Anyone ever start dating someone and felt comfortable & you started gaining weight?

xjgirl94 Posts: 64 Member
I use to be 165 and when me and my fiance got together I started gaining weight. I have no clue what it was that was causing me to gain. I guess I just got happy and forgot to worry about my health and here I am now on MFP! I started almost 3 weeks ago at 203.5 now I am weighing in at 196.8 and I feel better. Has this happened to anyone else???


  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    oh yeah, relationships always cause weight gain at the start unless yr both working hard against that! dating.... drinking, eating at restaurants... yup.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    You started eating more and/or being less active. It happens and a lot of times it happens gradually so you don't really pay attention to it.
  • xjgirl94
    xjgirl94 Posts: 64 Member
    Yeah hes 6'7" and hes a big boy he eats alot but he works it off at work. Before we moved to our own house we ate out alot, went out and partied, and I drank way to many soft drinks. Now I don't eat out, party, or drink sodas! I cook almost everything I eat & man do I feel better!!!
  • daynerz
    daynerz Posts: 227 Member
    Yes its where you are being yourself, and are comfortable...the representation phase of the relationship is gone or the .. impressing phase.. You should definately put some effort in and show that you still care about your weight, health , ect.. :blush:
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    I gained quite a bit of weight when my BF (now husband) and I started living together. I think it was mainly because I fell into habits of cooking things I knew he enjoyed, rather than what was healthy. I also started eating bigger portions (because he was). I also gained more after we got married. In general we were both just comfortable with eachother and that lead to generally poor eating habits.

    Now we're both working to lose weight together as a common goal.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    That's right, blame the man. Typical....
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Oh my goodness, our honeymoon... and the two months following... waaaaaay too comfortable. Part of the reason I'm back here working my tail off.
  • absolutely! about 40 pounds to be precise...when you're happy you get comfortable and a little complacent, we're currently working together to get healthy again because we both gained a lot!
  • xjgirl94
    xjgirl94 Posts: 64 Member
    eldamiano wrote: »
    That's right, blame the man. Typical....

    When I lived with my mom still and she cooked for 6 people there was never enough food to fill him up so he would go get fast food and that's where it all started plus me drinking too many sodas
  • xjgirl94
    xjgirl94 Posts: 64 Member
    Im getting in shape for myself and my health mainly but for him and my family. We have medical problems that run in the family and I don't want to go that far
  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    Happened to me. It sucked but I'm on my way back to a even better version of myself so it's cool.
  • xjgirl94
    xjgirl94 Posts: 64 Member
    Yeah me too! It already feels great!
  • ViolaLeeBlueberry
    ViolaLeeBlueberry Posts: 182 Member
    Dating? Try 20 years of marriage! :smile:

    It's pretty natural, really; when you're single, you can eat a salad for dinner or something and it's fine, but when you've got a relationship (and then a family) you Make A Real Dinner no matter what. Then time passes, metabolism changes, kid/s come, there are snacks in the house, metabolism changes some more, there's ice cream in the fridge, you've got a job and a family and it's hard to fit in the exercise (because it's not like you're going to the gym after work, you have to pick up the kid etc etc) ...

    Even if you don't have horrible eating habits, it's easy for the weight to start adding up.
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    eldamiano wrote: »
    That's right, blame the man. Typical....

    I did'nt read where she blamed anybody. I'll blame it on my wife though she makes fried chicken I would crawl over flaming coals for. Then she would tie me to the chair and force me to eat the whole chicken till my plate was totally clean. That silly girl !
  • I think it's quite common. You eat out more, or stay at home with a bottle of wine and a takeaway, or watch movies with snacks or whatever. I think a lot of women get caught out by portion matching a taller, heavier male partner, without thinking about it. That caught me with my ex. Or he would cook and automatically dish up what he would eat as a portion, which was probably another half on top of what I would have served myself.
  • xjgirl94
    xjgirl94 Posts: 64 Member
    I am just glad I ain't the only one!
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Oh good lord this is me. When I started actually dating my guy I lost weight like crazy(we worked on my families ranch and ate nothing but garden produce and hard boiled eggs for a month plus). Then we got super comfy with each other and both gained weight when I started cooking dinner for us. Movies with soda and cheese trays. Apple cider and ice cream for dessert. Glad it's not just us.
  • julzwild
    julzwild Posts: 42 Member
    Yes! I got married 3 years ago and gained 35 pounds. I never thought that would happen to me! It was definitely not an intentional "I'm married now so it's safe to let myself go" but looking back, I can see why it happened. We love to cook and eat good food and went out to eat A LOT. I also baked frequently. We also went from going out all the time to being newly married homebodies. It all adds up!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member
    Yes, my SO :D He's put on 30 lbs since we met. Kind of ironic considering he's the cook. He says it's because he's happy.
  • mereditheve
    mereditheve Posts: 142 Member
    edited October 2014
    Not at all! If anything, a relationship gives me more opportunities to be out and about doing things that challenge me (e.g., I probably wouldn't have gone backpacking through Alaska without my husband there too). I've personally never understood why relationships/dates revolve around food and drinks. It just seems so unoriginal (to me). My "dates" were mountain biking, water skiing, kayaking... not sitting at a table stuffing my face and waiting for the check. :smile:

    Maybe try redefining what your conversations revolve around. Instead of a meal, go for walks together.