Fiber- Does Anyone Get Enough?



  • chunmi
    chunmi Posts: 38 Member
    i eat too much so i'm trying to see how to eat less.. i eat about 60 g a day
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    If you strive for 5 servings of fruit and veggies per day, that will automatically get you about halfway to your fiber goal. Then it's a just a matter of having a bit more of whatever you like with fiber in it: whole grains, legumes, nuts, more fruit, etc.

    I generally shoot for at least 27 grams of fiber based on some study I read along time ago.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    I need about 40 grams for things to function normally. I have oatmeal with China seeds, at least a cup of berries a day, beans or lentils, and snack on fruit, carrots, and popcorn. Quest bars are great for a fiber boost.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    edited November 2014
    ahamm002 wrote: »
    If you strive for 5 servings of fruit and veggies per day, that will automatically get you about halfway to your fiber goal. Then it's a just a matter of having a bit more of whatever you like with fiber in it: whole grains, legumes, nuts, more fruit, etc.

    The problem is that the "eating more" guideline of more fruits, more grains, etc. conflicts directly with my goal, which is to eat LESS.

    In other words, just eating more food ain't gonna help, since it's often counter-productive.

    Instead, the secret is to find those foods that are rich in fibre *concentration*, i.e. a high fibre-to-calorie ratio. Seeds, raspberries, lentils, spinach... basically anything that has at least a ratio of 1g fibre per 10 calories.

    'Cause sure, I could eat more apples, which have fibre. But to get 25g of fibre into my day, I'd have to eat 6 apples a day, which is 600 calories and basically half my intake for the day. No thanks.
  • focus135
    scoandmur wrote: »
    I also have a default goal of 25g of fiber. I enjoy greens almost daily now but not so big on fruit. My "cycle" for a lifetime already has been constipation/bloating along with my unhealthy intake of sugar and carbs and not enough water. Since taking control of my consumption I've mostly reached my 8 glasses of water each day, eliminated adding white sugar and consistently stay under my carbs and overall I'm under on my food sugars in an average week. I've been able to notice a better bloat/relief cycle but still not "going" every day although my protein intake is generally right on or under goal. I will try Raisin Bran- shall I pick out the raisins? I'm willing to try Benefibre or something like it...votes?

  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    I try to hit mine daily (25g). If I can't get it through my food, I'll take a fibre gummy.
  • focus135
    I carry frozen berries and an apple with me to work everyday. Oh and not to mention a strong coffee with a splash of coconut milk. I NEED to lose the weight faster for my job so I don't have the luxury of taking my time and losing weight slowly. Hope that helps girl.
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    25g a day here, and i take chia seeds to help me reach it. its Iron i struggle with :(
  • 111grace
    111grace Posts: 382 Member
    Hi I am on this keto diet, and by increasing my protein intake,seems to have blocked the works! I am at the moment having constipation problems! Damn its painful! Drinking water, does not help that just makes me pee more often. Looking for natural ways to solve my problem. I have cut my Vegetable in half and no fruit on keto. ,but I bought some fruit this week hoping to solve my problem.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    focus135 wrote: »
    I carry frozen berries and an apple with me to work everyday. Oh and not to mention a strong coffee with a splash of coconut milk. I NEED to lose the weight faster for my job so I don't have the luxury of taking my time and losing weight slowly. Hope that helps girl.

  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    focus135 wrote: »
    I carry frozen berries and an apple with me to work everyday. Oh and not to mention a strong coffee with a splash of coconut milk. I NEED to lose the weight faster for my job so I don't have the luxury of taking my time and losing weight slowly. Hope that helps girl.

    Lol my same thought
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    KylaDenay wrote: »
    Lol my same thought

    Me too.

    Only things I could think of would maybe be modelling or perhaps something in the military?

    In any case, artificial pressure to lose too quickly isn't safe for your health, focus135. Make sure you're losing at a steady, sustainable, healthy rate... and anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is not worth your time of day.
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    focus135 wrote: »
    I carry frozen berries and an apple with me to work everyday. Oh and not to mention a strong coffee with a splash of coconut milk. I NEED to lose the weight faster for my job so I don't have the luxury of taking my time and losing weight slowly. Hope that helps girl.


    I can't wrap my head around this one?

  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I'm set at 35g but go to nearer 50g most days. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables, but also beans, dried fruit (a bit), nuts, seeds, whole grain bread and add a bit of ground flax and wheat bran to my yogurt in the morning. If you get desperate and don't want to take a supplement, you can get high-fiber "Scandinavian" bran crackers, which go really well with baby bel cheese or smoked salmon...
  • Maries_wine_calories
    Pears, blackberries, flaxseed, whole grain bread, breakfast cereals, fresh veggies, garbanzo beans. My goal is the default 25, but I usually end up between 30-35. I added it to my tracker instead of sodium. Once you see it in front of you day after day, it's easy to hit your totals.

    That's a good idea I will "steal". I know I'm very good with my sodium so I think adding fiber to my tracker instead will make more impact on my choices.
  • I eat a bowl of lentils in the morning - almost like oatmeal. And I eat a pound of roasted veggies for lunch every day, and always have a side salad of greens with dinner. I also eat my fiber with oil - I often fry an egg and eat it on top of the lentils, at lunch I have walnuts mixed in with my veggies, and I use a splash of olive oil (and vinegar) on my greens at night. Plus I usually have an apple and/or a banana every day. I really, really dislike supplements, and between the beans and the greens, I hit my daily fiber, folic acid, and iron targets pretty easily.
  • Maries_wine_calories
    focus135 wrote: »
    I carry frozen berries and an apple with me to work everyday. Oh and not to mention a strong coffee with a splash of coconut milk. I NEED to lose the weight faster for my job so I don't have the luxury of taking my time and losing weight slowly. Hope that helps girl.

    Hi focus135, I will try the frozen raspberries as a snack at night I think when I'm craving sweets- I have noticed that strong coffee will help me sometimes when I can't "go".
    - I am wondering though what kind of work are you in that you need to lose your weight quickly- My feeling is that I hope the pressure you're feeling doesn't manifest itself in yo-yoing kind of bad habits to control your weight- sorry if I'm being presumptuous!
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I was surprised that some of my veggies have way more fiber than my whole grains. For example, I ate a whole eggplant today (cut into french fries and crusted with Parmesan and herbs) and between that and the tomato sauce I used for dipping, I hit 25 grams. Yesterday I had a whole cup of brown rice and still only hit 13 total for the day.
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    I am certain I get enough fiber in my diet. Though I don't track it. I eat a ton of fruit, veggies, grains and legumes.
  • Kellyfitness128
    Kellyfitness128 Posts: 194 Member
    smurlene wrote: »
    I eat on average 65 grams of fiber per day. My sources: fruits, veg, nuts, oats, beans.
