Help, I'm ruining it all :-(

Hi, I really need some help/advice and motivation. I've been on mfp trying to shift my weight since June 2013. I did really well and managed to lose almost 7 stone but now I slacked off and I've just piled 40 lbs back on mostly in just a few weeks. I have never added friends as I thought I could do this all on my own but I can't. I lose weight, feel great, then I eat, eat, eat :-(. Fed up with myself for letting it all go wrong. Today I started....again before I put even more back on. Is there anyone who is in a similar way? Maybe we could support each other?


  • Pinkgoldturquoise
    Pinkgoldturquoise Posts: 24 Member
    Awww lets be friends. My weight has always been up and down. I've lost 26 lbs over the last year but just wNt back up 6 lbs which I want to fix!
  • Jump4Fun_Sea
    Jump4Fun_Sea Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Katie - nothing is ruined that you can't fix. And it sounds like you are on that positive path forward. I've been there as well. One thing I noticed is that I am a grazer, i.e, I eat little things throughout the day, but in total, too much. So, I am trying somthing new in November. I have set a timer so that I don't snack in between meals. Persistence - if you don't succeed, try again and try another approach!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Yes - been there, done that, got the t-shirt....actually if I had a t-shirt for every time...well, I'd have LOTS of them....and no other room in my closet!!!

    I lost 115, had surgery to remove the belly, then had surgery to remove the belly and that took another 26 I was sitting around 140 pounds lost. Since the surgery I've gained something like 60 pounds back, and I'm just sick about it. I have no one to blame but myself, and letting the floodgates of BS break open...all my excuses. It's raining, it's pouring, it's snowing, it's sunny, next week is a holiday, there's no holiday this week, I stubbed my toe and it name it, I found an excuse to eat for it.

    All you need is the courage to start again, and it sounds like you have it!!! That is AWESOME!!! I know the last thing you probably wanted to hear is that you're normal. But that's actually good news!! Others know exactly what you're going through!!

    Feel free to add me. I just got started again today myself.
  • hamelle2
    hamelle2 Posts: 297 Member
    Been there, done that again and again. I guess until we figure out the "WHY" we do this it will continue. It's painful and defeating isn't it? Maybe we can work on the whys together.
  • alexa168
    alexa168 Posts: 1 Member
    Katie, I feel your pain. I am so frustrated with myself in much the same way! A year ago I was in the best shape of my life. Now I am in tears trying to find something in my closet that fits. Add me, please. Maybe we can get each other back on track!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You can't gain 40 pounds in a few weeks. Nothing is done here, that can't be undone. You know what you need to do, so get to it.
  • MattNorrisUL
    MattNorrisUL Posts: 100 Member
    At my highest a couple of years ago I was about 240. I then realized my life consisted of no exercise, eating WAYY too much food and being lazy. I got back down as far as 207 before I hurt my foot really bad and was in a walking boot for several months. then I had a compressed nerve. Anyways, after getting my foot back healthy I was 226. I wasn't amused with myself. So I started using MFP again. The first few days of only 1360 calories I felt light headed or off. But then my mind helped me fight through. In just a few weeks, I'm back down to 215. I'm running 4 days a week, I'm staying under my caloric goal and I have made "eating out of boredom" a thing of the past. Just make it a priority! Set small goals and you'll do it!
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    Set a realistic goal for yourself. Then when you reach that goal, set the next one.

    Have fun.
  • DiamondDiva914
    DiamondDiva914 Posts: 50 Member
    I found that getting rid of all the junk in my house and office is helping me a lot. My family is changing their eating habits with me. We experiment with different healthy options to see what we like. For instance, we've replaced potato chips with veggie chips because we (including my 17 year old daughter) actually prefer the taste. My hubby and I experimented with different teas rather than coffee, so we don't have to add as much sugar and no creamer, and we've found that we really enjoy pomegranate green tea. I replaced cookies with apple cinnamon or blueberry mini rice cakes. I know it's frustrating and you're angry with yourself, but you're human and thus, imperfect. It's not how many times you fall that's how many times you get up!
  • Suestern24
    Suestern24 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same place as you Katie. I had lost 90 pounds on MFP but it's more like 75 now. I will send you a friend request if you don't mind?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    You deserve to succeed. Dont be scared to win, okay?
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    We all (well at least most of us) struggle with this. There is no failure short of not trying. Take a deep breath, remember why you started in the first place and start doing the things again that you know work for you. My friend gave me some great advice on this, he said; "Yesterday ended at midnight."
  • katierufus
    katierufus Posts: 18 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    You deserve to succeed. Dont be scared to win, okay?
    Thanks for your support :-)
  • katierufus
    katierufus Posts: 18 Member
    We all (well at least most of us) struggle with this. There is no failure short of not trying. Take a deep breath, remember why you started in the first place and start doing the things again that you know work for you. My friend gave me some great advice on this, he said; "Yesterday ended at midnight."
    Thanks. I must remember why I'm on here and focus on that. Very true yesterday ended at midnight and every day is a new start. Thanks for your help :-)
  • katierufus
    katierufus Posts: 18 Member
    Suestern24 wrote: »
    I'm in the same place as you Katie. I had lost 90 pounds on MFP but it's more like 75 now. I will send you a friend request if you don't mind?
    Thanks for the friend request I need friends that are in the same place as new and understand. :-)

  • katierufus
    katierufus Posts: 18 Member
    I found that getting rid of all the junk in my house and office is helping me a lot. My family is changing their eating habits with me. We experiment with different healthy options to see what we like. For instance, we've replaced potato chips with veggie chips because we (including my 17 year old daughter) actually prefer the taste. My hubby and I experimented with different teas rather than coffee, so we don't have to add as much sugar and no creamer, and we've found that we really enjoy pomegranate green tea. I replaced cookies with apple cinnamon or blueberry mini rice cakes. I know it's frustrating and you're angry with yourself, but you're human and thus, imperfect. It's not how many times you fall that's how many times you get up!
    Thanks for the motivation. I think I do need to try different food ideas as I end up eating the same things all the time. :-)
  • katierufus
    katierufus Posts: 18 Member
    headofphat wrote: »
    Set a realistic goal for yourself. Then when you reach that goal, set the next one.

    Have fun.
    Thanks :-)
  • katierufus
    katierufus Posts: 18 Member
    BaltarVK wrote: »
    At my highest a couple of years ago I was about 240. I then realized my life consisted of no exercise, eating WAYY too much food and being lazy. I got back down as far as 207 before I hurt my foot really bad and was in a walking boot for several months. then I had a compressed nerve. Anyways, after getting my foot back healthy I was 226. I wasn't amused with myself. So I started using MFP again. The first few days of only 1360 calories I felt light headed or off. But then my mind helped me fight through. In just a few weeks, I'm back down to 215. I'm running 4 days a week, I'm staying under my caloric goal and I have made "eating out of boredom" a thing of the past. Just make it a priority! Set small goals and you'll do it!
    Well done you! And thanks for the motivation :-)
  • katierufus
    katierufus Posts: 18 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    You can't gain 40 pounds in a few weeks. Nothing is done here, that can't be undone. You know what you need to do, so get to it.
    Thanks :-)
  • katierufus
    katierufus Posts: 18 Member
    alexa168 wrote: »
    Katie, I feel your pain. I am so frustrated with myself in much the same way! A year ago I was in the best shape of my life. Now I am in tears trying to find something in my closet that fits. Add me, please. Maybe we can get each other back on track!
    This sounds just like me at the moment! Let's get back to it and help each other :-)