Today i will stay on track because...



  • hdacmom
    hdacmom Posts: 39 Member
    Because I am tired of my own excuses!
  • dfinnula
    dfinnula Posts: 24 Member
    Because it is day 1 (another) but I know what I need to do - take control, persist, be accountable to myself and have a healthier lifestyle. I will record my food and exercise diary and I will use stratgies I know when I am stressed rather than using as an excuse to eat unhealthy food. Kia Kaha
  • misswhitney1
    misswhitney1 Posts: 72 Member
    Because I'm on a 30 day streak, and I don't want to break it today!
  • alienbabyjen
    alienbabyjen Posts: 36 Member
    Because I want it that much.
  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    love this so simple. needed this today.

    Today I will stay on track today because I deserve to be healthier and take care of myself. Eat poorly only makes me feel poorly.
  • beckyjopdx
    beckyjopdx Posts: 25 Member
    epido wrote: »
    Because yesterday I ate way too much candy corn, and now I feel like crap.

    (goes back to yesterday's food log, adds those 6 pieces of candy corn she forgot.)

  • epido
    epido Posts: 353 Member
    Because losing 2 months with the trainer due to a shoulder injury wasn't as disastrous as it could have been, and I need to continuing building on past successes.
  • Jeanat147
    Jeanat147 Posts: 17 Member
    I wish we could hit 'likes' on these. They're all good!
  • sbrookes9
    sbrookes9 Posts: 445 Member
    Because I am doing it and it feels great!
  • because i am not giving up.
  • ducati45
    ducati45 Posts: 54 Member
    Because I have done so well studying, I should do well at this too :)
  • Because I am so sick and tired of feeling terrible about myself - mentally and physically.
  • juncture
    juncture Posts: 129 Member
    Because it's my second day back and staying on track yesterday made me feel so happy!
  • balletgirl77
    balletgirl77 Posts: 61 Member
    because I'm tired of starting over; I am never going to quit again
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Because that's what I do now.
    I really wanted to come up with a great and inspiring answer for why I'm doing this… but when I thought about it… this is what came to mind. Because it's what I do. And I find that pretty d@mn inspiring that I'm at that point.
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    Because I'm on a roll!!!
  • yeahwhutevr
    yeahwhutevr Posts: 14 Member
    Today is day 1. Like some others I'm tired of carrying all this weight. Was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis in April. Been taking Prednisone since then, makes me hungry all the time, makes me super puffy, tired of looking like the Michelin man!! Started Enbrel four weeks ago, is supposed to help with the swelling in my joints and the pain. They say it takes 6-8 weeks to start seeing effects from it, I'm counting down the days!! With all the pain in my joints, it's hard to walk most days let alone exercise, but I'm trying!! I walked 20 minutes today, slowly, and it hurt, but I did it.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Today I will stay on track because my monthly weigh in is in 3 days and while NSVs and feeling great are their own reward, right now I really REALLY just wanna kick *kitten* on the scale this month....
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    The thing that's going to keep me on track today is that I've been maintaining at goal for well over three years now. It's like second nature to me. The alternative to staying on track (i.e. letting myself go) just doesn't appeal to me.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Because it's what I do.

    Precisely! You said it much better than I did. (*)

  • mustloseweight2015
    mustloseweight2015 Posts: 78 Member
    Because I stayed on track yesterday! I would waste yesterday's efforts if I go off track today....
  • nana_of_8
    nana_of_8 Posts: 23 Member
    because I'm tired of my jeans cutting me in half
  • eplerd
    eplerd Posts: 91 Member
    Because yesterday, after doing my 5K walk/jog at lunch and then doing another 5K on the elliptical at the gym I weighed myself AND WAS UNDER 200 LBS FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 20+ YEARS!!

    I CAN DO THIS - but ONLY if I stick to logging ALL food and doing it precisely (with scale) and honestly!

  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    Kookie215 wrote: »
    Today i will stay on track because, the feeling i got when i weighed in today was simply amazing!

    Keep it going, why will YOU stay on track today?

    Today I will stay on track because I did not get the same amazing feeling when stepping on the scale this morning lol.

    Got off track this week and need to get back on. The week's only half over so I still have the rest to make the week as a whole count for something good.

  • PhotoMica
    PhotoMica Posts: 15 Member
    Because I want to look absolutely FABULOUS at my Dirty Thirty.
  • deeasimacopoulos
    deeasimacopoulos Posts: 16 Member
    Because 18 months ago, I lost 22 pounds and gained it all back after going on vacation and falling off the wagon.
  • PhotoMica
    PhotoMica Posts: 15 Member
    Today I will stay on track because I want to look better than my high school bullies!
  • Dawmelvan
    Dawmelvan Posts: 133 Member
    Lizzy622 wrote: »
    I got rid of all my old pill bottles and needles and never want to get to that ugly place ever again.
    Lizzy622 wrote: »
    I got rid of all my old pill bottles and needles and never want to get to that ugly place ever again.

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! Keep on keeping on.
  • krazy1sbk
    krazy1sbk Posts: 128 Member
    Because I have to log in in order to be accountable. Otherwise I snack all day :(
  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    Because I am getting stronger and getting more fit and more energy and ... I like how I feel.