Chip Addiction!



  • mrscronkhite
    Chips for me, not so much. Cheez-Its, however, are a little more of a problem. My solution is the small bag trick. Okay, being deployed helps when it's more difficult to get them. LOL[/quote

    ooohhh.....Cheese-Its....I agree that's it's so difficult to practice portion control with chips, but Cheese-Its are another story all together!!!

    I have to agree with the buying smaller bags, or if you think you're going to eat more than one bag (like I would), buy yourself one small bag at a time as a treat! Substitutions don't always fill that void, but sometimes eating things that are crunchy, but healthier (like carrot sticks) can help with the methodical need to munch on something. Also, when you feel the urge, find something to do that will keep your hands busy and hopefully take your mind off the chips, even for a little while. Good luck, you're not alone!!
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    I love chips as well. I prefer them over food. I had to learn to eat them in moderation because there was no way I wanted to give them up. I buy the small bag and only one bag at a time. I also only do baked ones. I don't carry any cash to work because I would probably hit a vending machine. Pop chips are good and don't have a lot of fat and calories in them. Good luck
  • MoriorInvictus
    "what's dat"?
  • mariebombshell
    Kale chips are really good and very addicting! Good alternative to chips. I too am a chip fanatic.
  • morgiee_lynne
    morgiee_lynne Posts: 141 Member
    Quest Chips. 21g of protein, like 4 carbs, high in fiber. Literally so good. They're a great replacement for regular chips, they don't taste exactly the same, but mannnn are they tasty. You can order them online or at any vitamin shoppe or GNC.
  • onecatleadstoanother
    MMMM chips. I love chips. I can't have them around. Google deficiencies and salt cravings, maybe you're lacking something? I can (more recently) (sometimes) control myself a little better
  • NurseandMom1981
    NurseandMom1981 Posts: 101 Member
    I do pork skins not the same but I get that crunchy fix that I sometimes want!
  • mrsgoodwine
    mrsgoodwine Posts: 468 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Lots of people that eat chips do it for the TEXTURE and crunch. I eat a LOT of ice because I like crunchy things. Maybe find a different option that can offer the same, but not so many calories.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    Be careful with "eating ice" I use to do the same thing (for years) and ended up cracking a tooth from the wear and tear :\
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Have you considered trying to make them, rather than buy them? There are plenty of easy homemade chip recipes out there, and you can better control the ingredients and portions.
  • RadiantChange
    RadiantChange Posts: 57 Member
    I also am a salt and crunchy kind of girl.

    Frankly I do not buy chips in any bag at all as I will eat them if they are around. Hee, hee.

    Instead I do up a small batch of popcorn, using sm. amount of sea salt, chili powder and cayenne pepper. It satisfies my urges and I know what I am actually eating.

    All the best to you as you figure out what works for you.

  • richardositosanchez
    richardositosanchez Posts: 260 Member
    edited November 2014
    Chips are a guilty pleasure for me. I usually will not buy them often, but when I do I'll buy a small bag and make it last a few days at least. I now always look at the labels and eat an actual portion instead of the entire bag. I usually go for the kinds that I can get the most chips without a lot of damage calorie-wise in a single portion. As long as you can fit it into your daily intake it should be fine.
  • xtiansalcedo
    xtiansalcedo Posts: 25 Member
    What worked for me is substituting. I'll still eat a single-serve bag of chips at lunch a couple of times a week, but I changed what kind of chips they are. Instead of regular chips, or Doritos/Cheetos/Fritos, I'll have something like those Special K cracker chips, or Popchips, or Glenny's Soy Crisps. They tend to be less calories (100-130 calories vs. 250+ for a comparable amount of regular chips). They're maybe a little better on sodium and fat, but not really by much.

    This way, I still get to enjoy what I like about chips, but I'm not getting hammered with calories. As with everything, moderation is key.
  • MelanieMamaof5
    MelanieMamaof5 Posts: 75 Member

    The only way to stop...just stop.
    There's no secret or trick.
    Every chip you put in your mouth is a choice you're making to eat it.

    I told my doctor "I can't stop smoking...I just can't". Know what she said?
    "Of course you can. Just stop".
    So I did.

    You can too. Just stop.


    You are right that it is a choice. Sometimes a VERY DIFFICULT one. But can be done.

    Try looking into why you eat the chips (for me it's sweets). What's behind it? Stress? Boredom? Depression? Anger? etc. Try to figure out what is driving you to the bag and label it for what it is. As in...."Am I really hungry? No...I'm just bored." Etc.

    It may be best to cut chips out completely for a while. Just to get a hold of the "addiction". Give yourself a set number of days....say 30.

    Above all else, think about what you really want. Do you really want that bag of chips or do you want to be healthy/skinny/20 lbs lighter, etc.
  • marlovs78
    marlovs78 Posts: 75 Member
    good grief is this annoying thread ever going to go away?
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Lots of people that eat chips do it for the TEXTURE and crunch. I eat a LOT of ice because I like crunchy things. Maybe find a different option that can offer the same, but not so many calories.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    What else has the texture and crunch of chips? I've tried kale chips and seaweed chips. Both are okay but neither will ever take the place of chips. They are nothing at all like potato or corn chips. They lack the greasy crunchy carby awesomeness of chips.
  • sokie88
    sokie88 Posts: 30 Member
    SideSteel wrote: »
    0067808 wrote: »
    Rather than cut them out completely, treat yourself to one small bag a day - have it in the evening so you can look forward to it. Build it into your calorie allowance - deprivation never works.

    I'm all for moderation but if someone is literally plowing through 3 bags of chips in a day then it stands to reason that temporarily removing that food item from the environment can be a reasonable short term fix provided you're not using that as a Band-Aid solution in the long term.

    I agree with SideSteel. I could easily eat an entire family size bag of chips in front of the TV, but guess what? If they're not in the house, I don't have them! The issue with chips is starting the bag in the first place. I do look at them longingly when I pass the chip aisle, but I have definitely reduced my intake by simply not buying them and having them around. My husband will pick up a bag sometimes, but he helps by picking a flavour I don't really like. Now if only I can stop him from ordering Pizza!!!!
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,273 Member
    What worked for me is substituting. I'll still eat a single-serve bag of chips at lunch a couple of times a week, but I changed what kind of chips they are. Instead of regular chips, or Doritos/Cheetos/Fritos, I'll have something like those Special K cracker chips, or Popchips, or Glenny's Soy Crisps. They tend to be less calories (100-130 calories vs. 250+ for a comparable amount of regular chips). They're maybe a little better on sodium and fat, but not really by much.

    This way, I still get to enjoy what I like about chips, but I'm not getting hammered with calories. As with everything, moderation is key.
    ^--- This.

    Me too. I had to find something else to eat. My husband loves chips. I won't buy them. They do appear in my house, but I found that when I stayed away from them long enough, they started to look really gross. Did you ever read what's in them? That flavor stuff is literally sprayed on. Still, they're sooo tasty... I subbed baked chips. I ate just as many, but substituted one thing I didn't want for another. Other than that, I try to eat something else that's salty but maybe not going to throw my fat off for the day. Try buying only the small snack sized bags (not the "share" bags, lol, they're more than one serving). And don't buy the huge box of tiny bags at Costco. Those just beg to be opened one by one...

    You're not alone!
  • lknorthstar
    lknorthstar Posts: 132 Member
    Oh chips are very addicting! I just don't have any at home and I don't bring any cash to work with me so I am not tempted to buy the little snacky chips from the vending machine! If I buy them I eat them! :\
  • gumster55
    Alot of good advise above. I find that I ate chips when sitting in front of the TV. Get active, keep busy, and reduse TV Time. If you have to snack make an alternative healthy snack. Good Luck
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    edited November 2014
    I can't remember the last time I even touched a chip or had fries, burgers at a fast food joint.

    It's an addictive habit, easy and convient to eat. Just slowly work towards a goal where you eat them occasionally or not at all anymore.

    I don't crave chips or pop. I don't crave Burger King, Wendy's or McDonalds stuff anyone. If I do go to Wendy's I order half a salad with a baked potato on the side. Or the grilled chicken wraps and it doesn't hurt my count in the long run. Haven't had those kinds of cravings for a while now and I feel great without it. I find it's easier to ignore the sweet stuff in the stores these days. Just don't have cravings anymore.