Goodbye veganism....



  • mbailey423
    mbailey423 Posts: 141 Member
    edited November 2014
    kellyb28 wrote: »
    Thanks guys, I'm glad I have support. I was worried that other vegans might bash me for going back, but so far I've received nothing but positive comments. My family and friends are stoked that I can cook meals with them again, haha

    Heck with other people, it's your it how you please.

    Not sure if you ever heard this saying, but I think it's a great one.

    "You have enemies? Good that means you stood up for something sometime in your life". Winston Churchill

    I hunt and fish and make no excuses for it. While it's not for everybody, I commend those that stick up for their point of view weather I agree or not

    Hope it all works out for you and your choices make YOU happy!

  • Khankimba
    Khankimba Posts: 7 Member
    _Zardoz_ wrote: »
    kellyb28 wrote: »
    I've been vegan for 8 months and just yesterday decided to give it up. I loved it for so long but for the past few weeks, meat and all other animal products have started to look extremely good. My body was craving other protein sources besides beans, soy, nuts, and carb-rich foods. It was a tough choice to make and it still feels "wrong" eating animals...but I'm so happy and feel so free. Anyone else make the switch back to being an omnivore? What was your reasoning?

    Your body does not crave protein from other sources if you have a balanced diet. You feel it's wrong to eat animals but you decide to even though it's perfectly easy to get all nutrition from non animal sources. Sounds like a bunch of excuses to me. If your morally happy to eat meat (which you obviously are because you are now ) admit don't try and make woolly excuses about your body craving things as it's just nonsense.

    Stand behind your decision if you believe its right don't make stupid excuses to try and justify them. Veganism is about compassion and non violence so if you've decided you don't agree with that that is your prerogative but please don't reinforce silly stereotypes about craving meat

    What I don't get is why make a public forum post which is just about excuses? If you wish to eat animal products fine but it sounds like your trying to convince yourself its the right thing and get lots of other people to agree with you so you can feel better about it

    I totally agree!

  • mbailey423
    mbailey423 Posts: 141 Member
    I love how people can tell you how your body feels and what you do or don't crave.
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    edited November 2014
    kellyb28 wrote: »
    I've been vegan for 8 months and just yesterday decided to give it up. I loved it for so long but for the past few weeks, meat and all other animal products have started to look extremely good. My body was craving other protein sources besides beans, soy, nuts, and carb-rich foods. It was a tough choice to make and it still feels "wrong" eating animals...but I'm so happy and feel so free. Anyone else make the switch back to being an omnivore? What was your reasoning?
    I made the switch a few years ago.
    I went Vegan, and the cravings became too much for me to bare. Also, I did not see any progress in my health or body composition. Of course, I was only a vegan for 30 seconds... >:)

  • Ash_danielle
    Ash_danielle Posts: 62 Member
    I'm not vegan but I am a vegetarian. I have three children whom I cook meat for. I don't crave it at all...i think that it's a free world we live in and we can do as we please....we can even eat what we please soooo if you want to eat meat eat meat. That's your personal choice. Not sure if you need the acknowledgement or acceptance from others. There are plenty of protein sources other than meat for us to consume so if you want more protein without consuming meat it's readily available. If you want meat you just want meat!
  • KaroshiQueen
    KaroshiQueen Posts: 213 Member
    What turns me off most about the Vegan lifestyle is all the "Holier Than Thou" preaching that typically comes with it.
  • daynerz
    daynerz Posts: 227 Member
    Steak and eggs!!! :D
  • mizroxy13
    mizroxy13 Posts: 466 Member
    I switched to being an omnivore about eight months ago, after a lifetime of being vegetarian. I felt like my diet needed changing, and was tired of my skin, nails and hair being dry and brittle. I switched to meat and veg and whole grains and haven't looked back. I absolutely will only eat grass-fed meats form sustainable sources, however. It's the only way I can feel "ok" about eating animals. QUALITY/Quantity. After traveling to Costa Rica last November, I realized how tainted and diseased our food is, so went that route and found the meat to not only taste better, but be better for everyone involved.

    My hair and nails changed quickly and I feel much more solid.

    If you need any help or advice, I'm here!
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    What turns me off most about the Vegan lifestyle is all the "Holier Than Thou" preaching that typically comes with it.

    I don't think that's so much of a problem with "the vegan lifestyle" as "vegans who also happen to be a-holes".
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    edited November 2014
    I'm not a vegetarian, but eating less meat may not be a bad idea... Check out this article on "The Island Where People Forget to Die." Of course, a lot of the advice has to do with living a very low-stress lifestyle. So, it's hard to separate the benefits of the lifestyle from the diet. It looks like these islanders are really pesco pollo vegetarians, who eat mostly vegetarian accompanied by fish and chicken on occasion.

    Also see:
  • mangogirl272727
    mangogirl272727 Posts: 95 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    _Zardoz_ wrote: »
    kellyb28 wrote: »
    I've been vegan for 8 months and just yesterday decided to give it up. I loved it for so long but for the past few weeks, meat and all other animal products have started to look extremely good. My body was craving other protein sources besides beans, soy, nuts, and carb-rich foods. It was a tough choice to make and it still feels "wrong" eating animals...but I'm so happy and feel so free. Anyone else make the switch back to being an omnivore? What was your reasoning?

    Your body does not crave protein from other sources if you have a balanced diet. You feel it's wrong to eat animals but you decide to even though it's perfectly easy to get all nutrition from non animal sources. Sounds like a bunch of excuses to me. If your morally happy to eat meat (which you obviously are because you are now ) admit don't try and make woolly excuses about your body craving things as it's just nonsense.

    Stand behind your decision if you believe its right don't make stupid excuses to try and justify them. Veganism is about compassion and non violence so if you've decided you don't agree with that that is your prerogative but please don't reinforce silly stereotypes about craving meat

    What I don't get is why make a public forum post which is just about excuses? If you wish to eat animal products fine but it sounds like your trying to convince yourself its the right thing and get lots of other people to agree with you so you can feel better about it

    You sound mad, bro. Are you mad?

    I'm an omnivore and have never had the slightest wish to become a vegitarian or vegan, and I felt much the same way as zardoz.

    If I were a vegan, I would be irritated at someone blaming their inability to stick to a way of eating on some craving that their "body" had! If someone wants meat that's fine and they should eat and enjoy (I do), but take ownership of your desires and choices, don't blame it on some "body need" that is out of your control.

    Blaming this change on anything other than a choice to enjoy meat again is a slap in the face to those who do follow the vegan way of eating. It hints that this is somehow something that is wrong for the body (since the "body" is what was craving meat)

    Op just take ownership of your choice and leave the excuses out of it.

    There is no way to get DHA omega three through a plant based diet. And iron absorption is very different and very much decreased on a plant based diet. So yeah, it is possible for someone to not feel bodily "right."

  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    _Zardoz_ wrote: »
    kellyb28 wrote: »
    I've been vegan for 8 months and just yesterday decided to give it up. I loved it for so long but for the past few weeks, meat and all other animal products have started to look extremely good. My body was craving other protein sources besides beans, soy, nuts, and carb-rich foods. It was a tough choice to make and it still feels "wrong" eating animals...but I'm so happy and feel so free. Anyone else make the switch back to being an omnivore? What was your reasoning?

    Your body does not crave protein from other sources if you have a balanced diet. You feel it's wrong to eat animals but you decide to even though it's perfectly easy to get all nutrition from non animal sources. Sounds like a bunch of excuses to me. If your morally happy to eat meat (which you obviously are because you are now ) admit don't try and make woolly excuses about your body craving things as it's just nonsense.

    Stand behind your decision if you believe its right don't make stupid excuses to try and justify them. Veganism is about compassion and non violence so if you've decided you don't agree with that that is your prerogative but please don't reinforce silly stereotypes about craving meat

    What I don't get is why make a public forum post which is just about excuses? If you wish to eat animal products fine but it sounds like your trying to convince yourself its the right thing and get lots of other people to agree with you so you can feel better about it

    You sound mad, bro. Are you mad?

    I'm an omnivore and have never had the slightest wish to become a vegitarian or vegan, and I felt much the same way as zardoz.

    If I were a vegan, I would be irritated at someone blaming their inability to stick to a way of eating on some craving that their "body" had! If someone wants meat that's fine and they should eat and enjoy (I do), but take ownership of your desires and choices, don't blame it on some "body need" that is out of your control.

    Blaming this change on anything other than a choice to enjoy meat again is a slap in the face to those who do follow the vegan way of eating. It hints that this is somehow something that is wrong for the body (since the "body" is what was craving meat)

    Op just take ownership of your choice and leave the excuses out of it.

    There is no way to get DHA omega three through a plant based diet. And iron absorption is very different and very much decreased on a plant based diet. So yeah, it is possible for someone to not feel bodily "right."

    It wasn't "my body doesn't feel right" or "my blood tests came back with a deficiency"......

  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Someone I know used to do daycare and she told a story about one of the little 3 year olds she cared for, whose family was spending a few months with someone she knew and she agreed to watch the child while the parents did some temporary work to get them back on their feet. That little girl would shovel in meat during their lunch meal, leaving the rest of the food on her plate. My friend mentioned this to her mother one day who was shocked and horrified because they were vegetarians and had never exposed their daughter to meat. Apparently she forgot to mention this to my friend so she just fed her like she did the other kids she watched.

    Another thing I thought of while reading through this thread was a discussion I had with the surgeon after a colonoscopy last year. He was talking about the typical U.S. diet and the difference between it and the diet of people from his native country. He said colon cancer is unheard of there. I asked, among other things, the average age of death in his native country, and he said, "oh, they don't live all that old because they smoke cigarettes, but they don't get colon or stomach cancer." LOL

    Its all relative I guess.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Most experts attribute our higher colon cancer to meat. But then some countries where meat isn't used much have higher incidence of stomach cancer.

    I always enjoy hearing about the new stuff they learn as it related to diet and disease. I don't really follow it closely like a hobby, but am interested when it comes up. Even when I didn't care WHAT I ate, it was interesting. :)

  • Kellyfitness128
    Kellyfitness128 Posts: 194 Member
    _Zardoz_ wrote: »
    kellyb28 wrote: »
    I've been vegan for 8 months and just yesterday decided to give it up. I loved it for so long but for the past few weeks, meat and all other animal products have started to look extremely good. My body was craving other protein sources besides beans, soy, nuts, and carb-rich foods. It was a tough choice to make and it still feels "wrong" eating animals...but I'm so happy and feel so free. Anyone else make the switch back to being an omnivore? What was your reasoning?

    Your body does not crave protein from other sources if you have a balanced diet. You feel it's wrong to eat animals but you decide to even though it's perfectly easy to get all nutrition from non animal sources. Sounds like a bunch of excuses to me. If your morally happy to eat meat (which you obviously are because you are now ) admit don't try and make woolly excuses about your body craving things as it's just nonsense.

    Stand behind your decision if you believe its right don't make stupid excuses to try and justify them. Veganism is about compassion and non violence so if you've decided you don't agree with that that is your prerogative but please don't reinforce silly stereotypes about craving meat

    What I don't get is why make a public forum post which is just about excuses? If you wish to eat animal products fine but it sounds like your trying to convince yourself its the right thing and get lots of other people to agree with you so you can feel better about it

    The cravings could have absolutely just been in my mind, not a physical craving, but I'm not sure. It's weird to me though that 7 out of the 8 months I had absolutely no desire to eat animal foods and then one day about a month ago just looking at them made me drool. So craving, boredom, whatever it was.... got the best of me. I know that veganism doesn't have to be boring but I've been so busy with school I haven't had the time to experiment with new recipes so it was salads, some sort of bean dish, or some sort of tofu dish every night. Yeah, it's an excuse. And I made this post to see if there was anyone else out there feeling the same way I did on the vegan lifestyle, what they did about it, if they went back to eating meat, etc. I'm going to eat how I want to and I don't need justification, so that's not what the post was intended to be. On top of those reasons, I really don't see the harm in buying local dairy products. The animals are raised humanely on small farms and they aren't harming the environment so what's wrong with buying local, organic eggs/cheese? Nothing that I can see. I went vegan to end animal suffering/help the environment but I've come to realize that I don't necessarily need to be vegan for that, I just need to be conscious of where I buy animal products. And the more I thought about it, the more I got concerned about the large industries that my soy products are coming from. I'm sure they are bad for the environment as well.
  • Kellyfitness128
    Kellyfitness128 Posts: 194 Member
    50sFit wrote: »
    kellyb28 wrote: »
    I've been vegan for 8 months and just yesterday decided to give it up. I loved it for so long but for the past few weeks, meat and all other animal products have started to look extremely good. My body was craving other protein sources besides beans, soy, nuts, and carb-rich foods. It was a tough choice to make and it still feels "wrong" eating animals...but I'm so happy and feel so free. Anyone else make the switch back to being an omnivore? What was your reasoning?
    I made the switch a few years ago.
    I went Vegan, and the cravings became too much for me to bare. Also, I did not see any progress in my health or body composition. Of course, I was only a vegan for 30 seconds... >:)

    Haha, love the picture. To be honest I didn't feel much different healthwise either. The more carbs I ate (which was a lot being vegan) the more energy I had, but then I'd be hungry soon again. It was hard to stay in a certain calorie range without going over. Interestingly enough, I was actually thinner before I went vegan.
  • adcls3 wrote: »
    I'm not vegan but I am a vegetarian. I have three children whom I cook meat for. I don't crave it at all...i think that it's a free world we live in and we can do as we please....we can even eat what we please soooo if you want to eat meat eat meat. That's your personal choice. Not sure if you need the acknowledgement or acceptance from others. There are plenty of protein sources other than meat for us to consume so if you want more protein without consuming meat it's readily available. If you want meat you just want meat!

  • Kellyfitness128
    Kellyfitness128 Posts: 194 Member
    mbailey423 wrote: »
    I love how people can tell you how your body feels and what you do or don't crave.

    Haha, right?! When I was vegan, I wouldn't have told another vegan that they're cravings for meat are just bogus..cravings are a real thing and there's often a reason for them (like lacking in a certain nutrient). But, it doesn't mean that my body necessarily needed meat, because cravings come from both physiological and emotional reasons. I found myself binge eating on vegan foods to try and satisfy that desire I had for meat and cheese but nothing helped and it just resulted in me gaining some weight. I wasn't happy, I was stressed about food on top of stress for school, and I didn't need to feel like that... it's all about finding that balance.
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    sodakat wrote: »
    Someone I know used to do daycare and she told a story about one of the little 3 year olds she cared for, whose family was spending a few months with someone she knew and she agreed to watch the child while the parents did some temporary work to get them back on their feet. That little girl would shovel in meat during their lunch meal, leaving the rest of the food on her plate. My friend mentioned this to her mother one day who was shocked and horrified because they were vegetarians and had never exposed their daughter to meat. Apparently she forgot to mention this to my friend so she just fed her like she did the other kids she watched.

    Another thing I thought of while reading through this thread was a discussion I had with the surgeon after a colonoscopy last year. He was talking about the typical U.S. diet and the difference between it and the diet of people from his native country. He said colon cancer is unheard of there. I asked, among other things, the average age of death in his native country, and he said, "oh, they don't live all that old because they smoke cigarettes, but they don't get colon or stomach cancer." LOL

    Its all relative I guess.
    Ah, so using some of the logic I confront, smoking cures colon

  • a lot of scientists believe it was veganism that caused the dinosaurs to go extinct a few thousand years ago.