Chip Addiction!

Hey guys, some of you might think this is funny. But I cant stop eating chips. The longest I've gone without eating chips was 2 weeks (about 3 months) and I "relapsed" and gained over 20+lbs. I don't even crave them, but I I cant stop. I eat like 2-3 bags a day. I've tried to stop eating them and every time I feel like I cant control it. The time that I stopped for 2 weeks, I was sleeping a lot, because if I'm awake I cant hep myself. I told myself that I was going to start eating clean today so yesterday I binged...I ate the big bag of Hot Cheetos, the new Chester's Puff (Pizza Flavor), nachos.

Did any of you know what I'm talking about? A certain food that you just cant stop eating.
How can I control this, I tried substituting other crunchy snacks, but it doesn't work.

This is my first post, PLEASE DONT BE MEAN.


  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    Chips are really tasty. :s
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I do ok eating small bags. I am not giving up my chips. I eat a bag of funyuns every day!
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I hear that baked Kale tastes exactly the same
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    What happens if you stop purchasing them?
  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 342 Member
    Options too.... if chips are around... I will eat them....I try to to buy them... but IF I am weak and hungry while I am shopping... the chips just JUMP into my cart...!!
  • 0067808
    0067808 Posts: 119 Member
    Rather than cut them out completely, treat yourself to one small bag a day - have it in the evening so you can look forward to it. Build it into your calorie allowance - deprivation never works.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    0067808 wrote: »
    Rather than cut them out completely, treat yourself to one small bag a day - have it in the evening so you can look forward to it. Build it into your calorie allowance - deprivation never works.

    I'm all for moderation but if someone is literally plowing through 3 bags of chips in a day then it stands to reason that temporarily removing that food item from the environment can be a reasonable short term fix provided you're not using that as a Band-Aid solution in the long term.

  • ostrichrider
    ostrichrider Posts: 8 Member
    Chips are really tasty. :s
    Chips are really tasty. :s
    I know!!
  • ostrichrider
    ostrichrider Posts: 8 Member
    brenn24179 wrote: »
    I do ok eating small bags. I am not giving up my chips. I eat a bag of funyuns every day!
    Maybe I should try the small bags....and try to control it.
  • ostrichrider
    ostrichrider Posts: 8 Member
    0067808 wrote: »
    Rather than cut them out completely, treat yourself to one small bag a day - have it in the evening so you can look forward to it. Build it into your calorie allowance - deprivation never works.
    - That's true! thanks for your advice. I think I will buy the small baggies..

  • ostrichrider
    ostrichrider Posts: 8 Member
    Options too.... if chips are around... I will eat them....I try to to buy them... but IF I am weak and hungry while I am shopping... the chips just JUMP into my cart...!!

    LMAO! I know...

  • ostrichrider
    ostrichrider Posts: 8 Member
    edited November 2014
    SideSteel wrote: »
    0067808 wrote: »
    Rather than cut them out completely, treat yourself to one small bag a day - have it in the evening so you can look forward to it. Build it into your calorie allowance - deprivation never works.

    I'm all for moderation but if someone is literally plowing through 3 bags of chips in a day then it stands to reason that temporarily removing that food item from the environment can be a reasonable short term fix provided you're not using that as a Band-Aid solution in the long term.

    I dont know...I feel that if I have the little bags, what will hold me back from eating all of them.
    I wish it was easy, but I need to be have more self control....thats why im here. To learn.
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    Then don't stop? Try to take time to weigh enough portions and eat less and less over time.
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    You're on a good foods/bad foods cycle of deprivation/binging/guilt. That's no good.

    Come onto the site every day. Track everything you eat. Set a reasonable caloric goal based on your activity level and goals. For right now, work on "maintenance", because right now you're gaining. Figure out how much you can eat and still allow for a little bit of chippy goodness every day. Once you get some balance, you can either add exercise or cut back on food (either real food or treats) to start losing.

    You'll also want to weigh and measure them, and eat them out of a small bowl rather than straight out of the bag.

    The problem isn't the chips. The problem is portion size and very likely emotional eating. The more you eat, the more you feel guilty, and the more you feel guilty, the more you want to eat. It's a horrible cycle. Tracking your food and budgeting for treats will end the guilt, which helps curb the eating.
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    make your own healthy ones :) look for recipes <3
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Hey guys, some of you might think this is funny. But I cant stop eating chips. The longest I've gone without eating chips was 2 weeks (about 3 months) and I "relapsed" and gained over 20+lbs. I don't even crave them, but I I cant stop. I eat like 2-3 bags a day. I've tried to stop eating them and every time I feel like I cant control it. The time that I stopped for 2 weeks, I was sleeping a lot, because if I'm awake I cant hep myself. I told myself that I was going to start eating clean today so yesterday I binged...I ate the big bag of Hot Cheetos, the new Chester's Puff (Pizza Flavor), nachos.

    Did any of you know what I'm talking about? A certain food that you just cant stop eating.
    How can I control this, I tried substituting other crunchy snacks, but it doesn't work.

    This is my first post, PLEASE DONT BE MEAN.

    The only way to stop...just stop.
    There's no secret or trick.
    Every chip you put in your mouth is a choice you're making to eat it.

    I told my doctor "I can't stop smoking...I just can't". Know what she said?
    "Of course you can. Just stop".
    So I did.

    You can too. Just stop.

  • Nenny1985
    Hey. I used to binge really bad on chips too. like two jumbo bags a day. When I really thought about it I knew I was just eating them for emotional reasons, habit and boredom. So I tried to cut down numerous times and kept "relapsing" and before I knew it was back to my old habits. So I decided one day to try to cut them out completely, not even eating one chip at a party. It was tough for the first couple of weeks but now I haven't eaten a chip in 2 and a half years and don't even crave them. But the best part is that my diet improved overall as well. I'm not saying this is necessarily the best way to go but for me I knew it was an addiction so needed to do something to stop that. Currently log every day, feel free to add me.
    I wish you all the best! And you can do this
  • Nenny1985
    Oh and making your own air popped popcorn is heaps healthier and might be a good replacement for the chips
  • briar_rose
    briar_rose Posts: 149 Member
    I'm a chip addict and am currently seeing a nutritionist. I have come to the conclusion that I can never have them again because even if I have a few it leads me to binge majorly and gain all the weight back that I lost. Eating them in moderation does not work for me. My nutritionist compared it to a person who has a drug or alcohol problem - would they need to stay away from the thing that makes them an addict?? of course!! It makes me sad because chips give me lots of pleasure but at the same time they single-handedly keep me overweight and unhealthy. I'm doing a lot of work on my salt cravings and it seems to be working!!
  • kathyrain
    kathyrain Posts: 9 Member
    Chips are my downfall too, but I am finding I eat less of them if I am tracking.