falling into eating particular foods each day



  • Village Hearth cottage bread.
  • akboy58
    akboy58 Posts: 137 Member
    I've gotten a tiny bit obsessive about the foods I'll eat, particularly in this latest phase of my diet, as I get nearer my goal weight. The range of things I'll eat has shrunk, as I focus on the nutrition-intense stuff that fills me up. At his point I've got two breakfast options, two lunch options, and a rotation of about five dinner options I feel comfortable with. All good stuff, and my nutritionist approves, but it's driving my spouse a little crazy ...
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    And here I felt bad that I was using my smoothies with protein powder as my morning crutch. To be fair though I was eating breakfast maybe 1 out of every 10 weekday mornings, and my smoothie is something I do 9 out of every 10 weekday mornings.

    From the sounds of it you're heading down a dangerous path of having a bad relationship with food, and you might want to talk to someone about it before it gets out of hand.
  • GretaGirl8
    GretaGirl8 Posts: 274 Member
    I appreciate the feedback. I know on some level my relationship with food isn't "normal." well, normal probably isn't the best term--as what exactly defines "normal"? However, I know my food choices probably aren't ideal. I should broaden the scope a bit on what I feel comfortable with. strangely, it isn't really about calories--though I admit many of my food items are low calories by nature.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    GretaGirl8 wrote: »
    I don't know if it is necessarily bad to eat the same thing everyday...though I do suspect one misses out on a larger nutritional range. currently, I eat a pint of mushrooms (sounds like a lot but is only 60 calories total); several egg whites, spinach, mixed greens, tomatoes, almond milk and a piece of fruit (apple or banana) each day. other days I eat fewer egg whites and have a low-sodium tuna packet over mixed greens, cucumber and tomato. I also eat some no sodium added soups periodically. I make my egg whites with zero calorie spray. I am not sure how to mix things up...I have become suspicious of bread and foods with numerous ingredients listed. with the exception of the almond milk...all the foods I eat are single ingredient foods. I am not sure why that is important to me.

    Eat the whole egg. The yolk contains lots of nutrition that you are missing right now.
    If you do not like eating bread, once in a while eat a potato or some rice.
    Remember that you need fats and oils. Add some nuts to your days.
  • GretaGirl8
    GretaGirl8 Posts: 274 Member
    donnamaeh wrote: »
    Village Hearth cottage bread.

    that is what I have in my refrigerator right now! my family buys it...or rather I buy it for them.