Help! What's the best workout?



  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    Chris5427 wrote: »
    Because i spend an hour a day there as it is. I have a life, a job, a kid, a wife. I don't want to spend 2 hours at the gym is why.

    *kitten* me, it's like this place is filled with *kitten* hats who all have an opinion. I'm not interested in a pissing match. Just a little light advice.
    I am sorry to have offended you, however, if you are there at least one hour a day and (a guess on part here) 4 days a week? -- perhaps 5 -- I don't see why you can not also train those areas. I was going to suggest that you perhaps need to re-examine your current strategy.

    A typical workout for me 75 minutes long, 4 days a week and I have ft job, a wife, a career as well as freelance and hobbies, and a 4 year old. Despite all that, I still hit every area in that time.
  • roberthaddan
    See if you can find the April 2014 issue of Men's Health magazine. There's a kettle bell workout in there that I do with free weights. You can repeat as many times with however much weight as you need to meet whatever your workout goals happen to be. It combines strength and flexibility moves and is a really great workout.
  • Esco5556
    Esco5556 Posts: 17 Member
    Lol not offended thats just how i roll. Just frustrated. I appreciate the good intentioned people out there offering solid advice. Im just tired of trolls looking to argue and be know it alls.

    Moving on.

    So currently i do 60 min of hiit cardio a day. 3 days on 1 off. Repeat. I eat at a calorie deficit, rarely cheat and currently lose about 2 lbs a week.

    I have seen amazing results so far and I don't want to stop that. That's my biggest fear. It's really hard to listen to another plan (even though it might be better) when my current plan works. 70 lbs in 6 months is huge. I want to keep that going. So I was looking for a little added something something that I can do at home when my kid goes to sleep.

    I was told, have read, and have first hand experience that cardio is best for weight loss. My success is proof. Now in the same breath I was told and have read that weights can be just as good or better for weight loss. Switching routines now scares me, I don't know how to do it or what to do. If I got injured because of bad form or something I would be devastated,

    My main goal is to continue to drop weight. I would like to lose another 50 lbs. then I will dial it back and go I to maintenance mode.

    So I was thinking I could start light at home and go from there.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Chris5427 wrote: »
    Lol not offended thats just how i roll. Just frustrated. I appreciate the good intentioned people out there offering solid advice. Im just tired of trolls looking to argue and be know it alls.

    Moving on.

    So currently i do 60 min of hiit cardio a day. 3 days on 1 off. Repeat. I eat at a calorie deficit, rarely cheat and currently lose about 2 lbs a week.

    I have seen amazing results so far and I don't want to stop that. That's my biggest fear. It's really hard to listen to another plan (even though it might be better) when my current plan works. 70 lbs in 6 months is huge. I want to keep that going. So I was looking for a little added something something that I can do at home when my kid goes to sleep.

    I was told, have read, and have first hand experience that cardio is best for weight loss. My success is proof. Now in the same breath I was told and have read that weights can be just as good or better for weight loss. Switching routines now scares me, I don't know how to do it or what to do. If I got injured because of bad form or something I would be devastated,

    My main goal is to continue to drop weight. I would like to lose another 50 lbs. then I will dial it back and go I to maintenance mode.

    So I was thinking I could start light at home and go from there.

    This is way more helpful!

    So, cardio is not "best" for weight loss. Your calorie deficit is. Cardio gives you a larger deficit and lets you eat more, so that's nice.

    I lost my weight mostly lifting, very little cardio. But I'm also way happier at my current weight than I would have been if I had not been lifting. Maybe this isn't the case for everyone...but a lot of people on here really regret not having done strength training through their weight loss.

    Dialing down your cardio at the gym and adding some strength training is not going to slow your progress down. I know it's hard to switch, especially when something is working. But it's also a really nice change for your body, and hey-you might really like it. If anything, you're not going to GAIN weight by adding strength training.

    As far as a routine goes, I'm no help. Good luck!
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Rapid weight loss is great if your health is at risk. Otherwise it has the possibility of losing muscle in the process.

    Getting on a full body strength program 3-4 days per week will help you retain your lean body mass.

    Might slow down the number on the scale but that is not really a bad thing if a lot of your weight loss is coming from LBM.

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Chris5427 wrote: »
    Lol not offended thats just how i roll. Just frustrated. I appreciate the good intentioned people out there offering solid advice. Im just tired of trolls looking to argue and be know it alls.
    If you're having a knee jerk freak out over what has been posted in this thread, you might want to thicken that skin a bit, people have been kind to you here with essentially a question that was basically, "What color of my little pony is the best."

    You gave little to no info, there are legit questions, and I mean seriously. This can all be googled, so really, unless you've already done you're homework and have specific programming questions, take what you get.

    I'm good intentioned as all get out, but I disdain pogues. Don't be a pogue.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Chris5427 wrote: »
    I was told, have read, and have first hand experience that cardio is best for weight loss. My success is proof. Now in the same breath I was told and have read that weights can be just as good or better for weight loss. Switching routines now scares me, I don't know how to do it or what to do. If I got injured because of bad form or something I would be devastated,
    Then don't switch.

    You're happy with your cardio, roll with it. You're losing muscle and fat, but as you say, the results speak for themselves.

    I think my best suggestion right now is to do this.
    1. Sit down.
    2. Figure out what your goal is. Not for today, or tomorrow, but in 5 years. What do you want to do? What do you want to look like?
    3. Write it down.
    4. Google methods to get there.
    5. Come back and ask for opinions after providing the following info: goals, current diet, current exercise program, injuries, and anything else that might be worth knowing.

    Do your homework, give a sophisticated articulation of your goal, and work with the folks that respond. It'll go easier and you'll look like less of a novice.
  • Esco5556
    Esco5556 Posts: 17 Member
    Dbmata...... It's clear from the amount of posts you have done (7000) that you enjoy writing and maybe being a bit of a know it all? but not a single one of your posts have been even remotely helpful to my question. Your just being annoying. Now I know it's going to be extremely hard for you but please don't reply further. I'm sure you can go find another message board to troll. I got some good advice of where to look, some input to consider, I posted my overall intention and goals. Let's all move on. If I could delete this message board I would.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    It's "You're" not "Your."

    Listen, you want to get a pat on the back? Cool bro, do your cardio, do some curls. You're set.

    Or you can do something right, and stop whining. Your choice. You got good advice, either you follow it, or you don't. How you hit your goals is on you. In fact, based on your posts. I would put money on you not hitting them, until you change your attitude.

    You posted a few thoughts wrt intention and goals. It really shows you don't have a solid understanding yet of what you want. Create a singular, focused and sophisticated write up of your goal, and you'll find it a lot easier to plan out a way to get there. Or you don't, and increase your chances of failing.
  • Esco5556
    Esco5556 Posts: 17 Member
    And there it is.......... Lol
  • ngressman
    ngressman Posts: 229 Member
    I like the body for life weightlifting program. The number of reps are 12, 10, 8, and 6. With one min break in between. You start out with light weight, then add 5-10 pounds with each set. After the one with 6 you do 24 reps with the light weight again. Alternate upper and lower body. My son likes pyramid weight lifting, but I don't know how many reps or sets. I am sure you could google it. You must be doing something right- 70 pounds in 6 months is amazing.
  • Esco5556
    Esco5556 Posts: 17 Member
    ngressman wrote: »
    I like the body for life weightlifting program. The number of reps are 12, 10, 8, and 6. With one min break in between. You start out with light weight, then add 5-10 pounds with each set. After the one with 6 you do 24 reps with the light weight again. Alternate upper and lower body. My son likes pyramid weight lifting, but I don't know how many reps or sets. I am sure you could google it. You must be doing something right- 70 pounds in 6 months is amazing.

    Thanks, exactly what I was looking for

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Starting Strength
    Stronglifts 5x5

    This is a good primer to read:

    You didn't say you wanted to be given specific program names, came across like you had already done that most basic of homework and still had no clue what you could do. The above list of course is assuming you want strength. Hypertrophy is something else. Endurance is something else. Once you figure out what your goals are, you can start there.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hey, congratulations on your weight loss. Seventy pounds is a lot.

    Tachikata posted a link to Scooby's site early in the thread-- that's a great source if you want to put together a weight routine you can do at home with minimal equipment.


    I personally think this is an ideal beginner weight routine, but it's something you'd probably need to do at the gym (unless you have a squat rack and bench at home):


    It's really not much different from the Stronglifts/Starting Strength routines suggested several times previously.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Esco5556 wrote: »
    Figure out what your goals are for your body first. Then go read forums. Your question is too broad at the moment. You first need to learn about working out in general.

    On April 24th I weighed 343.3........ Today i weight 272.0 that's 70 lbs in 6 months. Please don't assume that I need to learn about working out in general.

    Congratulations on losing 70lbs but you have to understand that doing so does not mean anything in regards to your exercise knowledge or ability. Given the extremely vague and newbie nature of your questions it's pretty clear that you don't actually know the first thing about workouts in fact. This is fine of course, we all have to start somewhere right? However, the rude and snappy posts aren't helping anything. You're insulting people who are giving you advice (and good advice for the most part). Advice given by people who you have just asked for help. How do you think that looks?

    Long story short, maybe chill out a little and read and learn and everyone can be happy?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Esco5556 wrote: »
    Figure out what your goals are for your body first. Then go read forums. Your question is too broad at the moment. You first need to learn about working out in general.

    On April 24th I weighed 343.3........ Today i weight 272.0 that's 70 lbs in 6 months. Please don't assume that I need to learn about working out in general.

    Congratulations on losing 70lbs but you have to understand that doing so does not mean anything in regards to your exercise knowledge or ability. Given the extremely vague and newbie nature of your questions it's pretty clear that you don't actually know the first thing about workouts in fact. This is fine of course, we all have to start somewhere right? However, the rude and snappy posts aren't helping anything. You're insulting people who are giving you advice (and good advice for the most part). Advice given by people who you have just asked for help. How do you think that looks?

    Long story short, maybe chill out a little and read and learn and everyone can be happy?

    He knows his goals he wants to concentrate on upper body. You know toning and all that stuff.

  • sksscott
    sksscott Posts: 9 Member
    Three day a week strength workout: hits most major muscle groups and takes about 30-45 min. a day.

    Chest & Triceps: Dumbbell Bench Press 4x10, Incline (about 30% incline) Bench Press 3x10, Dips (leaning forward to target chest) 3xto failure, Lying Tricep Extensions (Skullcrushers) 3x10.

    Back & Biceps: Wide-Grip Pullups 4x10 (Do assisted if necessary, but get the reps), Seated Rows 3x12, One-Arm Dumbbell Rows (Lawnmowers) 3x10, Standing Barbell Curls 3x10.

    Legs & Shoulders: Squat 4x10, Leg Extensions 3x10, Leg Curls 3x10, Calf Raises 3x10, Standing Military Press 3x10, Lateral Dumbbell Raises 2x10.

    I add weighted crunches and back extensions/lifts for core to each day.

    Easy, quick strength workout that leaves plenty of time for cardio.
  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    Esco5556 wrote: »
    My main goal is to continue to drop weight. I would like to lose another 50 lbs. then I will dial it back and go I to maintenance mode.

    So I was thinking I could start light at home and go from there.

    Even though I think you're kind of a twerp, I'll give my two cents. If your goals are to continue to lose weight, I would recommend the higher rep ranges for all of your workouts. by high rep ranges, I mean, stick to the 8-12 reps for everything but legs, on legs stick to 12-20. Compound lifts are key for your goals (lifts designed to target more then one muscle group). You want to fire multiple muscles at once to both burn more calories, and get you out of the gym faster. Below are a few examples of compound lifts that would hit your target goals.

    BW-Pull Ups
    Bent Over BB Rows
    Military Press
    Bench Press

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Esco5556 wrote: »
    My main goal is to continue to drop weight. I would like to lose another 50 lbs. then I will dial it back and go I to maintenance mode.

    So I was thinking I could start light at home and go from there.

    Even though I think you're kind of a twerp, I'll give my two cents. If your goals are to continue to lose weight, I would recommend the higher rep ranges for all of your workouts. by high rep ranges, I mean, stick to the 8-12 reps for everything but legs, on legs stick to 12-20. Compound lifts are key for your goals (lifts designed to target more then one muscle group). You want to fire multiple muscles at once to both burn more calories, and get you out of the gym faster. Below are a few examples of compound lifts that would hit your target goals.

    BW-Pull Ups
    Bent Over BB Rows
    Military Press
    Bench Press

    hmm that look like it could be one complex workout all those exercises.