If eating trash makes us sick, why do we keep eating it?



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    lol ditto may be my new motto. or mantra. i will try it at yoga next time.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member

    KFC is more delicious than any other chicken, and laced with toxins such as baking soda. We are all going to deteriorate at age 30 if we eat junk food, something about an angry panda, sugar is more addicting than cocaine, and I believe there was reference to a billy goat as well.

    All caught up :)

    I think that about sums it up, good work.

  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »

    KFC is more delicious than any other chicken, and laced with toxins such as baking soda. We are all going to deteriorate at age 30 if we eat junk food, something about an angry panda, sugar is more addicting than cocaine, and I believe there was reference to a billy goat as well.

    All caught up :)

    I think that about sums it up, good work.

    Great summary.

    I now have 3 years to live...great, happy friday to me.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    RGv2 wrote: »
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    adowe wrote: »
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    parkscs wrote: »
    Sometimes, it's not all about what you can see. Being buff, skinny, fit, obese, chubby doesn't matter. It's about what's happening on the inside of your body that you can't see. Hubby was 140lbs and 5'7" when he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 10 years ago. Who knew! Kids are going into emergency rooms getting diagnosed with type 2 but look otherwise perfectly healthy!

    Good luck in your ventures, guys! I wish you all the best and I hope the OP will have a chance to read what has been said and try it for himself, if he is truly seeking understanding and health improvement. :):heart:

    That's called *kitten* happens. One of the healthiest guys I've known in my life was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. He was an avid cyclist, big into local produce and health before it became "cool" to buy organic, never smoked, never drank, and yet he died around the age of 50. No matter what you eat or don't eat, there are no guarantees in life. The best you can do is enjoy yourself and try to minimize your risk of illness.

    But you're delusional if you think you'll be immune from cancer, diabetes and the like just because you avoid processed foods and gluten. Then again though, some people need to delude themselves because the reality is a bit too harsh, so maybe that's not a bad thing.

    People judge but don't want to be judged..

    I did not say I think this will make us immune from cancer and disease but what I did say is that it can and likely will improve your overall quality of life and even reverse certain diseases, if you refrain from junk food and feed your body what it should have.

    If you knew me personally, you would know that I have had my fair share and then some of loss and reality. Those who can see my heart (thank you for the messages) are what keeps me going. It's not discouraging at all to receive such backlash, it empowers me to go out and learn more in hopes that one day, the world might be a healthier and happier place for us.

    For those who think macronutrients (fat, carbs, protein) are all that matters, have a read about what a nutrient actually is and how it's more than that. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutrient

    Ok, now I'm really done, lol. Have a good day!!

    While wikipedia is not the best source to cite, no-one has said that macronutrients are all that matter.

    Going to post one of my favorite quotes - from an actual

    "Once our nutrient needs are met, we don’t get extra credit for eating more nutritious food! - Eric Helms"

    There are very few foods that actively are bad for you, medical conditions aside, and in reasonable doses.

    Also, please do go out and learn more.

    From what I get from her post is that macronutrients isn't everything. There is a very good case to be made from micronutrient dense food intake. Not from a weight/calorie count standpoint but from a health standpoint. If your statement above includes both macro and micro, you two are agreeing more than disagreeing.

    My point was, no-one said it was. I am not agreeing with her at all however on most of her points. She seems to think that non-nutrient foods are toxic or something. They are not. She also seems to think that fast food has no nutrients at all - which is ludicrous.

    I only read her last quote that seems to summarize her point.

    1) I did say is that it can and likely will improve your overall quality of life and even reverse certain diseases

    You agree or disagree?

    2) For those who think macronutrients (fat, carbs, protein) are all that matters, have a read about what a nutrient actually is and how it's more than that. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutrient

    You agree or disagree?

    I didn't read the wiki but I tend to agree with both of her statements. In a general sense.

    I'm not sure if she is saying junk foods are toxic or not vs them being very micronutrient lacking. And there is probably a bunch of ingredients in various junk foods that aren't particularly great for you but that is merely my opinion. And I'll quantify that by stating that the amount of junk food intake would have to be pretty high and often to make a difference.

    Try reading the rest of her posts, then get back to us!

    OK, offer me some grace please, lol... I'm working on how to best articulate my thoughts and views. But I will say that I do believe that most of what is available to us to eat is harmful to our bodies because a) the presence of chemicals and ingredients they contain, we were not made to consume and b) the absence of nutrients that heal and protect (immune system) us leave our guards down. It will do the best job it can with what it's given but sooner or later, it does catch up with you and the results are usually not good.

    Maybe my approach was wrong at first but all I'm ultimately after is to offer hope to those who are struggling with these types of foods. There is another way and it's so worth it.. To have been able to say that you lived a life to it's fullest potential and in the process of doing so, you taught your children how to have the same.

    I really do mean well. I promise.

    Well whatever you did appeared to have worked for you. Looking at your profile it appears to be reasonable. But maybe you need to further educate yourself on your sources. Some of them come across pretty controversial. Stating that food is "bad" doesn't go over well here. IMHO, there's never been a time where we had such nutrient dense foods available to us and at the same time had so much nutrient deficient foods available to us. There's never been a time where us as individuals have required to be educated about what we eat. It's up us and not anyone else to know what we eat. Or if we choose to eat, know the "why".

    Then why are so many people sick, obese, dying, not knowing where to turn? If we are free indeed to make our own choices, perhaps it does have something to do with manipulation and addiction from the manufacturers to consumers because why aren't we choosing better quality and fresher foods then? Based on statistics, we are more unhealthy as a culture than we are healthy and thriving.

    Not to you specifically but I think we really need to be open to people trying to make a better world by offering ideas, information and personal experience that has worked for them in many ways. Sometimes, we need to look beyond the scientic reasoning and explaining and just embrace the fact that fresh fruits and veggies are far more helpful to us vs harmful, like 90% of what's in a typical grocery store. The proof is in the pudding.

    And thank you the compliment on my weight loss, as that's how I'm taking it. :smile:

    It is so clear that you have watched a great deal of fear mongering documentaries. The issue with that is if you believe them then try to push it on to others, you can't back up what you hear in the show with regurgitated information from the show. You actually have to provide the facts. Research what they say for yourself. They throw out random numbers which is exactly what you are doing.

    I am living proof that this works. I don't need a degree or a list of facts to be confident in sharing what has worked for me and what has also been tragic in my life regarding what you eat, including many people that I know. Next time I will start with my story rather than try to skip it. My apologies for coming off too strong at first, without including my personal details.

    Ever hear of hard knocks? That's where I got my degree and facts but I certainly will not get into that here.

    You're trying to pass it as fact though. No one has said that eating healthy is bad and that it doesn't work, it's that you're trying to pass falsities that fast food is "toxic" as a fact.

    If it's not toxic, then what do you say it is? Because to me, I've watched people (myself and husband included) get very sick and unproductive to society when they eat this food on a regular basis. I've also watched how mostly abstaining from it can heal you in many ways.


    It's food, that's what it is. How to apply your opinion on "toxic" fast food to all of the people who eat it and don't get sick or unproductive to society? I have two brothers (late 20s and early 30s) who eat fast food every day and are both fit, healthy and more active than anyone I know. Why don't the toxins affect them?

    Exactly, they are in 20s and 30s. Give it 10 years, maybe sooner. :disappointed:

    What about my grandfather who was in his 90's?

    According to that math, I am surprised I am still around!

    Ironically, I remember taking KFC to him in the nursing home. He loved himself some KFC.

    IKR? My 88 yr old Grandfather has to have KFC every damn Sunday. It's part of his routine.

  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    How the hell are we losing to Buffalo already....???

    Oh well, there's always the Gophers tomorrow.

    That's all I've really got to offer anymore.

    Edit: Never mind
    Gophers? What kind of team is that? Buffalo is football right?

    It's hockey season up here.

    Gophers...as in the #1 ranked college hockey team in the NCAA. Ya, I know no ones else cares... :(

    Husband loves college hockey, roots for UND. My 3 year old is in learn to play, nothing funnier than watching 3 year olds in full pads try to skate and get up when they fall down....

    My kid never had that problem..... When he just turned 4 went out in the back yard I brought the folding chair for him to hold onto, he said he didn't want it and away he went. 2 weeks later he was in hockey. We're coming up on our last weekend of "placements".
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Imagine my surprise to return to this thread in the morning and see that baking soda is the toxin. Mind BLOWN.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    RHachicho wrote: »
    Unhealthy tasty food was the only joy in my life for a while. True it became a crutch but that wasn't really the food's fault. Fact is it made life bearable. So here you have it a life made longer and richer by fast food. And eventually I pulled myself outta that pit. And I owe i all to the tasty tasty food that made it worth putting up with one more sh*tty day.

    I made the decision to eat the food and when the time came I made the decision to lose the weight. No matter what path you take you suffer. No matter how you live it marks you. Even people who are awesomely healthy and muscular in youth often suffer from crippling arthritis in later years cos they simply wear their joints out. I'm not advocating anything save for taking responsibility for your decisions.

    I am much healthier now but I will probably always be a little chubby. This bothers me not one jot. Cake is awesome and middle fingers to anyone who says I can't have some. Doesn't mean I can't otherwise be strong and healthy. That's something I learned recently. And now I own myself. My mistakes and my victories belong to me and no one else.

    You wouldn't think of accrediting an outside source for your fitness so why is it justifiable to accredit an outside source for your fatness? Blaming others for your mistakes is an inherently childish and immature act. Unless you where strapped to a bench and force fed you only have yourself to blame for everything.

    Best quote of the whole thread.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »

    KFC is more delicious than any other chicken, and laced with toxins such as baking soda. We are all going to deteriorate at age 30 if we eat junk food, something about an angry panda, sugar is more addicting than cocaine, and I believe there was reference to a billy goat as well.

    All caught up :)

    I think that about sums it up, good work.

    Great summary.

    I now have 3 years to live...great, happy friday to me.

    Enjoy them! I have already been dead for 7 years. I wear it well, nobody can tell by the way I go about my day, work, take care of my kids, etc. I guess some people just do dead better than others!

  • dancafc1995
    dancafc1995 Posts: 25 Member
    edited November 2014
    Because the majority of people have been brainwashed by being told that Low fat diets are the way to lose weight and fat, this is UNCORRECT if you truly want to be in the best shape you can the diet you should be eating should contain Low carbs, High Fats and Moderate proteins. The reason people cannot stop eating junk food is because they have no idea what GOOD food is. Just look at companies such as Weight Watchers who advertise / sell items that claim to be low fat and will help you to lose weight, in fact what happens is the complete OPPOSITE. I can state this from experience as for years i have been eating what the typical person eats, a low fat, high carb diet and as soon as i changed my diet i felt 100% better and healthier. Try it for a week guys you will be amazed by the results.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    edited November 2014
    Because the majority of people have been brainwashed by being told that Low fat diets are the way to lose weight and fat, this is UNCORRECT if you truly want to be in the best shape you can the diet you should be eating should contain Low carbs, High Fats and Moderate proteins. The reason people cannot stop eating junk food is because they have no idea what GOOD food is. Just look at companies such as Weight Watchers who advertise / sell items that claim to be low fat and will help you to lose weight, in fact what happens is the complete OPPOSITE. I can state this from experience as for years i have been eating what the typical person eats, a low fat, high carb diet and as soon as i changed my diet i felt 100% better and healthier. Try it for a week guys you will be amazed by the results.

    First, lol.

    Second, no.

    However, great that you found what makes YOU feel better.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    edited November 2014

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Because the majority of people have been brainwashed by being told that Low fat diets are the way to lose weight and fat, this is UNCORRECT if you truly want to be in the best shape you can the diet you should be eating should contain Low carbs, High Fats and Moderate proteins. The reason people cannot stop eating junk food is because they have no idea what GOOD food is. Just look at companies such as Weight Watchers who advertise / sell items that claim to be low fat and will help you to lose weight, in fact what happens is the complete OPPOSITE. I can state this from experience as for years i have been eating what the typical person eats, a low fat, high carb diet and as soon as i changed my diet i felt 100% better and healthier. Try it for a week guys you will be amazed by the results.

    First, lol.

    Second, no.

    However, great that you found what makes YOU feel better.

    Third - uncorrect is not a word. Wait, scratch that. It is a word, just not with the definition I believe this poster was going for...

    verb (used with object), Navigation
    to convert (a true course) into a magnetic course.
    to convert (a magnetic course) into a compass course.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    Because the majority of people have been brainwashed by being told that Low fat diets are the way to lose weight and fat, this is UNCORRECT if you truly want to be in the best shape you can the diet you should be eating should contain Low carbs, High Fats and Moderate proteins. The reason people cannot stop eating junk food is because they have no idea what GOOD food is. Just look at companies such as Weight Watchers who advertise / sell items that claim to be low fat and will help you to lose weight, in fact what happens is the complete OPPOSITE. I can state this from experience as for years i have been eating what the typical person eats, a low fat, high carb diet and as soon as i changed my diet i felt 100% better and healthier. Try it for a week guys you will be amazed by the results.

    First, lol.

    Second, no.

    However, great that you found what makes YOU feel better.

    Third - uncorrect is not a word. Wait, scratch that. It is a word, just not with the definition I believe this poster was going for...

    verb (used with object), Navigation
    to convert (a true course) into a magnetic course.
    to convert (a magnetic course) into a compass course.

    That's what I meant for my first. I have counting problems though apparently ;(
  • dancafc1995
    dancafc1995 Posts: 25 Member
    I was meant to type INcorrect, Sorry guys haha
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    Because they taste good!!
  • dancafc1995
    dancafc1995 Posts: 25 Member
    edited November 2014
    Alot of it has to do with the TYPE of carbs you are eating. if you eat 100grams worth of carbs from sweets you would get a different result from eating 100grams worth of carbs from vegetables. I am not saying it works for everyone but it works for me.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    Alot of it has to do with the TYPE of carbs you are eating. if you eat 100grams worth of carbs from sweets and then 100grams worth of carbs from vegetables you would get different results, well i have anyway.

    This isn't so much to do with the carb. A carb is a carb....it's more the fact that the effects of the carb are mitigated by the fact that there's some fibre coming along for the ride.