My rant on sweaters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    check out hand made items and your can request what you want and people will make it for you. i'm not advertising for them just wanted to help you find your sweater. And on women not knitting, this era of people just don't do the "basics" anymore. I'm 65 and so much has changed from the way women used to do things and men too.

    But there are plenty who do! I've been knitting since I was five, and sewing my own clothes since I was 12! Most of my friends knit or crochet, or both, and many of them do a lot more besides. The thing I do find however, is that I am in the minority when it comes to cooking! Very few of my friends cook, and if/when they do, it's usually more a case of reheating! I know hardly anyone who actually cooks from scratch. :noway:
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    My mom loved to knit. She used to make me sweaters all the time. The turtle neck collar went up to my nose and the sleeves went six inches passed my hands. She always said I would grow into them. I'm 52 and still haven't grown into them.

    (I had to pull my sleeves up like 3 times to even type this)

    LOL Too funny:):)
  • caberselli
    caberselli Posts: 34 Member
    I can feel your pain. I was trying to hold out for rich man for my second husband. Sometimes you have to settle. At least I found one willing to put me back through school so I could make a lot of money for myself. Maybe you can meet a nice girl who will teach you to knit. Lots of together time & no nasty knitting curse.

    Best Wishes!
  • MamaJess
    MamaJess Posts: 181 Member
    My grandmother can knit. She's old and smelly, but she is single AND can knit. PM me if you want her digits.
    TOO TOO TOO FUNNY!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!:laugh:
  • Talazws
    Talazws Posts: 101 Member
    I love to knit, and I love kids (I teach preschool art classes)! I am not married, but I live way over in NYC, so I don't think it will work out... Your little daughter is absolutely adorable, though :)

    And for those of you wondering, knitting does burn off some calories (not much though)!