starvation mode



  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    Totally not a myth. You can test whether or not it's a myth by keeping up this extremely lo cal diet. Soon, your periods will stop coming on time, and then stop coming altogether. That will be your body's signal to you that you are messing yourself up so bad that your body knows you can't sustain a pregnancy, so it won't let you.

    This is anorexia. Please eat. :(
  • simplepuremaddness
    simplepuremaddness Posts: 33 Member
    While i appricate all the things that have been said, iv lost just under two stone doing it this way?
  • sorry to agree with everyone else.. your body will break down becus it is not getting enough to be able to function in the long run.

    400-500 calories is way to low, and you may not feel it now, but in the long run you can end up with health issues, go to a doc he will tell you to boost it up and eat more.

    The least a woman should eat is 800 calories and no more than 1200-1500 calories..
  • I know the temptation to eat so fewer less calories b/c you will see some immediate results on the scale. You will get such intense cravings, you will likely end up gorging yourself and then your body will start holding onto that food longer b/c you are not providing it the necessary energy. Even if you are small and do not get hungry often, i would still suggest making sure you get AT THE LEAST 1000 a day. That way you have room to eat more if your body demands it...which it will.

    400-500 calories a day is going to set you back. Even celebrities who are under intense pressure to be underweight eat more than that.

    You may see some immediate results, but after a week or so your body is going to punish you.
  • denise980
    denise980 Posts: 296
    This is anorexia. Please eat. :(

    I agree with you. It most definitely is.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Starvation mode is most definitely real but the threshold is different for everyone. I know that if I get fewer than 1400 calories a day I stop burning fat. After my son was born I was eating 400-700 net calories (without realizing I was eating so little) and I didn't lose any weight for that time period.

    You are definitely not eating enough. You should be eating about 3 times what you are now.
  • cowpoke06
    cowpoke06 Posts: 171
    I was recently wondering about this questions myself and I'm going to refer to a couple of GREAT sites that I found, including a post somewhere in the

    bump for now :)
  • DATIN1
    DATIN1 Posts: 2
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    Just curious...if it is unhealthy to eat 500 calories per day, because of the starvation mode. Then why do doctors allow their patients to do the HCG diet of 500 calories per day???
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    i have to really controll what i eat or i over eat in the excess. eating too few is better than eating 2500 no?

    No. That's not an accurate comparison to make because the health benefits/risks are different.
  • simplepuremaddness
    simplepuremaddness Posts: 33 Member
    sadly no. 400-500. if that. today im on 380ish.

    I am saying this out of sincere worry - 400-500 calories per day is not safe, nor sustainable. Your body needs more fuel than that to function properly. What does MFP say your daily calorie goal should be?

    I found this info on Wikipedia:

    "Starvation mode is a state in which the body is responding to prolonged periods of low caloric intake levels. During short periods of caloric abstinence, the human body will burn primarily free fatty acids from body fat stores. After prolonged periods of starvation the body has depleted its body fat and begins to burn lean tissue and muscle as a fuel source.[1]

    Ordinarily, the body responds to reduced caloric intake by burning fat reserves first, and only consumes muscle and other tissues when those reserves are exhausted.[citation needed] Specifically, the body burns fat after first exhausting the contents of the digestive tract along with glycogen reserves stored in muscle and liver cells.[2] After prolonged periods of starvation, the body will utilize the proteins within muscle tissue as a fuel source.

    Starvation ensues when the fat reserves are completely exhausted and protein is the only fuel source available to the body. Thus, after periods of starvation, the loss of body protein affects the function of important organs, and death results, even if there are still fat reserves left unused. (In a leaner person, the fat reserves are depleted earlier, the protein depletion occurs sooner, and therefore death occurs sooner.)"

    Take care of yourself

    All the best,

    mfp says to be eating 1200 calories but i bumped it down to 700 and to be honest i cant remember the last time i hit that goal. My diet is healthy, just low in calories, i eat a load of salad, fruits vegetables.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    While i appricate all the things that have been said, iv lost just under two stone doing it this way?

    Wouldn't you rather continue to lose weight and actually be healthy at the same time?
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    sadly no. 400-500. if that. today im on 380ish.

    I am saying this out of sincere worry - 400-500 calories per day is not safe, nor sustainable. Your body needs more fuel than that to function properly. What does MFP say your daily calorie goal should be?

    I found this info on Wikipedia:

    "Starvation mode is a state in which the body is responding to prolonged periods of low caloric intake levels. During short periods of caloric abstinence, the human body will burn primarily free fatty acids from body fat stores. After prolonged periods of starvation the body has depleted its body fat and begins to burn lean tissue and muscle as a fuel source.[1]

    Ordinarily, the body responds to reduced caloric intake by burning fat reserves first, and only consumes muscle and other tissues when those reserves are exhausted.[citation needed] Specifically, the body burns fat after first exhausting the contents of the digestive tract along with glycogen reserves stored in muscle and liver cells.[2] After prolonged periods of starvation, the body will utilize the proteins within muscle tissue as a fuel source.

    Starvation ensues when the fat reserves are completely exhausted and protein is the only fuel source available to the body. Thus, after periods of starvation, the loss of body protein affects the function of important organs, and death results, even if there are still fat reserves left unused. (In a leaner person, the fat reserves are depleted earlier, the protein depletion occurs sooner, and therefore death occurs sooner.)"

    Take care of yourself

    All the best,

    mfp says to be eating 1200 calories but i bumped it down to 700 and to be honest i cant remember the last time i hit that goal. My diet is healthy, just low in calories, i eat a load of salad, fruits vegetables.

    no your diet is NOT healthy.
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    sadly no. 400-500. if that. today im on 380ish.

    I am saying this out of sincere worry - 400-500 calories per day is not safe, nor sustainable. Your body needs more fuel than that to function properly. What does MFP say your daily calorie goal should be?

    I found this info on Wikipedia:

    "Starvation mode is a state in which the body is responding to prolonged periods of low caloric intake levels. During short periods of caloric abstinence, the human body will burn primarily free fatty acids from body fat stores. After prolonged periods of starvation the body has depleted its body fat and begins to burn lean tissue and muscle as a fuel source.[1]

    Ordinarily, the body responds to reduced caloric intake by burning fat reserves first, and only consumes muscle and other tissues when those reserves are exhausted.[citation needed] Specifically, the body burns fat after first exhausting the contents of the digestive tract along with glycogen reserves stored in muscle and liver cells.[2] After prolonged periods of starvation, the body will utilize the proteins within muscle tissue as a fuel source.

    Starvation ensues when the fat reserves are completely exhausted and protein is the only fuel source available to the body. Thus, after periods of starvation, the loss of body protein affects the function of important organs, and death results, even if there are still fat reserves left unused. (In a leaner person, the fat reserves are depleted earlier, the protein depletion occurs sooner, and therefore death occurs sooner.)"

    Take care of yourself

    All the best,

    Exactly what I was saying! You will lose weight eating only that much but when the fat runs out your body basically starts to EAT ITSELF!
  • simplepuremaddness
    simplepuremaddness Posts: 33 Member
    my weight isnt low enough for anarexia guys. Look at my pedometer thing. my weight is healthy
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    i have to really controll what i eat or i over eat in the excess. eating too few is better than eating 2500 no?

    400-500 is not "too few", it's starving yourself. You have gone far beyond controlling what you eat in order to reach a healthy weight. If you feel you have to control yourself this much you need to see a professional who can help you get your eating under control.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    my weight isnt low enough for anarexia guys. Look at my pedometer thing. my weight is healthy

    You dont have to be sickly thin to have an eating disorder.
  • AshleyLauren589
    AshleyLauren589 Posts: 139 Member
    sadly no. 400-500. if that. today im on 380ish.

    I am saying this out of sincere worry - 400-500 calories per day is not safe, nor sustainable. Your body needs more fuel than that to function properly. What does MFP say your daily calorie goal should be?

    I found this info on Wikipedia:

    "Starvation mode is a state in which the body is responding to prolonged periods of low caloric intake levels. During short periods of caloric abstinence, the human body will burn primarily free fatty acids from body fat stores. After prolonged periods of starvation the body has depleted its body fat and begins to burn lean tissue and muscle as a fuel source.[1]

    Ordinarily, the body responds to reduced caloric intake by burning fat reserves first, and only consumes muscle and other tissues when those reserves are exhausted.[citation needed] Specifically, the body burns fat after first exhausting the contents of the digestive tract along with glycogen reserves stored in muscle and liver cells.[2] After prolonged periods of starvation, the body will utilize the proteins within muscle tissue as a fuel source.

    Starvation ensues when the fat reserves are completely exhausted and protein is the only fuel source available to the body. Thus, after periods of starvation, the loss of body protein affects the function of important organs, and death results, even if there are still fat reserves left unused. (In a leaner person, the fat reserves are depleted earlier, the protein depletion occurs sooner, and therefore death occurs sooner.)"

    Take care of yourself

    All the best,

    mfp says to be eating 1200 calories but i bumped it down to 700 and to be honest i cant remember the last time i hit that goal. My diet is healthy, just low in calories, i eat a load of salad, fruits vegetables.

    You're losing weight now, like you said, but the second you start eating like a normal person again you will gain MORE than you lost. If you intend to continue to starve yourself like this forever, you're probably not going to be around very long. It's not maintainable. Wouldn't you rather lose weight and keep it off? When I was in my senior year of highschool I was eating about 600 calories a day, and I got thin, but I also got really really sick. Don't do that to yourself -- find balance. Work out more. You need to eat to burn fat, which is not what you're doing right now.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    my weight isnt low enough for anarexia guys. Look at my pedometer thing. my weight is healthy

    Anorexia is a mental disorder. Your weight may not be extremely low yet but if you continue on this path it will get there eventually. What you are doing is incredibly unhealthy for your body. You are risking permanent organ damage, even organ failure and death. Is that really a smart way to lose weight?
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I don't understand why people want to go into starvation mode to begin with (not saying this is what you are personally wanting to do). I been there, done that in high school and was misserable, passed out a lot, light headed all the time... There is no fuel for the body, no protein for the muscles, no carbs for the brain to function. Your body will, like everything, get use to the low calorie intake and plateau as well. This may be a "quick fix" but not overall or in the long run.

    I am done lecturing and for sure there will be numerous opinions posted. I have learned that people will do what they want no matter what is told to them. Personally, talk to a doctor you trust about calories and what is right for you.

    Good luck and take care! :smile:
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