2 Questions you get when you lose weight



  • berto23
    berto23 Posts: 160 Member
    What is wrong with people asking. You should be proud, because that means you are doing a great job and people noticing your accomplishment. Come Men!!!!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    edited November 2014
    I never had a problem with telling anyone how much I lost...it opened the door for me to go on and on about whatever new fitness endeavor I was starting or working on. I think people just ultimately got tired of me trying to get them to go to the gym with me or for a run or whatever...I think pretty soon they also started feeling a bit self conscious as they started to notice not only the weight loss...but my body tightening up and looking more fit, etc...at any-rate, people stopped asking after a point.

    That said, I've gotten at least 4 people at my office to at least get out there and start moving. I try to get out with them at least once or twice per week just for a good run...I get to push them and it helps push me because I don't want to look like a wuss...

    I think most people just assumed that I started working out and thus lost weight...nobody except my wife and other family members and a couple of really close friends know that I counted calories to lose weight.
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    edited November 2014
    Several of my girlfriends have asked me what my 'secret' is, saying that my progress has clearly been good and that they need to lose weight too, so would love to try what's obviously working for me. I tell them that all I do is count calories and log what I eat, explaining calorie defecit = weight loss in simple terms, followed by mentioning that I still eat my favourite sweets, and without necessarily doing much exercise but they all seem to instantly lose interest and say that they 'might try it' because it 'sounds great'. Then they don't do it and just continue to complain about their weight.

    I think when some people ask, they're often seriously hoping for some magical miracle that shows results in one day and requires absolutely zero effort of any kind. I don't hate on people who moan about being fat and then stuff themselves silly with ice cream, because I've been that person, but I guess it does confuse me a bit why they ask and then don't bother trying it even for a day, considering how simple the calorie defecit = weight loss formula is; before discovering mfp, I personally would've been delirious to hear I could eat whatever I want while sitting on my butt and still lose weight! :p

    When I'm asked how much I've lost, I'm happy enough to tell, as I'm still pleased to hear it out loud myself after such a long time of weight struggles, lol.
  • emd2570
    emd2570 Posts: 126 Member
    I get that all the time - I really don't like when people ask me how much I have lost - it's mostly the patients in the doctors office where I work because I have been there for 12 years - my heaviest was 243 lbs- I am now 152- i have had patients ask me how much do I weigh now? What size pants do I wear ? And most of them when they ask how I did it and I say diet and exercise either say oh I don't want to hear that or tell me the truth what did you do ... Just say I look healthy and end it ...
  • Sixsal
    Sixsal Posts: 5
    edited November 2014
    When i get asked how I did it I always respond with meth and coke mixed in. Their surprised looks as they consider if I am telling truth and if they should do it is amazing :smile: I then just tell them nutrition, sleep and working out, they get disappointed.

  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Pootle2002 wrote:
    I just say that I eat less and move more! I will always say what I have lost as I am proud of what I have done and want to share.
    "I'm on the E.L.M.M. diet."
    What's that?
    "Eat less, move more."
    Blank look.
    They want to hear some magical, simple, no-effort answer. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    I've gotten the question from potential employers (completely inappropriate!), as well as a couple doctors (who sometimes want to know what calorie level I'm aiming for & what exercise I do, I guess to make sure I'm not being dangerous to myself), and some random people I've met socially.

    But I'm generally happy to share how much I've lost, how great I feel, and how happy I am with myself. :smiley::sweat_smile:
    In fact, I update my shirt every 10 lb & wear it to the gym. (Pictures here.)

  • slimbettie
    slimbettie Posts: 686 Member
    "their eyes gets glazed over"...hehehehe oh man does that not sound familiar! Not so long ago I was one of those, but luckily I saw the light and BOOM I am almost 40kg down in 18 months :D
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Oh, and a couple times I've gotten questions about how much more I plan to lose (at this point, about another 50 lb, for 110 total; that will put me just into the top end of a healthy BMI range).

    Other than the doctor's office, nobody has ever asked me how much I weigh, and MFP is the only place I'll tell publicly. (That's a picture of my scale - and toes :smiley: - in my ticker. It gets updated every time I lose more weight.)
  • BruceHedtke
    BruceHedtke Posts: 358 Member
    When someone asks me if I have lost weight, I respond with "No, I just left it at home today."
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    The other day I was told by a colleague while I was walking in the parking lot that I was "looking great." I said "thank you." No one at my work place would ever ask "how much" and I would never tell them if they did.

    If they ask me "how," I might give them a one word answer like "swimming" -- mostly so that they know that I am well and losing the weight on purpose rather than because of an illness or something like that.
  • AllieLosingIt
    AllieLosingIt Posts: 150 Member
    I don't mind being asked how much I've lost, but I really hate being asked how for the very reasons most people have stated before me. When someone hears that I'm just moving more and eating a bit less, they're done before I finish, so I cringe when I get asked.
  • Juliarosemary66
    Juliarosemary66 Posts: 64 Member
    I am always pleased when people ask me how much weight I've lost! I've worked really hard to lose it and keep it off! I take it as a compliment!! I'm so proud of what I have accomplished and just love buying lovely clothes, especially from shops where I couldn't shop before hand! I will happily tell people what I've lost but not what I now weigh.
  • SassenachJones
    SassenachJones Posts: 15 Member
    glevinso wrote: »
    Canned sarcastic answers that I use that are guaranteed to elicit shock:

    1) Be as casual as you can and say "tapeworm eggs"
    2) A slight more "true" answer, but still sarcastic: "The PTFFD diet". If they ask - "Put The F---ing Fork Down"
    3) For the big money just shrug shift your eyes a bit and say quietly "clenbuterol"

    Once the shock wears off I'll usually just tell them the disappointing truth: eat less, move more.

    I like PTFFD, that's awesome.

  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    edited November 2014
    The question I get asked most is why am I still exercising?

    I don't care what people ask though. I'm an open book. I just make less effort with any answers these days cos I'm bored with with myself lol.

    Oh look, I say, there's a flying purple people eater....change topic.
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    edited November 2014
    Several of my girlfriends have asked me what my 'secret' is, saying that my progress has clearly been good and that they need to lose weight too, so would love to try what's obviously working for me. I tell them that all I do is count calories and log what I eat, explaining calorie defecit = weight loss in simple terms, followed by mentioning that I still eat my favourite sweets, and without necessarily doing much exercise but they all seem to instantly lose interest and say that they 'might try it' because it 'sounds great'. Then they don't do it and just continue to complain about their weight.

    I think when some people ask, they're often seriously hoping for some magical miracle that shows results in one day and requires absolutely zero effort of any kind. I don't hate on people who moan about being fat and then stuff themselves silly with ice cream, because I've been that person, but I guess it does confuse me a bit why they ask and then don't bother trying it even for a day, considering how simple the calorie defecit = weight loss formula is; before discovering mfp, I personally would've been delirious to hear I could eat whatever I want while sitting on my butt and still lose weight! :p

    When I'm asked how much I've lost, I'm happy enough to tell, as I'm still pleased to hear it out loud myself after such a long time of weight struggles, lol.


    Everyone wants to know my "magic/secret diet" for losing 100+ lbs. When I tell them it is "improve food quality, reduce food quantity, and exercise" they are very, very disappointed. They inevitably come back with "But, it must be something like 'low carb' or 'paleo' or 'gluten-free' or something?!?" Nope ... just "quantity, quality and exercise".

    Oh ... not only do I freely tell them how much I've lost, I show them the "before" picture (see my profile pic).

  • brewinggirl_butskinnier
    Adc7225 wrote: »
    I don't have any issue with either question. 'How much weight have you lost?' is much better than 'How much do you weigh now?' The how did you do it question is usually the conversation stopper - most people want to hear something about magic beans or following the rainbow, instead of counting calories or portion control.

    I am seriously shocked that people ask you how much you weigh. I have NEVER had anyone ask me that (except maybe at the DMV, where I know they're expecting a lie anyway).

    I cannot even imagine what my response would be other than none of your d... business.

    I haven't even had anybody ask how much I've lost. I tell them if they notice but other than that people mostly just say "you look like you've lost weight". I wouldn't care if they asked how much.
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    knitapeace wrote: »
    "ELF diet" makes me think of this:


  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    Some people ask me what's the "secret"?
    That really irritates me. There should be no secret. Everybody knows how to lose weight!
  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
    I tell people the truth. I appreciate it that people have noticed. My fat friends have told me not to lose any more. My slim friends tell me to keep going. I am paying attention to the latter.
  • newlooknewme2014
    newlooknewme2014 Posts: 42 Member
    Hmmm, I've never been asked how much. Anyone who I care to know already knows. Anyone that might be curious hasn't asked or hasn't noticed it yet, despite the fact that my clothes are falling off! lol

    My close friends know I've been trying to live a healthier life, so the how is clear.

    I don't think I would tell anyone how much I currently weighed. Not anyones business. But being in University I feel like just one in a huge mass of people. Anyone I see daily would less likely notice and anyone I haven't seen in a while would be ridiculous to approach me in such a manner.

    Weight loss and healthier living seems to be a trend on campus now. I've noticed a few people slimming down. I just congratulate them from afar, or if i know them personally, say they look great!
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