Anyone ever start dating someone and felt comfortable & you started gaining weight?



  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Yep, I think this is normal. Instead of going out all the time, I get complacent in a happy relationship and start spending evenings curled up on the sofa watching movies and eating popcorn. Bam, weight gain.

    Have you asked your fiance if he would join a healthy eating or workout program with you? It helps if you do it together, sometimes.
  • Trishism
    Trishism Posts: 79 Member
    Definitely happened to me! I was 190 and trying to lose when I started dating my husband. We slowly gained weight throughout our dating and engagement until I was my highest ever, 233! We lost 30lbs together right before our wedding and then gained most of it back the following year. Basically, we can be really healthy but we have to both be into it, and when we lost weight before our wedding it was definitely a diet instead of a lifestyle change.

    Now I'm down to 185 and we're enjoying learning how to cook healthy things and working out together. But yeah. Definitely did that happy relationship gain. O.o
  • Yep! IT happened to me every time I got into a relationship;and this relationship I'm in now (planning to get married in Aug) has been the worst of them all. But, on the positive side, he loves me the same, and still tells me that I am beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; lose weight to be and stay healthy. It's long over due for our society to kick the habit of us trying to configure to a small select few standards. Be your own person and love who you are=) Keep up the good work
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I date this guy who was a cheesemonger and wine/whisky/beer guzzler. He always had chocolate in his pocket and something amazing cooking on the stove. We loved to eat and drink together. I'm sure I gained weight.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Fell in love, gained 20 pounds. Broke up, gained 20 more.
  • xjgirl94
    xjgirl94 Posts: 64 Member
    Now since we have moved to our own place I cook healthy foods now. Sometimes I cheat just a little but he works a full time job goes to school full time and works a part time job as well but hes never at home and when he is hes eating fast food! Lol but what can I say I love him!!!
  • erialcelyob
    erialcelyob Posts: 341 Member
    After a few months my and my boyfriend made the decision to both cut out the junk that we eat together - me for my weight and him as he has digestive issues. Now we are both happy and sexy ;) (or healthy you know, whatever)
  • mustloseweight2015
    mustloseweight2015 Posts: 78 Member
    Oh yeah! Welcome to my world. Started dating a guy, eventually got engaged, and he's not my husband. I love him to death, but he's definitely bad for my weight I'm taking help from MFP! :)
  • xjgirl94
    xjgirl94 Posts: 64 Member
    Yeah same here but were engaged! Lol so hopefully I keep it up!
  • This has probably happened to almost everybody Lol. Definitely happened to me but was lucky to catch it before it got too out of control. You get comfortable and bad habits set in, let's face it. Eating is amazing:p
  • xjgirl94
    xjgirl94 Posts: 64 Member
    Yes it is! Lol
  • jen350z
    jen350z Posts: 48
    YES! Me and my boyfriend both got a little fluffy. I guess you just get comfortable when your in a long relationship. We both are eating clean now though and working out. Unfortunately- I did have to come to FL for my business and he is in Phoenix but we still do it even though were 2000 miles apart for the time being. He comes and visits for a week once a month thought so its not that bad. Only 11 more months. :)
  • TrailRunnermn
    TrailRunnermn Posts: 105 Member
    It helps if the person you are with is into eating well and working out. If not, it can be a struggle. It's almost like a fairy tale...two people who love working out actually end up together. Usually it's one person who's all about health and fitness and the other isn't. How does that happen so often?
  • It helps if the person you are with is into eating well and working out. If not, it can be a struggle. It's almost like a fairy tale...two people who love working out actually end up together. Usually it's one person who's all about health and fitness and the other isn't. How does that happen so often?

    Opposites attract???
  • xjgirl94
    xjgirl94 Posts: 64 Member
    He use to play baseball for school but he had two elbow surgeries and never started playing again. Im usually home by myself but he eats what I cook plus junk food lol
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    I use to be 165 and when me and my fiance got together I started gaining weight. I have no clue what it was that was causing me to gain. I guess I just got happy and forgot to worry about my health and here I am now on MFP! I started almost 3 weeks ago at 203.5 now I am weighing in at 196.8 and I feel better. Has this happened to anyone else???
    Yes, and I thought I carried the weight well.
    :# DELUSION :#
    One day I asked my wife about my weight, and she said though I'd always be loved, I was just no longer attractive so fat. This was the guy she dated and eventually married: 6zaciowm0ev5.png
    Pack on about 100 pounds, and this guy was buried in a mound of lard.
    I appreciate her honesty as well as my doctor warning me endlessly. Anyway, I lost the weight, and all is well today.
    If I can do it, so can you! Good luck in your journey.

  • xjgirl94
    xjgirl94 Posts: 64 Member
    50sFit wrote: »
    I use to be 165 and when me and my fiance got together I started gaining weight. I have no clue what it was that was causing me to gain. I guess I just got happy and forgot to worry about my health and here I am now on MFP! I started almost 3 weeks ago at 203.5 now I am weighing in at 196.8 and I feel better. Has this happened to anyone else???
    Yes, and I thought I carried the weight well.
    :# DELUSION :#
    One day I asked my wife about my weight, and she said though I'd always be loved, I was just no longer attractive so fat. This was the guy she dated and eventually married: 6zaciowm0ev5.png
    Pack on about 100 pounds, and this guy was buried in a mound of lard.
    I appreciate her honesty as well as my doctor warning me endlessly. Anyway, I lost the weight, and all is well today.
    If I can do it, so can you! Good luck in your journey.

    Wow you look great!!!! Thanks that really motivates me!
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    Wow you look great!!!! Thanks that really motivates me!
    It was a hard struggle, and the fight now is maintaining weight while sharpening the saw and becoming the best version of myself. Again, thanks!