No Scale November!



  • GoldenOctober
    GoldenOctober Posts: 24 Member
    edited November 2014
    Count me in. :smile:
  • abir888
    abir888 Posts: 76 Member
    me too but i'm gonna start on Saturday
  • I'm in! I use to weigh myself daily and became obsessed with the number on the scale. So I had to get rid of it. We visit family every weekend and I just use their scale weekly. I will would love to just forget about it!
  • 51justdoit
    51justdoit Posts: 3 Member
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    I'm in...

    Now if only I didn't wake up each morning and feel my hip bones to judge if I had a good day yesterday or not. :) Don't suppose there can be a rule for not measuring our criticizing our image in the mirror?
  • FlatWet
    FlatWet Posts: 109 Member
    OK...laugh if you must: after almost getting on the scale NUMEROUS times throughout today...I finally locked it in the trunk of my car. Hope the cold doesn't ruin it. lol

    HAHA I love this.
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    if there's a battery in the scale - the cold may drain it.
  • EmmaOnTrack
    EmmaOnTrack Posts: 425 Member
    Right, I'm in...terrifying thought as it is to me right now. I've been doing 5:2 for almost 8 weeks and have been using the scale to track the weight fluctuations, but I KNOW it's working (even if some weeks I don't quite reach my lowest low again, the trend overall is downwards) perhaps it's just time to trust the process and let go.

    See you all on Dec 1...hope I'm not in for a shock cos I'm only 3kgs from goal and want to be there by Xmas. :)
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    OK...laugh if you must: after almost getting on the scale NUMEROUS times throughout today...I finally locked it in the trunk of my car. Hope the cold doesn't ruin it. lol

    I am good with the scale now, but in the past (ie a couple of years ago), when I lost weight, I was so obsessed with the scale that I made my husband hide it from me. He left one day and I found it, so I made him put it in his trunk so that it went with him every day to work!!
  • I'm totally jumping on this bandwagon! Although to be honest I'm more of a track your pant size kind of girl, I still check in more than I should.
  • Lien4health
    Lien4health Posts: 11 Member
    soooo ready to sneak a peak. 2 days in for this challenge and all I want to do is see how well I've done! I know I've done well because I am tracking and exercising for Pete's sake! It goes to show that movement on the scale can sabotage me-- those sabotage details may be written about later. What a great challenge!
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    Still no scale for me...but I am starting to twitch!
  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    Very interesting idea but wouldn't work for me. I track macros and need to make changes to them once i hit a plateau which the scale helps me determine. Regardless, go for it! Sounds refreshing.
  • Jesssamesssa
    Jesssamesssa Posts: 116 Member
    Youre Brave!!!! I cant do this....
  • JasonPC2
    JasonPC2 Posts: 19 Member
    Nah, I'll be disappointed if I don't think I reached my goal at the end of the month, but really water retention made it seem like I lost less than I should have. At the very least I am not weighing everyday anymore. I don't care as much anymore. I don't want to see that I'm in the 200s still. :P
  • Veronnie87
    Veronnie87 Posts: 40 Member
    Excellent idea. I have actually only weighed once so far this month, but at least that gives me a starting weight. We'll see what December 1st looks like. I think it's also worth it to start tracking my measurements again...
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    edited November 2014
    I have been wearing an XL EMS pants, and I have L and M in my closet. I will be trying those on daily as my "guide." lol I have to do SOMETHING every morning. ;) I fit into the L's this morning, but not so ready for public viewing. I'm hoping the M's will fit by 11/30...if so, maybe I won't even weigh in until January 1st! (OMG, that thought made me twitch!)
  • brittanyleigh1220
    brittanyleigh1220 Posts: 23 Member
    Love the idea but not sure I could make it the entire month. I'll be doing good if I can cut back from weighing every day to once a week.
  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    I'm late and I did just weigh myself today and the last few days to make sure my weight loss was a true one, but I can do away with the scale for the rest of the month.

    I guess I'll report back in on the first of December.
  • Lien4health
    Lien4health Posts: 11 Member
    I broke and did a sneak attack on the scale, like no one would know but me!! LOL I will have to weigh myself at the end of this week but then I am moving the scale out of thee room!!