Fitness On The Job



  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    I rigged up a standing desk by putting my laptop on some boxes. I now stand for at 4-6 hours a day (I have a desk job) and "pace" while I'm on the phone. I'm also starting to stand in the evenings while watching TV or just "hanging around" at home. Sounds weird, but it's just a habit.

    Sometimes I march in place and I'm constantly stretching as I stand. For a while we had a thing going where a few times a day someone would email the whole office for "pushups" and we'd all drop and do 10, but that seems to have died out. It was fun while it lasted.

    Desk jobs suck.
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    Our building has a fitness center and then we are also next to a great trail. I walk or use the elliptical during my 15 minute breaks at least once a day, but I shoot for both breaks. Then I do Insanity workouts during lunch and strength training in the evenings on MWF.
  • LifeInTheBikeLane
    LifeInTheBikeLane Posts: 345 Member
    I love seeing that so many people have gyms in their buildings!
  • BrandyStinnett
    BrandyStinnett Posts: 10 Member
    I get a lot of walking in while working. It's a decent size store, not quite Wal-Mart size, but we are moving to a new location that will be close. I am ALL OVER the place during a shift. One girl has a fitbit (I don't have mine yet) and she usually walks Two or three miles in a shift. My position requires even more walking than she does. Also there are two desks in the office. The one I work at most often requires me to stand. Although this part isn't a constant, its not uncommon to do heavy lifting and carrying. One more advantage in my job? There have been a couple times within the past year several of us did a Biggest Loser style challenge.
  • kwiatrtdy
    kwiatrtdy Posts: 383 Member
    Oddly enough I used to have a really active job and would walk about 13 miles a day, 5 days a week just at work, but I massively struggled to lose weight. I think it was just very hard to work out a balance between my calorie intake and expenditure, so I was always tired and hungry. Now I've got my desk job, I barely move around at work but it makes it easier to count calories because I know how many I am burning each day (I have a HRM for my 25 min workouts every evening) and can eat accordingly.
  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    I sit all day at my job but for my lunch i go walk for an hr.
  • cath498
    How many steps shall I aim for?
    I am a beauty therapist so sitting most of the day. Very rarely get a lunch break but my mornings seem to be the most busiest as I have horses,cows,chickens,ducks dogs and cats to feed not to mention washing and house hold duties before work. When I get home it's the same as the morning but by the end of the day I could only be reaching around 6000 steps. I use a garmin and it automatically will work out how many steps you should do and it's only 6500. I'm thinking this is not enough although loosing weight but not much.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    edited February 2015
    Lunch. BReaks. Most of us get them, excellent time to kick some butt.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I use my lunch breaks to cycle...if the weather is crappy I have a backup gym a block away from the office that I can go get in some cardio work. I hit the weight room at my main gym by my house after work a couple nights per week and I crush the *kitten* out of my fitness on weekends.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I park as far from the entrance as I can and that gives me a walk in and out of the building. I never use the elevator and at least once a day do 1st to 4th and back stairs. And more importantly, I negotiated getting an adjustable desk. I switch between standing and sitting (sitting on a stability ball) every 45 - 60 minutes.
  • KimberlyinMN
    KimberlyinMN Posts: 302 Member
    I have silent alarms set on my Fitbit Flex for 9:30 am and 2:00 pm. I have a timer app on my phone to count down from 15 minutes. I walk back and forth in a hallway outside our offices. (There are three businesses in one building, with common hallways.) If I am not running errands over lunch, I might walk another 15-30 minutes. I listen to audiobooks while walking.