce bounce!!!
  • maxcanuck
    40 year old new mom on mat leave… 30-40 lbs to go!
  • xphoenixfirex
    xphoenixfirex Posts: 34 Member
    edited October 2014
    I turn 38 in January, got all girls, youngest of which will be 8 in Jan. WAHM, trying to get a photography/art business off the ground. SW:155 CW: 144 GW:130 and started the 5x5 stronglifts. Add me (and anyone else) if you would like :)
  • oORosadaOo
    oORosadaOo Posts: 97 Member
    I turned 39 last month and decided to get rid of the weight I put on since I moved in with my boyfriend (who loves to cook)! Not a fan of kids tbh.

    Only 8 kg to lose but they all gather stubbornly around my middle. :angry:
  • jsandie76
    jsandie76 Posts: 201 Member
    I'm a 38 year old SAHM of four (ages 13-21) Two of my children live on their own, my second youngest, lives with dad. My youngest lives at home with me and my husband. My eldest is about to make me a grandmother in February. I started losing weight July 2013 at 265lbs and today I am currently at 189.3lbs. I want to be fit and fabulous when I hit forty. Add me.... the more the merrier!
  • sarahjanescobie
    sarahjanescobie Posts: 43 Member

    Hi there, My good friend SJ is posting this for me as for some reason I can't create any messages (a problem myfitnesspal are aware of).

    My Name is Teresa Turnbull, I'm a 38 year old mother of 2 young boys and 2 teenage stepkids.

    I am looking for support and encouragement to help me shift this weight once and for all. I have over 100lbs to lose, my weight ballooning after having my boys, although if i'm honest i've struggled with my weight all my life.

    I have recently been through the worst time in my life and turned to food to comfort me. I lost my mum to pancreatic cancer, just 6 weeks after diagnosis, on September 14th 2014. My wee dad couldn't cope and died just 17 hours after her, on September 15th, heart attack.

    I made a promise to my mum that I would lose this weight and get healthy for my boys, their 'golden boys' as they called them.

    This is one promise I fully intend to keep but I need support.

    In my first 2 weeks i have lost 10lbs.
    teresaturnbull1976 is my username.

    Teresa x



  • COGirl88
    COGirl88 Posts: 1 Member
    Also in that boat, will be 37 in January. Working wife and mother. Have a lot of amazing reasons to be healthy, but really need some additional support and motivation! Looking for some more MFP friends to keep me motivated!
  • yunvmsbutter
    yunvmsbutter Posts: 4 Member
    I am 39 and will be 40 this March. I am currently separated from my husband an a mom of 3 ages are 21, 19 and 9. I have a min of 40lbs to lose. I want to lose it before I turn 40 and would like to be able to get back into a bathing suit and feel good about it by next summer.

    I have just joined a Gym and a boxing club as well as a personal training studio I am working out twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening for and 1 hour at a time. I am trying my hardest to eat clean an stay focused with what I want.

    I have find it really hard to put myself first in the past but I am determined to do that now I do not want to let myself sit on that couch and let another year pass by being unhappy with my weight.

    I am taking it one day at a time but when I say I want to be in shape I mean in fitness competition shape. That is one of my all time goals I have all this knowledge in my head but I have noticed over the years that I have lacked the focus and determination it took to change myself.

    My 30's were not the best but I am determined to make my 40's the best time of my life. I don't have many friends on this journey as I am in a new state and don't know many people so please feel free to send me a friend request because I could use the encouragement and don't mind supporting others in the journey as well.
  • mkdm291
    mkdm291 Posts: 139 Member
    39 - working mom - looking to lose about 15-20. I have a bad habit of doing great for a while and then BOOM.... lose all motivation. Feel free to add, I could use the help!
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    I am heading into the last leg of my 30s… I am starting in December to kick *kitten* so that I am FIT in August for my 40th birthday. That is my goal! Feel free to add me :)
  • farmgirlrrt
    farmgirlrrt Posts: 168 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • karona313
    Please add me! I'm super frustrated. Almost 40 and still needing to lose almost 70 lbs! I need all the support and I give a lot of support. :smile:
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    We're all you ladies able to find the group?