I lose interest!Help me keep it!



  • Lorri229
    Lorri229 Posts: 24 Member
    Mary, lets do it. I think I really need an accountability partner.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Think you are getting to the crux of it. You have to make a choice and be focused becatse at some stage you will have decisions to make some of them push tou towrds target and others push you away for a short term boost. You have to get your mindset right and it has to be capanle of dealing with this issue in a better way than previous times. I think this is the most importnat aspect of peoples diet planning.

    1. You know you cant eat what you want hence MFP and logging. Eat at a deficit and over a time you will lose weight. That's the deal.
    2. The exercise you have to tackle from a different angle. There will be fear, uncomfortableness, hard work and tedium associated with it. Try and do something you like, it doesnt have to be the gym. Give yourself modest/realistic targets so you can chart improvement. Exceed them if you feel up to it.

    You can do it if you set your mind to it. It wouldnt be impossible to do 8 in 3 weeks, but safer if you kept to the guidelines.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    OdesAngel wrote: »
    It takes time and it's worth it. Thanks for the motivation offer, but you will find the only person that can and will motivate you is yourself. Figure that out and you are unstoppable.

    Sadly this is correct. YOU are the only one...in the end..that can really motivate you.

    However, there are some things that might help:

    1) Think about who in your life you want to be around longer for...kids, spouse, friends..even yourself...and put a picture of that person where you are tempted to snack
    2) As you lose weight and have to get new clothes, keep SOME of the old "fatty" clothes...so you can realize how far you've come
    3) Take pictures...same place, same stance...so you can see the changes visually
    4) Take MEASUREMENTS...not just poundage...sometimes the pounds stay the same but you're gaining muscle while losing fat
    5) Keep exercise "different"...if you're getting bored with your run on a treadmill, go outside. If you already run outside but you're bored, drive somewhere to jog in a different place. Not a runner? Pick an activity you've never tried..kickboxing...pilates..yoga..basketball...tennis..etc. etc. etc.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Isagirl72 wrote: »
    Motivations comes from within - as craptacular as that may sound - what we see with our eyes is temporary what I mean is we can see someone else's results or a magazine cover - or whatever and aspire to want that... but what it comes down to is it's mind over matter, how bad is bad, and how much is your why worth for you, define who you are and why you want what you want and go after it like nothing else matters, embrace that victory as if you already achieved it. I am on a 250 lb PLUS loss journey and nothing has ever felt this exhilarating as having control over my own body what I put into it, and every milestone is my reward ... is it hard some days... do i stumble of course... do I give up - no I already know what giving up holds for me... I know what being fat and unhealthy feels like - I don't want to go there again - You can do this - believe it - achieve it <3



    WOW! If your results aren't motivating I don't know what is! Great job and you look fantastic!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    What plan do you have in place to continue when you aren't motivated?
  • jji425
    jji425 Posts: 3 Member
    You know what, this is the problem I used to always have. I'd have motivation, and then it would wane and I'd quit. This year I decided to do something crazy different. Instead of trying to muster up motivation, I'd just act. This means, I'd workout, eat a deficit whether or not I felt motivated.

    After a few months, the REAL motivation kicked in... because I was slimmer, fitter, and happier than I'd ever been. Too often we wait around until we feel something to act. Work with the end in mind -focus on making small, healthier decisions that you can sustain for the long haul without feeling like you're totally depriving yourself. I hope this helps... it's really the mindset shift I've had this year that has helped me be hugely successful. (I've been at this for 6 months now.)

    I think arussell134 makes one of the best points on this page. There is a big difference between motivation and discipline. Motivation can only carry you so far, because there are going to be days where you just don't want to act, no matter how great the end result will feel. However, discipline is doing what needs to be done no matter how happy you feel about doing it. Motivation is fickle- it comes and goes throughout the day/week/month. Discipline is steady and long-lasting. You can do this!