Lose 5+ pounds in April, Yes We Can!



  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    for a nice change im really looking forward to tomorrows weighin!! today im at 211.4 lbs. im so excited to finally be at a SMALL number over the 200 mark. gosh, the days when i was 259 seem like a lifetime ago.

    my sister is going on holiday for a hen weekend soon, and wants to lose some weight, so we are both having a race of sorts to lose a stone. i started at 214, her at 224 i think. for me its doubly important, because a stone takes me to 200, which is my first big goal. its a hurdle ive been running to for well over a year. so excited!!

    200 was originally my goal for july 10th, when we go to Florida for vacay. but i think i can push past that even more by then, 190 possibly?? :tongue:
  • stephcorona
    stephcorona Posts: 114 Member
    This mornign the scale said 132.4 :)))
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    4-1 206.5
    4-8 205.5
    4-15 204.5
    4-22 202.0
    4-29 199.5
  • stephcorona
    stephcorona Posts: 114 Member
    131.8!!! yay
  • chancie72
    chancie72 Posts: 270 Member
    Name: chancie

    Goal weight on April 30th: 170

    04/01: 176.4
    04/08: 172.2
    04/15: 170.4
    04/22: 170.2
    04/30 169.8
  • DJ31
    DJ31 Posts: 64 Member
    Name: DJ31

    Goal weight on April 30th: 158

    04/01: 168
    04/08: 165.8
    04/15: 163.8
    04/22: 162
    04/29: 159.5 :(

    I didn't make my goal, but I did come so close!
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    Name: JD92

    Goal weight on April 30th: 214 (-6.2lbs)

    04/01: 220.2
    04/08: 218.0
    04/15: 219.0
    04/22: 217.6
    04/30: 213.0

    made my goal with a pound to spare :happy: i actually should be lighter, round the 211 mark, but technically i weighed myself in the middle of the night, before my body shed all that excess weight it gains in the day. but im still ecstatic with this number!!

    hoping to break the teens and get into the zeros next week :smile:
  • RenaeMG
    RenaeMG Posts: 19
    Goal weight on April 30th: 200
    04/01: 204
    04/08: 202.5
    04/15: 200.5
    04/22: 199.5
    04/30: 200

    Well I met my April 30th goal weight even with the really bad performance over the long weekend. I didn't think i was even going to make it to 200 when i stepped on the scale on the 26th.
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    Goal weight on April 30th: 145

    04/01: 153.5 (up almost a lb this week :()
    04/08: 151.8 (goal 151)
    04/15: 152 (goal 149)
    04/22: 148.2 (goal 147)
    04/30: 147.4 (goal 145)

    I did not have a good week, Think I really only worked out once this week :( BUT I was able to get down 6 lbs this month, not to my goal, but 6 lbs is 6 lbs. I can not wait tell next month.

    How was everyones month? we had a ton of lbs lost and I loved reading everyones comments.

    Good luck to all.
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    Oh I was 146.6 on Sunday... so I know I can do it again if I work hard :)
  • supermom4abcd
    supermom4abcd Posts: 151 Member
    Name: DeAnn

    Goal weight on April 30th: 158

    04/01: 163
    04/08: 161.6
    04/15: 159.8
    04/22: 158.7
    04/30: 156.3

    Whoopee! This was fun! Thanks for heading this up!
  • sparkle327
    Goal - 132

    04/01: 137
    04/08: 136.6
    04/15: 136.2
    04/22: 135.8!! Going to push it for the last week!!
    04/30: 135.8

    This was a tough month for me and actual weight loss. I did not lose a lot of weight but I feel good and I am proud of myself for the committing to being active. I just hit a plateau. But I am going to keep pushing to me goal.
  • Smoodysmom
    Name: Smoodysmom(Selena) April 30th: 135 GW


    Didn't quite make it(over indulged while on vacation) but the (weight lose) challenge is far from over...I'm on it next month to lose at least 5 lbs! Great challenge btw!!!!!
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    Goal weight on 4/30: 194.8

    04/01: 200.8
    04/08: 199.2
    04/15: 198.0
    04/22: 196.6
    04/30: 193.8

    Woo! I beat my goal for this month with an extra pound to spare! Hopefully I can do the same in May's challenge!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Maintained this week. I was relaxed with the eating this week. I will be ready tomorrow to hit it hard again May 1st.

    Congrats to all and have a good weekend!:flowerforyou:

    Name: Mollie1037

    Goal weight on April 30th: 344

    04/01: 354
    04/08: 354
    04/15: 348
    04/22: 344
    04/30: 344
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    Name: kamk16

    Goal weight on April 30th: 139lbs (hopefully will be able to break into the 130's)

    04/01: 144.8lbs
    04/08: 143.6lbs (down 1.2lbs)
    04/15: 143.8lbs (up 0.2lbs)
    04/22: 141.4lbs (down 2.4lbs)
    04/30: 141.0 didn't reach my goal:cry: I am having such a hard time getting out of the 40's. This month has been the worst yet hopefully May will be better. It's my 40th birthday in a few days and even though I am glad to have lost what I already did I was hoping to be about at my goal. Total loss for April 3.8 pounds
  • chancie72
    chancie72 Posts: 270 Member
    Name: chancie

    Had to update, I posted yesterday then realized that we were logging in Saturday this week. Great job everyone on this month!!!
    Goal weight on April 30th: 170

    04/01: 176.4
    04/08: 172.2
    04/15: 170.4
    04/22: 170.2
    04/30 169.2
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    Name: atrayubrandy

    Goal weight on April 30th: 149

    04/01: 156.6
    04/08: 155.2 Hurray!!
    04/15: 153.6
    04/22: 152.6
    04/30: 150.6

    Well, I lost a total of 6 lbs this month. I'm pretty dang happy about that. I was hoping to get under 150 but that was just a silly arbitrary dream. Next month I will. :-)
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    04/01: Starting weight 198
    04/08: 193.6
    04/22: 187.5
    04/30: 186.2

    Total loss for the month of 11.8 lbs. Quite pleased. Hoping to get into the 170s next month.
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    Sorry I have been away this weekend... I will weigh in tomorrow :)