Cutting down on alcohol

LaurenJB2014 Posts: 16 Member
edited November 2014 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi there

I'm 99% sure my weight gain is down to alcohol - directly or indirectly.

The drink has loads of calories, I eat when I'm drunk and then eat terribly the next day when I'm hungover.

I work in media so drinking is very much part of the culture and my boyfriend works in pub management so there's always temptation to have a glass of wine (or three).

Does anyone have any tips for cutting down on drinking?



  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    How much are we talking here? If it fits your calories, it shouldn't be a problem.
  • LaurenJB2014
    LaurenJB2014 Posts: 16 Member
    Yea it's not fitting in the calories. The alcohol itself could but my discipline goes out the window and I'll eat badly as well. So I just need to limit it to special occasions rather than 2 to 3 times a week.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    How much are we talking here? If it fits your calories, it shouldn't be a problem.

    Drinking one's calories isn't a good idea and if she's drinking enough to get drunk, it is too much anyway. Besides which, alcohol removes one's inhibitions, so they are less likely to try to stay within the calorie limit.
  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi Lauren,

    I Hear ya! I worked in media too, and I drank like a fish every day for years, and so did everyone I know. I do different work now and wanted to change my life. I cut down and then packed up drinking alcohol completely (and smoking) and started to eat healthy and lose fat. I have gone from 194 lb to 160lb since Spring and am a different person. Packing up alcohol before it packed me in was the single best thing I ever did - but then I'm 51, and I had a good innings!

    You can cut down. Dry Martini and soda in a tall glass with ice is a great low cal option and very nice if you want to give that a try.
    - Good luck x
  • z_bra
    z_bra Posts: 79 Member
    Find a new bf
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    How much are we talking here? If it fits your calories, it shouldn't be a problem.

    Drinking one's calories isn't a good idea and if she's drinking enough to get drunk, it is too much anyway. Besides which, alcohol removes one's inhibitions, so they are less likely to try to stay within the calorie limit.

    Yeah, I can get drunk off of 2-3 1oz shots. Also, I actually lost weight one summer while being drunk all the time and not tracking or being aware of caloric intake - I would usually not eat as much the day I'd be drinking because I knew that a) if I ate too much I'd feel like crap when drinking, and b) eating a bit less = feel drunk quicker. I would also not eat much or anything while drunk because drinking usually makes me less/not hungry. And then the next day I'd be too hungover to want to even get up from bed, let alone eat. So I'd maybe eat only at night once I felt okay. Probably lost 10+ lbs that way, unfortunately.

    So OP can drink if she wants and if she can be smart about budgeting her calories.

    But to answer your question OP, all you need to do to cut down on drinking is... not drink. Unless you are an alcoholic, it's really not hard to just say "no thanks" when drinks are offered or to only have the one drink.

    I mean, I am in university, so you could argue that I should be tempted to drink all the time. I drink less than I did in high school. Although part of that has to do wtih my dedication towards lifting.
  • LazyFoodie
    LazyFoodie Posts: 217 Member
    When in social or work situations where it is expected to drink and I don't want to I will order a club or diet soda. No one besides you and the bartender knows that there is no alcohol in it.
  • froggiebecky
    froggiebecky Posts: 24 Member
    edited November 2014
    I'd echo Nancy's comment. When faced with a social situation where it's expected to have a drink in hand all night, I ask for soda (club soda) and lime (lime slice)--it's zero calories and looks suspiciously like a gin and tonic, so if you're with a 'drink pusher', they can't tell the difference.
  • Heliconia
    Heliconia Posts: 166 Member
    Or find any other virgin drink that you like. A virgin Bloody Mary for example. If you like the taste, you won't feel like you're "sacrificing."
  • Charly27
    Charly27 Posts: 4 Member
    Decide whether you are a moderator or an abstainer. I've discovered I'm an abstainer - it's just easier for me to decide not to drink than to moderate my intake which I (and my DH) are simply pants at doing. We didn't drink at all in September - I could regularly drink a pint or 2 of bitter and then share a bottle of red wine before that - and we're going to have a No - vember as well. Like nancy and froggiebecky suggested we drink sparkling water with ice and a slice and call it 'faux' or virtual Gin. I can't bear the taste of low cal mixers which I tried in October so I'm going to wait until I'm closer to target and have a 'proper' gin. We've each lost 21lbs in weight since September and I'm confident a lot of it is due to no alcohol imho. I defo like the clear headed, unsluggish feeling too.
  • noexcusesjustresults2014
    noexcusesjustresults2014 Posts: 212 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi there

    I'm 99% sure my weight gain is down to alcohol - directly or indirectly.

    The drink has loads of calories, I eat when I'm drunk and then eat terribly the next day when I'm hungover.

    I work in media so drinking is very much part of the culture and my boyfriend works in pub management so there's always temptation to have a glass of wine (or three).

    Does anyone have any tips for cutting down on drinking?


    If you want to quit that is fine but you will probably lose your tolerance and your beer pong game may suffer.

    Another option would be to consume beverages that have more alcohol per calorie so that you consume fewer calories before getting drunk.
  • apparations
    apparations Posts: 264 Member
    I'd echo Nancy's comment. When faced with a social situation where it's expected to have a drink in hand all night, I ask for soda (club soda) and lime (lime slice)--it's zero calories and looks suspiciously like a gin and tonic, so if you're with a 'drink pusher', they can't tell the difference.

    Yes, this is good advice. You can get away with this a lot a parties, people won't constantly offer you drinks if you have something in your hand. I also found that bringing your own drink (like a coffee) to social events would help. If you have a large coffee in your hand, you have to finish the whole thing before that glass of wine!

  • jockette2011
    jockette2011 Posts: 10 Member
    I know just what the OP means. When I find my weight up due to alcohol, mostly from those warm days and cold beers, I have to stop for at least a week. The daily habit goes away. Then when I decide to drink again, I always have a large glass of water first, then a beer or usually red wine ( very low in calories and sugar ) then more water.....spread it out a bit if you can and see how that works for you! Good luck and be proud of yourself for wanting to make a change!
  • Azzrielish
    Azzrielish Posts: 44 Member
    I've cut back. I wasn't an excessive drinker but loved a glass of wine at night with dinner and a couple on the weekends. I was struggling to drop the pounds when I first started to try to lose weight so I decided not to drink at home at all and reserved drinking for purely social occasions. Mind you I'm not that social, so these were usually work-related after work events. I drink vodka, soda and lime in a tall glass (only one shot of vodka) when I do drink and have a soda water in between.

    This worked really well for me and I was surprised I didn't miss drinking! May not work for you as the social opportunities might be a lot more common!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I've cut back, except last week.

    Cutting back to once a week is a good start, being able to stop at a certain number is a good step as well.

    Comes down to what your goals are, you gotta change things to change things, if you know what I mean.
  • jamesblood13
    jamesblood13 Posts: 175 Member
    Hi there

    I'm 99% sure my weight gain is down to alcohol - directly or indirectly.

    The drink has loads of calories, I eat when I'm drunk and then eat terribly the next day when I'm hungover.

    I work in media so drinking is very much part of the culture and my boyfriend works in pub management so there's always temptation to have a glass of wine (or three).

    Does anyone have any tips for cutting down on drinking?


    If you want to quit that is fine but you will probably lose your tolerance and your beer pong game may suffer.

    Another option would be to consume beverages that have more alcohol per calorie so that you consume fewer calories before getting drunk.

    Yeah this is what I've started doing. I'm avoiding beer and wine and sticking to the slim G&T and rum/vodka based drinks if I ever do fancy a tipple. I'm trying to cut down in general tbf though
  • LaurenJB2014
    LaurenJB2014 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for the advice :) I feel like the 'fake' drinks might be the way forward. At least on the random Thursday night work drinks, there's no need for the hangover on Friday!

  • mcspiffy88
    mcspiffy88 Posts: 90 Member
    well I understand your frustration. I have been personally struggling with this problem for the better part of the year and so far without a solution.

    general tips: drink less and drink 'clear' stuff like vodka. hangover is way more manageable. Do NOT try this if you are not used to the strong stuff, its very easy to go overboard, and its not very pretty... alternately you can try stuff like screwdivers.

    Arrange your daily calorie allowance around your drinking (hard to do I know). eat before and after.

    also the best tip is to just try not to do any cutting on the day you go out at all. just suck it up and eat at your maintenance level. trying to cut and then binge on hangover day is way worse.

    you can find some more tips in this thread I started a long time ago, maybe you find some inspiration..
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Yea it's not fitting in the calories. The alcohol itself could but my discipline goes out the window and I'll eat badly as well. So I just need to limit it to special occasions rather than 2 to 3 times a week.

    Just save it for the weekend then.
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    I'd echo Nancy's comment. When faced with a social situation where it's expected to have a drink in hand all night, I ask for soda (club soda) and lime (lime slice)--it's zero calories and looks suspiciously like a gin and tonic, so if you're with a 'drink pusher', they can't tell the difference.

    I'd agree with this idea. Or if you truly enjoyed the alcohol perhaps enjoy a little less by starting off with the zero calorie "drink" then alternate with real ones. Then you've already cut it to half the calories that you would have consumed throughout the night. Moderation is the key.