Paleolithic (Caveman) Diet



  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    BigGuy47 wrote: »
    So if you really want to recreate the health benefits of palaeolithic life in modern times, then you should not allow yourself to eat until you've done exercise that imitates hunting and/or gathering.
    Does walking to the grocery store count?

    Only if you are carrying a spear and wearing a loin cloth. B)

    Pics or it didn't happen!

    You will need to wait till spring for those!
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited November 2014
    BigGuy47 wrote: »
    So if you really want to recreate the health benefits of palaeolithic life in modern times, then you should not allow yourself to eat until you've done exercise that imitates hunting and/or gathering.
    Does walking to the grocery store count?

    Only if you are carrying a spear and wearing a loin cloth. B)

    Palaeolithic people probably didn't wear loin cloths. Lower palaeolithic people would have gone naked. Middle palaeolithc people had clothing but it almost certainly was mainly functional, probably was decorative to some extent but it's unlikely they had modern ideas about modesty, and a loincloth is completely pointless from a functional point of view, and isn't that good from a decorative point of view as it covers what's often considered to be the most sexually attractive parts of the human body. Upper palaeolithic people were culturally diverse enough that some of them may have worn something akin to a loin cloth, but going by modern hunter-gatherers, most probably didn't.

    So for a really authentic palaeo walk to the grocery store experience, you should either go naked, or wear an animal hide around your shoulders to keep warm/keep the rain off, but not worry about covering your genitalia. You can decorate it with red ochre if you like though, or charcoal.

    Lol I knew you wouldn't let that anachronism go by! ;)
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    BigGuy47 wrote: »
    So if you really want to recreate the health benefits of palaeolithic life in modern times, then you should not allow yourself to eat until you've done exercise that imitates hunting and/or gathering.
    Does walking to the grocery store count?
    That all depends on which neighborhood you live... B)

  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I could never go palio or primal. I couldn't hunt for my food, I would never survive, besides I don't even know where sandwiches live.

    The magical Isle of Sandwich, ruled by the Earl of Sandwich: Sir Loin.
  • If you want a good read about how man is very adaptable and as long as he is eating "food" he can survive and thrive on pretty much anything read "Diet Cults: The Surprising Fallacy at the Core of Nutrition Fads and a Guide to Healthy Eating for the Rest of Us" by Matt Fitzgerald. I like what he espouses, which is "Healthy Agnostic Eating" which means exactly what it says. He says that a "Diet Cult" believes there is only "one true way" to eat for maximum health, and that their appeal is their power to make healthy eating easier for some people by offering a food-based identity to latch onto. Hey, I have no problem with people "believing" that what THEY are doing works, but when it becomes nonsense like "we were only MEANT to eat such-and-so way" etc etc I tune out.

    Happy reading!
  • hhumphries578
    hhumphries578 Posts: 8 Member
    I found that in doing the Paleo diet, I effectively lowered both carbs and sugar in my diet! It made it a lot easier to hit a good number of the fats and proteins that normally I had a hard time with before. Paleo diet made it a lot easier to stay within my calorie limit too, as a meal of only meat and veggies is pretty low cal compared to sandwiches and such, and still filling.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I found that in doing the Paleo diet, I effectively lowered both carbs and sugar in my diet! It made it a lot easier to hit a good number of the fats and proteins that normally I had a hard time with before. Paleo diet made it a lot easier to stay within my calorie limit too, as a meal of only meat and veggies is pretty low cal compared to sandwiches and such, and still filling.

    well yes, if you eliminate a whole group of foods because they are "bad" or "modern" then yes, it is easy to eat in a deficit…

    you can do the same thing, but just eating less of all foods….its not magic..
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    rowlandsw wrote: »
    I could never go palio or primal. I couldn't hunt for my food, I would never survive, besides I don't even know where sandwiches live.

    The magical Isle of Sandwich, ruled by the Earl of Sandwich: Sir Loin.

    is that next to unicornia…?
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    rowlandsw wrote: »
    I could never go palio or primal. I couldn't hunt for my food, I would never survive, besides I don't even know where sandwiches live.

    The magical Isle of Sandwich, ruled by the Earl of Sandwich: Sir Loin.

    is that next to unicornia…?

    I hear unicorn is tasty.

  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    rowlandsw wrote: »
    I could never go palio or primal. I couldn't hunt for my food, I would never survive, besides I don't even know where sandwiches live.

    The magical Isle of Sandwich, ruled by the Earl of Sandwich: Sir Loin.

    is that next to unicornia…?

    I hear unicorn is tasty.


    if unicorns existed, neanderthals would have hunted and eaten them
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    rowlandsw wrote: »
    I could never go palio or primal. I couldn't hunt for my food, I would never survive, besides I don't even know where sandwiches live.

    The magical Isle of Sandwich, ruled by the Earl of Sandwich: Sir Loin.

    is that next to unicornia…?

    I hear unicorn is tasty.


    if unicorns existed, neanderthals would have hunted and eaten them

    Maybe thats why they dont exist.....hmmm.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Dave198lbs wrote: »
    Sooner or later, you will have to find a way to develop a healthy relationship with your food. All of it. Even the ice cream and bread.

    not really. Deciding you do not want to eat something does not mean you have an UNhealthy relationship with that food item. There are no absolutes like the above.

    You disagree that sooner or later you have to develop a healthy relationship with your food in order to eat in a healthy manner? The specific examples were just that...examples. So, if you didn't like ice cream, or were lactose intolerant, obviously you would not eat ice cream...but the point was that cutting out carbs is not healthy in the long term, as evidenced by scientific studies, and so sooner or later you will have to deal with your relationship to them.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    emily_stew wrote: »
    daynerz wrote: »
    In terms of health Paleo is great. No diabetes and cancer in those days, makes sense to eat this way. Great way to eat, I had done it before. Primal way to eat, not a fad diet, it's actually the all natural way. Most people are whiny and emotionally attached to food and remain in denial while they keep eating their unnatural burgers.

    Give this approach a go, body composition will change. I had great results, no brain fog, lots of energy, less toxins. Make sure to eat greens if you are a big animal protein eater. The end of the day, it matters how balanced on the PH scale your body is, a body too acidic (burgers, meats) is one for disease... however greens and fruits will even it out, being alkaline.

    GL, give it a go <3

    Do you have any proof for any one of your absurd statements?

    I bolded the dumbest of your statements for you. What is an unnatural burger? Is it those plastic burgers you find in children's play sets? Because you're right, those are pretty gross.

    don't hold your breath …that person is not coming back ..she jumps in threads and spouts nonsense and then never comes back to defend said nonsensical statements...
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    emily_stew wrote: »
    daynerz wrote: »
    In terms of health Paleo is great. No diabetes and cancer in those days, makes sense to eat this way. Great way to eat, I had done it before. Primal way to eat, not a fad diet, it's actually the all natural way. Most people are whiny and emotionally attached to food and remain in denial while they keep eating their unnatural burgers.

    Give this approach a go, body composition will change. I had great results, no brain fog, lots of energy, less toxins. Make sure to eat greens if you are a big animal protein eater. The end of the day, it matters how balanced on the PH scale your body is, a body too acidic (burgers, meats) is one for disease... however greens and fruits will even it out, being alkaline.

    GL, give it a go <3

    Do you have any proof for any one of your absurd statements?

    I bolded the dumbest of your statements for you. What is an unnatural burger? Is it those plastic burgers you find in children's play sets? Because you're right, those are pretty gross.

    I guess this would count as a natural chicken burger -- as long as it's free range, right?


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    emily_stew wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    emily_stew wrote: »
    daynerz wrote: »
    In terms of health Paleo is great. No diabetes and cancer in those days, makes sense to eat this way. Great way to eat, I had done it before. Primal way to eat, not a fad diet, it's actually the all natural way. Most people are whiny and emotionally attached to food and remain in denial while they keep eating their unnatural burgers.

    Give this approach a go, body composition will change. I had great results, no brain fog, lots of energy, less toxins. Make sure to eat greens if you are a big animal protein eater. The end of the day, it matters how balanced on the PH scale your body is, a body too acidic (burgers, meats) is one for disease... however greens and fruits will even it out, being alkaline.

    GL, give it a go <3

    Do you have any proof for any one of your absurd statements?

    I bolded the dumbest of your statements for you. What is an unnatural burger? Is it those plastic burgers you find in children's play sets? Because you're right, those are pretty gross.

    don't hold your breath …that person is not coming back ..she jumps in threads and spouts nonsense and then never comes back to defend said nonsensical statements...
    Sigh, I know.

    But she studies NUTRITION!

    something tells me it is a troll account….

    just because one studies nutrition does not make them a genius on the subject lol…

    have you seen some of the stuff people post on here about what their "nutritionist" told them to do….
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    SideSteel wrote: »
    Hi all,

    Has anyone had any experience with the Paleolithic diet? I've read a lot of things about it but I think cutting out diary would be quite difficult - I've heard that calcium levels are lower in people on this diet (which isn't good for bones!)...

    I think it's a good idea to stick to a diet comprised of mostly whole and nutrient dense foods and the paleo diet does tend to do this but this feature is not unique to the paleo diet. The elimination of specific food items are without merit in many cases, so an alternative that you could consider would be to adopt a strategy where the majority of your diet consists of whole and nutrient dense foods, but you don't abide by any particular nonsensical rules about arbitrary food restrictions based on inaccurate records of "what our ancestors ate".

    That way you still reap the benefits of a nutrient dense diet without too much junk food (but some, if you prefer) but you don't have as many rules/restrictions.

    For your sake daynerz send a friend request to SideSteel and listen and research for yourself what he says. He's one of the most reasonable people on this site and will help you reach your goal of becoming a decent nutritionist using critical thinking.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    daynerz wrote: »
    In terms of health Paleo is great. No diabetes and cancer in those days, makes sense to eat this way. Great way to eat, I had done it before. Primal way to eat, not a fad diet, it's actually the all natural way. Most people are whiny and emotionally attached to food and remain in denial while they keep eating their unnatural burgers.

    Give this approach a go, body composition will change. I had great results, no brain fog, lots of energy, less toxins. Make sure to eat greens if you are a big animal protein eater. The end of the day, it matters how balanced on the PH scale your body is, a body too acidic (burgers, meats) is one for disease... however greens and fruits will even it out, being alkaline.

    GL, give it a go <3

    How do you reconcile the above with having Layne Norton as one of your inspirations?

  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited November 2014
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    daynerz wrote: »
    In terms of health Paleo is great. No diabetes and cancer in those days, makes sense to eat this way. Great way to eat, I had done it before. Primal way to eat, not a fad diet, it's actually the all natural way. Most people are whiny and emotionally attached to food and remain in denial while they keep eating their unnatural burgers.

    Give this approach a go, body composition will change. I had great results, no brain fog, lots of energy, less toxins. Make sure to eat greens if you are a big animal protein eater. The end of the day, it matters how balanced on the PH scale your body is, a body too acidic (burgers, meats) is one for disease... however greens and fruits will even it out, being alkaline.

    GL, give it a go <3

    Ummmmm you know that the earliest record of Diabetes is about 1500 BCE in Egypt right?? Seriously, pretty sure that doesn't count as modern times. Don't believe me? How about 1700 AD in France, it was known as the "sugar disease". I mean, sure doctors were still rocking leeches and blood letting but they were also hip to diabetes enough to actually taste a patients urine for a sickly sweet taste.

    I'm just saying. Pesky little things like well know historically recorded facts are killing your argument. As to cave men and cancer... Lack of recorded evidence does not equal lack of existenc. Hasn't modern science (and even ANCIENT science) already taught us that. How would they even FIND cancer!?

    I'm not saying the diet may not be great, I'm just saying your jacked up "facts" make everything that you have to say after that seem incredibly uncreditable.
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi all,

    Has anyone had any experience with the Paleolithic diet? I've read a lot of things about it but I think cutting out diary would be quite difficult - I've heard that calcium levels are lower in people on this diet (which isn't good for bones!)...

    I thought I would simply answer OP's original question - yes Chris I have had experience with the Palaeolithic diet but only in recent years. For close on 20 years, maybe more, I have tried to eliminate processed food & artificial foods from my diet. This came about because I had allergic, asthmatic children and a type 1 diabetic husband. I always believed in natural foods being more healthy like butter instead of margarine, that sort of thing and we always tried to eat plenty of meat, chicken, fish, vegetables and fruit. We still drink alcohol and enjoyed chocolate and sweets occasionally.

    For most of that time, wheat was not excluded from our diets. My daughter having grown up eating this way and still finding herself having health issues with asthma and allergies, did her own research and was tested and found she was not only allergic to wheat, she was lactose intolerant.

    When she was home, I found myself cutting more and more wheat out of our diets and I found that I too felt a lot better if I didn't eat bread. No more headaches, foggy brain and stomach issues. I no longer felt bloated and slightly ill after a meal.

    There are lots of styles of diets that are similar to how I eat but Primal/Paleo is the diet and style that I aspire to. I want to eventually cut wheat out of my diet completely and eliminate added refined sugar. I am not sure I will ever get rid of dairy, as I don't think it effects me in any way and I think I would miss eating cheese. For those who do cut out dairy there are heaps of ways to get enough calcium. For instance, Chia seeds have 5 times more calcium than milk.

    I keep hearing about this restrictive eating. I honestly don't see that as we eat a wide variety of food and the recipes are endless. It is mostly artificial and processed food that is eliminated from our menus and as I don't use a lot of chemical to clean, I rarely need to go down the centre isles in a supermarket.

    I really don't see what I am giving up apart from a lot of crappy, unhealthy food that my body doesn't need. And as for this caveman stuff - to me that just means eat as close to nature as possible, eat local and in season fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs, fish, grass fed meat and free range chickens.

    So Chris, I thoroughly recommend that you read a decent Paleo book as I believe we are going to see a health revolution over the next few years and a return to healthy eating with more and more people turning their back on junk food. Listen to your body as food is your medicine.