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*closed group* Flab to Fab 3, Part 2!

Hi ladies,
We met 500 posts so our last thread is locked, so here is a new one for us to start gabbing on! =)


  • kms1981
    kms1981 Posts: 207 Member
    Don't know if my last post posted: Down 1.6 pounds this week! That makes a total of 7.2 pounds and 9.5 inches in one month! So happy!
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    Yay that's awesome! I have to post more in this thread.

    ^ Nice job with the weigh in this week!

    I was only down .6 this week and I am a bit disgruntled about it. I didn't go over my calories on Easter at all and was doing SO WELL. On Wednesday I had my worst day in a long, long time and had SUCH a huge binge. I have still been having a hard time getting back on track. Tonight I am going to a wedding and I have to admit I am pretty scared about it. :\

    Any tips on how to stay on track at the wedding? Alcohol won't be a problem at all. Drinks are never a problem for me. But the food. Ahhhhhhh the food. :(
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Great job ladies!! So proud of all the losses! :bigsmile:

    Here's my 4 week results:

    March 31st
    April 29th

    Weight 172lbs
    170.2lbs -1.8lbs
    BMI 30.5
    30.1 -.4
    Neck 14"
    14" -0"
    L Arm 13"
    12.5" -.5"
    R Arm 12.5"
    12.5" -0"
    Chest 42"
    40.5" -1.5"
    Waist 34.25"
    33.75" -.5"
    Pooch 41.5"
    40.75" - .75"
    Hips 41.5"
    40.75" -.75"
    Butt 43.25"
    42" -1.25"
    L Thigh 19"
    20" +1"
    R Thigh 19"
    20" +1"
    L Calf 15"
    14.5" -.5"
    R Calf 15.25"
    14.5" -.75"

    Total Loss of Inches: 4.5"

    Kinda bummed that my biggest loss was around my boobs haha :laugh: But I imagine that is partly because my milk is still leaving since I couldn't breastfeed Lukas. Glad there was losses most places! The gain in my thighs has got to be muscle :bigsmile:

    I didn't participate in the challenge this week because it's just my second week of Insanity and that is quite a workout in itself!! Probably wouldn't have been able to walk much anyways because it rained all week here. I'm excited to get Lukas out for a walk later today when it warms up a bit!! I've had some fluctuating weeks since my whole scale fiasco. I need to just keep pushing and make sure to watch what I eat. Mostly I need to find a way to reduce my sugar intake and keep my net calories above 1200. That has been difficult to achieve burning 600-800 calories a day.

    Who's going to be joining me for a weekend pact again this weekend?! I'm definitely going to be watching everything carefully. Need to keep loosing the weight and inches! :) 15 more pounds until I'm at my pre-pregnancy weight!!
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    this is what I posted in the thread MFP opened up for us:

    better reply so I can find this again. :-)

    Great job everyone! I'll get my measurements done tomorrow or Sunday morning. It is my birthday weekend, so I might ruin some progress I've made, hopefully not a lot. :-)
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Day 1- 4.0 miles
    Day 2- 4.5 miles
    Day 3- 4.5 miles

    not sure if I'll get to the 20, but I will tryyyyyyyyy!

    If some of you missed my rant last night, I'll try and sum it up again here. I was measured yesterday by the same guy that's been measuring me for months. He was pretty disappointed with my numbers CONSIDERING HOW MUCH I AM THERE. With him, I only lost 2 inches overall, but when I added in my butt and pooch measurements on my own it took me to 5.5. He told me basically I am doing TOO much at the gym. A typical day for me usually includes 60-120 minutes of intense cardio (HR is over 150) and then 60+ minutes of weights, heavy weights. I do about 10 exercises each body part (2 body parts a day) and do not rest in between sets for more than like 20 seconds.

    So. New plan for Kerri. I am going to aim for 60 minutes only of cardio every day and I am going to TRY to keep my HR down in the "fat buring zone." It's obvious my endurance is really good but, really, what's the benefitting? I am running 2 half marathons this summer/fall, so closer to them I will get back at this.. Back to my new plan, I am going to go "crazy" and workout in my high zone only one day a week (probably Saturdays) and I will weight train 3 days a week but only for 30 minutes and do about 5-6 exercises per muscle group.

    Well that's the plan, let's see how it goes!!
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    YAY for a new chitty chat place! :) Thank you Kerri. :)

    I'm not sure if you got my #s for weight...but just in case

    4/1 135.5
    4/8 128
    4/15 132.6
    4/22 132.6
    4/29 131
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    First off, I think it is awesome that we have closed out a thread in a month. I think that is a testament to how awesome this group is.

    For continuation purposes here are my miles for the week
    Monday- 3.0
    Wednesday- 4.0
    Thursday- 0

    I am shooting for 15 and if I do something Friday and Saturday I should be able to hit it, however I am planning on keeping saturday light workout of completely off of intentional exercise since I am running a 5K on Sunday and I want to be rested. But we will see how I feel.

    I am in for the weekend pact! My goal for this weekend is to stay under on overall calories all weekend. My parents are in town which always poses a problem since they bring their own snacks since they know we don't keep anything in the house. I have stocked up on healthy or at least healthier things I can eat. It is supposed to be gorgeous here this weekend so I expect on Saturday I will be busy with yard work and will be pretty active. I just have to be careful when we eat out. I know I am going to breakfast on Saturday and dinner on Sunday. We will probably eat lunch at the race which I am sure will not have all that healthy choices.

    My goals for next week are to
    - Stay under on sodium and carbs (changed my setting to restrict carbs a little bit more and get more protein)
    - Strength train 3 times during the week
    - 80 oz + of water a day
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    One of the girls I'm friends with on here posted this link...I think it's pretty darn cool! Especially since I <3 Subway!!! LOL.

  • nakitadawn1212
    nakitadawn1212 Posts: 135 Member
    I AM SO HAPPY!!!
    My current weight is 128.4 =) OMG!!! My new workout routine is working!!! I finally found something that is working for me!
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    Congrats!!! That is great :happy: What is your routine?
    I AM SO HAPPY!!!
    My current weight is 128.4 =) OMG!!! My new workout routine is working!!! I finally found something that is working for me!
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Ladies, you all are seriously a breath of fresh air!!!

    First, amazing losses today, pounds and inches!!! Wonderful! And for those of you who are switching things up, (Kerri!) and others, good luck!! Hopefully these will be the things your body needs...

    I had a gain today to 169.6. I keep teetering...1-ish loss, then 1-ish gain...ahhhhh!
    I had Easter, then did really well every day, but then got TOM, so overall...worked hard, but I did lose inches!
    I am currently at work, working a 12-hour night shift tonight and I forgot my little paper that had my new measurements written down...So I will add them tomorrow!
    I lost 7.75 inches total!! Yay!!!

    annnnd! I exceeded my mile goals this week!! Not bad for a zumba girl ;)

    goal: 10miles mon-fri

    mon: 2miles
    tues: 2 miles
    wed: 6 miles
    thurs: 2 miles
    fri: hoop class ; )

    12 miles total!

    soooooooo 3 weeks from tonight we'll be driving to FL- it's go-time!! ; ) that yellow bikini is gonna look good!! (or at least farrrrrrr better than last summer!!)
    ok, no I have to be more positive...

    I'm going to look amazing =D
    mindset change! lifestyle change!

    haha, thanks for listening ladies!!

    happy weekend!!!
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    Weekend pact:

    - stick to my goals for the week
    Saturday-- eat healthy!! Don't use the many cals from workout for evil ;) lol
    -- run 5k distance
    -- no pop!

    Sunday- stay under on cals!! And no pop. Verrrry tricky for a Sunday but i want to MAKE THIS HAPPEN!

    I really really want to get in to the 160s before our vacation for my birthday toward the end of June. Roughly 7 weeks to lose 7lb! Totallly doable but I need to get my butt in gear to make it happen!!
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    *bump* :D
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    @bitabbe, 7 inches ++ lost is amazing, well done! and @kerri, i hope you see success with next months measurements and you're hard work pays off :)
    Oh and guys i need some tips, i've been SO hungry all day (that tom) And just can't seem to get satisfied no matter how much i eat. I feel as if i'm opening the fridge door up every 5 minutes to see if anything new has appeared.
    Do you guys have any tips for when you're feeling like this?
  • mamunroe
    mamunroe Posts: 152 Member
    Well it is a new day and I'm feeling better about myself today!! Yesterdays weight in was very tough for me(and emotional because of TOM). My weekend pact is to drink 75 oz af water and to eat healthy and get a walk or 2 in. Thanks for being there for me everyone. :flowerforyou:
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    I feel as if i'm opening the fridge door up every 5 minutes to see if anything new has appeared.
    Do you guys have any tips for when you're feeling like this?

    I swear I do this often! I have loaded up on SO many low cal snacks so I can eat something and then snack on something a little bit later. I am SUCH a snacker. I bought those veggie straws and you can eat 38 of them for only 130 calories. They are delish too. You can always portion them out and divide them in half so you have "extra" to snack on?

    I also snack on baby carrots or a rice cake with peanut butter.

    Am I making any sense? LOL.

    I do also try to drink lots of water because that really does help you out. When I eat I drink a glass of diet pop. It kinda' satisfies any lingering hunger for some reason too. It gives that little extra something.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member

    Ok, I got your attention =)
    I just wanted to share some info that I learned today. I also plan on meeting with this woman again on Tuesday so hopefully I will have more to report!

    I met with a woman I know who is very smart. She has a phd in biochemistry, microbiology and 2 masters degrees. She teaches nutrition to MD students at Wayne State University in Detroit (my alma mater ;) and has a whole other long list of credentials. If you're me, you like FACTS and not some load of crap or band wagon people jump on, ESPECIALLY when it comes to diet and exercise. I told her everything there possibly is to know about me, JUST focusing my diet/exercise that is. I'm going to try and type out what I learned today and I hope it makes sense.

    BMI=crap she said. It does not take into consideration anything important. She said it's a good "litmus test" for Dr.'s but other than that you need to take into consideration body fat % and your frame.

    So for me, I am (rounded up) 5'9" and have a "medium body frame" so my GOAL weight should be calculated this way. 105 lbs to start at 5'0" then 6# every inch. For SMALL body frames it's 100 pounds to start at 5'0 then up 5# with every inch. SO I URGE ALL YOU LADIES TO USE THIS AND FIGURE OUT YOUR GOAL. Be honest about your frame. So for me, I am near my goal. She also said that this can be +/- 5%. SO, I would be great at 152-168 lbs.

    Moving along, in terms of nutrition. She had this to say. "If you want to lose weight, eat your weight + a zero. SO for me being in the 160's, I should be eating 1600 calories a day to LOSE WEIGHT. This does NOT work if you are working out. SHE DEMANDED that I eat 80% of my exercise calories daily as well. SO if you know me before, you know I was eating 1400 a day and NOT eating (or tryiing to eat) my exercise cals. She said your body will hold on to FAT if you don't feed it. EEK. I had been given advice by a personal trainer and a nutritionist but they never explained the physiology to me.

    All post workout meals should be about a 5:1 carb:protein ratio. I was eating way too much protein. The body can not store protein, it turns it to fat.

    Finally I learned that warming up and cooling down during workouts is VERY important. She gave this analogy......
    If you hop on a treadmill or start doing a high intense class/video you're heart rate SHOOTS up, which causes a spike in adrenalin, "like you're being chased by a bear!" and then you're body does something with it's cortosil levels (fat) and immediately starts to "hang on to the fat".. "so you're being chased by a bear and your body starts to freak out and hang on to the fat first".... lol, it made more sense when she was explaing it to me, sorry guys, I'm a bad story teller!
    SO, get in the warm up to warn your body and same with cool down.

    SO, that's what I learned today. She didn't really answer my questions about how much cardio/weights to do but that is on my agenda for our meeting on Tuesday! =)

    Happy weekend everyone! I am working on the spreadsheet but I'm missing over 1/3 of the measurements and weights!! where is everyone!?!? =)
  • Hi Ladies!!

    Just wanted to check in! I think this is a great group, and I am really happy to be a part of it. I wanted to explain my lack of posting. We had a new system release at work and it caused us to get super behind! So last week and this week I worked over 60 hours! It was a little crazy. I was hardly able to workout, but squeezed in what I could.

    They may want us to work OT next week, but I will get up at 5AM if I have to and get a workout in! That is my challenge to myself this week.

    I had beat my time yesterday for my mile!!! I did it in 9 min 15 Sec!!! WHOO!!!

    My long term goal is to run faster than my husband. He is always been in shape (which can be frustrating) He can get out and run 8 min miles and not even blink and eye. He can also eat everything in site and not gain a pound. (fun times I know)

    I on the other hand look at food and it goes strait to my bum!!!! BHAHAAHAH! :sad:

    Kerri!!! I will get you all my information tonight. Sorry I was slacking! Thank you for sharing that information from that lady. I eat a lot of protien - a lot - and low carbs. Hmmmm now I am wondering if I should change it up a bit. Well if I do that will be a next week project.

    Take care ladies!!! Happy weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    Kerri - thank you for all the awesome info! :) I really would like to start taking that into consideration. I am happy to know that my goal weight is what I should be! 115 (or so). 16 more lbs to go! :)

    When did you graduate from WSU? I went there for the last 1/2 of my bachelor's. I graduated in Dec of '04.