November Running Challenge



  • Minnygirl1
    Minnygirl1 Posts: 83 Member

    I'm a better person when I run too!!! I don't always enjoy the 1/2 hour that I run, but when I run....... I love the other 23 1/2 hours.

    I got in 4.5 miles today. Did some interval speed type stuff and can really see myself improve. Which is rewarding and fun.

    Have a great day everyone. :)
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for October

    11/1 14 miles - 14
    11/2 Much needed REST DAY
    11/3 6.2 miles - 20.2
    11/4 5 miles - 25.2
    11/5 6.2 miles - 31.4
    11/6 5 miles - 36.4
    11/7 TAPER DAY
    11/8 13.1 miles 49.5 <<< PR'ed The Huntsville Half (1:40:51)
    11/9 REST DAY
    11/10 10 miles - 59.5
    11/10 3.1 miles - 62.6 << slow 5K run tonight with my wife.
    11/11 7 miles - 69.6
    11/12 6.2 miles - 75.8


  • harpere87
    harpere87 Posts: 142 Member
    edited November 2014
    Ran with the flag for Veteran's Day! +2.5 miles
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    Goal for November: 70miles

    11/1 3.15
    11/2 rest
    11/3 unplanned rest
    11/4 3.58
    11/5 6.06
    11/6 bike day
    11/7 3.2
    11/8 rest
    11/9 travel day to get to Las Vegas Rocknroll 1/2 marathon!
    11/10 post redeye slump
    11/11 4.54
    11/12 4.62

    Total: 25.15
    (ticker is my goal for 2014 and accumulation to date)

    This has nothing to do with running.... but every time see your screen name I starting singing Slim Harpo's "Te Ni Nee Ni Nu"....
    ....I have to google that one....I've never heard it!

    "4 days in Vegas before your race HonuNui? What happens in Vegas...", actually 3 days in Phoenix with mominlaw, then to vegas!
    Minnygirl1 wrote: »

    I'm a better person when I run too!!! I don't always enjoy the 1/2 hour that I run, but when I run....... I love the other 23 1/2 hours.
    ....ain't it the truth!

  • KrissRodgers
    KrissRodgers Posts: 15 Member
    I'm doing so much better than I thought I would. I'm not a very fast runner but my endurance is getting better. I can now run for longer periods of time without having to take a break and when I do need a break it's between 2-3 minutes only.

  • Remus42
    Remus42 Posts: 149 Member
    Nov 1- 8k
    Nov 2 - work 12 hours
    Nov 3 - strength training
    Nov 4 - rest day
    Nov 5 - work
    Nov 6 - work
    Nov 7 - work nights
    Nov 8 - rest day/ nights do a number on a body
    Nov 9 - 4k
    Nov 10- 1hour and 20 minutes of ice skating...yes I went
    Nov 11- 7k run
    Nov 12- 1 hour of swimming laps.... seem to be more into the cross training this month.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    6 more flat and easy knocked out
    82.4mi done/132.6mi/18d remaining
  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    edited November 2014
    I'm a little late to the party but here I am ! Running three days a week for November !


  • maybyn
    maybyn Posts: 233 Member
    11/2 - 17.40 (10k race/slow run home after that)
    11/3 - 12.52
    11/7 - stair reps
    11/9 - 9.32 trail
    11/11 - 8.07
    11/12 - 10.56

  • tweekedgirl
    tweekedgirl Posts: 114 Member
    Got out yesterday morning and clocked up another 4 miles. Hoping to get out tomorrow and aim for 7 miles to get me half way!

    1/11 - 4.06
    2/11 - 7.80
    5/11 - 2.55
    8/11 - 7.46
    9/11 - 5.22
    11/11 - 4.00

  • BChanFit
    BChanFit Posts: 209 Member
    11/1: 8.32 miles
    11/4: 4.01 miles
    11/6: 5.34 miles
    11/7: 3.03 miles
    11/8: 5.90 miles
    11/12: 3.12 miles

  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    Another 4 miles to add bring my total up to 29.4 leaving 40.6 to do.
    Got 5.5 miles plan for tomorrow.
    Happy running everyone.
  • kadibo
    kadibo Posts: 15
    Wow! It's cold out there. This is my first time running in cold weather. This is going to take some adjusting!!!
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    running on lunch is getting me no where very slowly....


    hopefully going to shoot for a longer run this weekend....
  • gabbo34
    gabbo34 Posts: 289 Member
    kadibo wrote: »
    Wow! It's cold out there. This is my first time running in cold weather. This is going to take some adjusting!!!

    I feel you....definitely was a difference....

    SWWIS Posts: 94 Member
    Ran through some pretty bad DOMS today but pleased with my performance given that fact.

    11/1 - ***
    11/2 - ***
    11/3 - ***
    11/4 - 1.5 miles
    11/5 - rest
    11/6 - rest
    11/7 - ***
    11/8 - rest
    11/9 - ***
    11/10 - ***
    11/11 - rest
    11/12 - 3.25 miles

  • corinne0805
    corinne0805 Posts: 158 Member
    Did another 3.25 this morning.

  • exercise.png[\img]
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited November 2014
    Okay, I think I'll go ahead and increase my goal to 70 km this month!

    1.11. - 8.6km
    3.11. - 4.5 km
    5.11. - 5.7 km
    7.11. - 4.4 km
    9.11. - 10.3 km
    11.11. - 3.9 km
    13.11. - 4.8 km
    42.2 (of 70) km
