What time do u stop eating ?



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    It seems that you've already made up your mind OP...not sure why you even ask the question if you've already decided for yourself.

    Really, it makes very little difference...your body doesn't reset and you don't turn into a pumpkin at midnight...but just do whatever it is you feel like you need to do.

    I would personally think with PCOS that the composition of your diet would make a whole lot more difference than meal timing...but hey...whatever you want to believe.
  • neekmichelle922
    neekmichelle922 Posts: 71 Member
    I stop eating before I turn the light off to sleep, but not always. I generally have my last small snack with my before bed reading. It's my nighttime ritual. Where did you get the idea that food sits in your stomach all night? Just because you are asleep doesn't mean that all of your body processes go to sleep as well.
    Because your body takes 6-8 hours for your food to even go thru the stomach line so if you sleep then yeah lol but i trust what u say thanks !

    This is just too funny for words!

    Lol oh is it?

    oh, it's very funny...lol...

    Creeeeep lol

    Still creepin tho go away:P

    um...public thread so I'll stay right here and see what else you post.
    Lmfao stop ur mad weird
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    It seems that you've already made up your mind OP...not sure why you even ask the question if you've already decided for yourself.

    Really, it makes very little difference...your body doesn't reset and you don't turn into a pumpkin at midnight...but just do whatever it is you feel like you need to do.

    I would personally think with PCOS that the composition of your diet would make a whole lot more difference than meal timing...but hey...whatever you want to believe.

  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I stop eating before I turn the light off to sleep, but not always. I generally have my last small snack with my before bed reading. It's my nighttime ritual. Where did you get the idea that food sits in your stomach all night? Just because you are asleep doesn't mean that all of your body processes go to sleep as well.
    Because your body takes 6-8 hours for your food to even go thru the stomach line so if you sleep then yeah lol but i trust what u say thanks !

    This is just too funny for words!

    Lol oh is it?

    Now google how long food sits in your large intestine, and you'll realize that when you go to bed, your digestive system is still working on food from the day before. The amount of time varies from person to person, but the average is about 30-40 hours for a meal to make its way completely through the digestive system.

    If you have PCOS, speak to your doctor about your diet.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,402 MFP Moderator
    I'm insulin resistance tooo

    People with PCOS generally are recommended to follow a low carb diet. Have you started looking it that approach?
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    I eat until I run out of calories for the day. That's usually right around bedtime :)
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    I don't think it matters what time you eat but I wouldn't eat a large heavy meal just before going to bed. I think a small snack is fine though.
    I have dinner at 7 pm and got to bed around midnight or 1am.

    Why not? What is YOUR reasoning for this?

    Nothing to do with weight loss really.
    I have had sleep problems in the past. For people with insomina, it is often suggested that you limit or avoid certain things close to going to bed.
    I've noticed that I generally feel better and sleep better if I do not try to sleep right after a large, heavy meal. A small snack is usually okay for me if I need it.

    If you can eat a big, heavy meal before sleeping and it doesn't bother you that is great. As I wrote in my pp, I don't think it really matters what time a person eats.

  • buket1819
    buket1819 Posts: 73 Member
    Eating a chocolate bar right now just before bedtime.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Hell, I'm not even home by 7 on most nights...

    I usually eat dinner around 8:30/9:00 and I'm in bed by 10. It's never been an issue.

    Same here. my last meal is usually 1300 calories.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    I don't think it matters what time you eat but I wouldn't eat a large heavy meal just before going to bed. I think a small snack is fine though.
    I have dinner at 7 pm and got to bed around midnight or 1am.

    Thursday nights I eat dinner (usually fast food) around 9:30 and go to bed at 11. Never had a problem.

    Good for you?
    Not sure why you quoted me.
    I did use the word I in my post instead of you, no one, or everyone. I spoke of my personal choice and what works best for me. (Mainly because of sleep problems) I also stated that I don't think the time you eat matters.

    Have some fast food jumbo meal right before bed. I'll stick to a lighter snack. We'll both be fine I'm sure.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    freeoscar wrote: »
    I was listening to The Gist podcast on Slate yesterday and they were discussing this study (have to pay for more than the abstract). The results of the study are that timing DOES in fact matter in weight loss. But it's not absolute (as in, eat by 7pm), but more as it aligns to your individual body clock (circadian timing).


    This was an interesting link. Thanks for posting this. It's from 2009 so there may have been more developments on this front since that time.

    It was a study done on a relatively small number of mice. They found that the mice that were fed during their "active" phase gained less weight than those who were fed during their "inactive" phase. They found that the mice fed when they were "inactive" had slightly lower levels of activity and ate slightly more.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Keep in mind that some disorders turns all this advice on it's head. For instance, when I was diabetic my highest sugar numbers were the fasting number before breakfast. I was advised to try a bedtime snack with some protein in it, to keep my overenthusiastic liver from flooding my system with sugar I didn't need. Diabetics need to keep it all in balance. Now with diabetes in remission, I might have a snack early in the evening especially if I did not hit my calorie target. Otherwise I might not have anything after supper.
  • kitkatkarr
    kitkatkarr Posts: 97 Member
    usually at 5
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    I heard 7pm even tho I know it's all about calories burned vs calories taken in but it's not good to have food sitting in ur stomach alll night right ?

    I always eat late. If I don't, I get hungry before bed. Sometimes I don't even have supper until about 9 p.m. or so, and I'm usually asleep a couple hours later. Honestly, for me, it doesn't matter how late I eat. I've still managed to lose over forty pounds and have a late supper pretty much every night. And if it's not a late supper, then it's a snack. I don't buy into the not eating before bed, but that's just me. As long as you stay within your calories for the day, it shouldn't matter when you eat.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Two hours before bed. Only because I take a medication at bedtime that needs an empty stomach.