What is the best time in the day to exercise?



  • lookingforlittleme
    Like most I'm time poor so I usually squeeze in exercise whenever I can. I always make sure I eat at least half an hour before I work out. After repeatedly hearing this myth I decided to try it out for myself. I found that my performance was reduced. I couldn't finish a normal workout routine. For me working out without eating first is not something I'd make a habit of doing.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hey, I was wondering if there was a certain time in the day where it would be most efficient to work out? Do I burn more by doing it in the morning? I personally think no, but my sister in law and a friend insist that I need to work out in the morning and on an empty stomach - that would be most efficient. What say YOU? Thanks in advance

    Anytime you want. :)

  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    edited November 2014
    KylaDenay wrote: »
    Whatever time you will actually do it.


    For me, that's first thing in the morning. I know myself, and if I leave it until after work, then I most likely won't go. I do wear a heart rate monitor, and i have noticed that I tend to burn more calories in the afternoon/evening than in the morning, so I probably have more energy then (since I work out on an empty stomach - 5:30am is just too early to eat anything...). But, I still choose to exercise first thing in the am since that is the time that when I am most likely to get it done.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    In my opinion cardio is best done early resistance training best done later on. Since early cardio carries it's benefits for the rest of the day. And the stimulation from lifting heavy weights will result in better muscle growth from the anabolism of sleep. However whenever you can is also valid. It's not a night and day difference. Basically it's like you get 90% out of it at the right time and 100% out of it at the wrong time. Timing isn't a big deal. But it's a nice bonus.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I work out in the evening after my kids go to bed. I wish I could do it in the morning (to get it over with, I'm tired by the end of the day! ). I think the best time to do it is anytime.