Feeling like i lost weight but the number on the scale doesn't say so??

Hey guys this is my first post on here!! I'm new to weight loss!

So I started dieting and doing HIIT about a week and a half ago. Just because I wanted to slim down and tone up.
I weigh around 133-135 lbs. and I'm suppose to lose 1-2lbs a week. Preferably 2 lol

Yesterday morning before I got in the shower I stepped on the scale and it said I weighed 132. I thought well that's not bad, I lost a pound.

Well this morning I get on and it says 134!!! And I just got on it again a minute ago and it said 136!!

I feel like I look a little thinner, my clothes feel a bit different. What's going on??


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    It's only been a week or so. You could have lost a pound. The scale changes throughout the day. You should weigh at the same time and under the same conditions every week. As long as you're weighing food and logging correctly you should be dropping. At 133 you should only be trying to lose 1 or .5 pounds a week.
  • oarngesi
    oarngesi Posts: 73 Member
    Sounds like water weight
  • annehutson2
    Our weight is not a constant all day or day to day...Water weight and gaining muscle can make the numbers go higher. Consider taking measurements but don't get down if the scale doesn't seem right. If you are doing the right things than you can't go wrong.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    Water weight.
  • ImmortalFire
    ImmortalFire Posts: 31 Member
    I agree. Its perfectly normal for weight to fluctuate during the day due to water, food you've eaten etc. Its recommended that to get pretty accurate results on the MFP weighin page to pick one or more days a week, and weigh yourself in the morning before you've eaten or had anything to drink.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Our weight is not a constant all day or day to day...Water weight and gaining muscle can make the numbers go higher. Consider taking measurements but don't get down if the scale doesn't seem right. If you are doing the right things than you can't go wrong.

    Yes but be careful with assuming you are gaining muscle. If you're eating at a deficit to lose fat, you will not be gaining muscle (perhaps some newbie gains if you're really doing a lifting routine). The numbers should be going down on a weekly basis if you're doing it right.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    OP, how tall are you?
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    Your weight varies daily. Weight loss is the best estimate of fat loss but doesn't directly measure fat loss.

    Weigh yourself daily, nude, first thing in the morning after bathroom but before water/coffee/breakfast. If you're using a digital scale, weigh a few times in a row to get the best measurement (could vary based on how you place your feet, etc). That removes all the variables you can control. Don't weigh at any other time of day.

    Log your weight in an app called Happy Scale. Choose the option to use "predicted" weights for reporting. You'll be able to see whether you're losing, gaining, or maintaining based on your average measured weights.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    It sounds like water weight to me, too. Depending on things like how hard your previous day's workout was, how much salt you ate, and (if you are female, can't tell from your username) whether it's that time of the month, water weight can be a frustratingly dramatic force! And of course, bathroom habits play a role, too.

    You certainly could have lost a pound. I'm guessing that, based on your current weight, going for losing 1 lb a week would probably be a more sustainable level of eating/calorie deficit than 2 lbs.

    I tend to trust my weigh-in numbers most if I take a rest day from exercise, don't eat anything too salty, and weigh myself after going to the bathroom the next morning, before eating or drinking anything.
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    zarckon wrote: »

    Log your weight in an app called Happy Scale. Choose the option to use "predicted" weights for reporting. You'll be able to see whether you're losing, gaining, or maintaining based on your average measured weights.

    So disappointed...but not surprised. Happy Scale sounds awesome, but I'm an Android girl, absolutely despise iAnything!!! Happy Scale is only available in Apple Apps. :( (someone please correct me if I am wrong...it sounds awesome!)
  • sammyjojo462
    kgeyser wrote: »
    OP, how tall are you?
  • Fuoriclasse
    Hi, I'm new too! I have the same "problem" as you but I suspect water weight, especially since I'm nearing that time of the month. Explains why I lost weight the past two weeks and gained back half a pound this week, despite working out several times and staying within my calorie goal.

    Gonna try weighing myself again in a week and see if it normalizes... if not I might try some things like lowering my carb intake (so far I've been more concerned with strictly counting calories than anything else in relation to my diet). Also had a night out drinking last weekend, though I still hit my targets that might have contributed to the skewed results this week too.

    People keep saying on here that as long as you exercise and don't eat more calories than it tells you to that you should lose weight, so hopefully we'll both see some progress. :smile:
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    5"5' and 135lbs and I bet you are young and gorgeous as well. :)

    Sweetheart what is happening is that you are obsessing over a weight problem that doesn't exist. Get off those darn scales and out in the sun and enjoy life. Eat healthy food, exercise and just enjoy being alive. xx
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    LeenaGee wrote: »
    5"5' and 135lbs and I bet you are young and gorgeous as well. :)

    Sweetheart what is happening is that you are obsessing over a weight problem that doesn't exist. Get off those darn scales and out in the sun and enjoy life. Eat healthy food, exercise and just enjoy being alive. xx

    YUP....ah, to be 19 again :)
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    edited November 2014
    The Magic BMI Calculator says... Very healthy weight! :D So, perhaps focus on maintenance, eating a balanced healthy diet, and exercising?

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited November 2014
    LeenaGee wrote: »
    5"5' and 135lbs and I bet you are young and gorgeous as well. :)

    Sweetheart what is happening is that you are obsessing over a weight problem that doesn't exist. Get off those darn scales and out in the sun and enjoy life. Eat healthy food, exercise and just enjoy being alive. xx

    I don't know if she's obsessing. She's trying to lose a few pounds maybe? If she's small framed, even 117 is a healthy weight for her height. Does she need to weigh 117? Maybe not. But that's her business.

    OP, on the other hand, recomp could be fun if you like to lift and don't want to worry about that scale :)
  • safri77
    safri77 Posts: 10 Member
    Don't worry too much about weight, how you feel and how your clothes fit is better measurement.
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    arditarose wrote: »

    I don't know if she's obsessing. She's trying to lose a few pounds maybe? If she's small framed, even 117 is a healthy weight for her height. Does she need to weigh 117? Maybe not. But that's her business.

    OP, on the other hand, recomp could be fun if you like to lift and don't want to worry about that scale :)

    Perhaps obsessing is too harsh a word but I would like to think she took my comments in the friendly manner in which they were intended. :)

    It is those scales that the obsessing comment should have been directed. They do your head in when you are constantly hopping on and off them as weight can fluctuate a lot in a day. Weighing once a week is a much better way to go.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Sounds like water retention. If you feel thinner and your clothes are looser, thats all thats important.
  • justalittlecrazy
    justalittlecrazy Posts: 88 Member
    Did you exercise? I have found I can gain as much as 5 lbs after a hard workout day! Could be muscles retaining fluids.