Officially lost and confused and unhappy...



  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Based on what I see in your diary, I suspect you are underreporting your portion sizes. I would suggest that you ask a good friend to measure your portion sizes for a day or two. That would give you a better understanding of what you are actually doing.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    i only drink water and i don't use many logging besides grams now (besides my coleslaw from today) or i have a converter apple between oz and grams to keep it all accurate as possible

    Are you still losing inches by chance?

    But back to the logging - is the food scale recent? Because the further I go back (even just into October), there is a lot of cups/tbsp/non-scale measurements (basically) which, again, could mean you've been eating more calories than you realized.

    Just keep logging everything and weigh it all out as much as possible.

    You might consider talking with a doctor if you are still not losing the scale number or inches after another 4-6 weeks.
  • kittykat22459
    kittykat22459 Posts: 11 Member
    i have had the scale for a while but like i posted i was on vacation for a period of time in October and wasn't able to use my scale.... i haven't seen much change in my body as well but thanks will for sure see a doctor if this continues to much longer
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    If you ate, let's say, an average of 1350 calories for a year, that would have put you at a deficit of 1000 to 2000... (assuming that you're exercising 1-3 hour a week only) so you should have lost way more than 120 pounds in those 14 months... Probably close to 150-160.

    So something isn't adding up. If you're 100% positive that you're not underetimating your food intake (are you logging EVERYTHING?), then my (possibly unpopular) opinion is that it's way too big a deficit IMO to have for 14 months (assuming again that you're weighing everything) and I would eat a good 2000-2200 calories for a few weeks to get your metabolism going again.

    Either way, I'd go see a doctor and try to have my BMR tested.
  • bloodlett
    bloodlett Posts: 33 Member
    looks like your counting of calories is ok IMHO you need to replace the processed food with fresh fruit and veggies your protein looks good by the way only by trial and error can we find what our body wants and needs to many calories the body gains too less the body gains the wrong type of foods it can't process and get the nutrients it needs exercise will help internet is full of free 10 minute ab workouts I do a 12 min. standing ab workout 3 days a week plus my bike ridding your water intake is great too many here forget about hydration feel free to add me and I wish you all the best
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I looked at your diary and can't even imagine how you're not starving.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I'm somewhat confused because I plugged in your stats into Scooby's calculator and got different numbers. I got your BMR as 1865 and your 20% calorie reduction (assuming you're mostly sedentary) as 1791. That's a difference of almost 200 calories a day. And you say you're only eating about 1,200 a day (or less according to your calculator). So something isn't adding up.
  • kittykat22459
    kittykat22459 Posts: 11 Member
    im 5'8 231.4lbs sedentary 23years old...i got 1612 from scooby
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Have you taken many breaks where you eat at maintenance for a few days or a week? Maybe you should try a break and then dropping down to the 1600. It seems like 1200 calories is a great start but it can only take most people so far. You can't really lower your calories when you're already so low.

    Congrats on your loss so far! That's so amazing. Don't forget how well you're doing. You can definitely make your goals :)
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    You said you have a food scale but do you use the food scale? Weighing your food is essential when it comes to weight loss.
  • kittykat22459
    kittykat22459 Posts: 11 Member
    i havent really taken any breaks n i use my scale daily
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    i havent really taken any breaks n i use my scale daily

    If you are logging honestly, I would see your doctor so you can have your BMR tested.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I just have to comment about the site that Figgzle posted. Usually people underestimate the amount they exercise and overestimate the amount of food they eat. A good example of this was earlier today: I was at a store and they were giving out pieces of birthday cake for their store celebration. I didn't take a piece of cake and told the woman who was giving them out that I couldn't fit it into my diet today. She says, "Oh just take a walk later on!"

    That piece of cake was probably a good 300-400 calories (maybe more) and a 30 minute walk for me would only burn about 150 calories. I'd have to walk for about 1.5-2 hours to burn off that cake. And it's too cold to be outside for that long.

    Point is, it's very easy to think you're not eating all that much, when in fact you might be.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    emdeesea wrote: »
    I just have to comment about the site that Figgzle posted. Usually people underestimate the amount they exercise and overestimate the amount of food they eat. A good example of this was earlier today: I was at a store and they were giving out pieces of birthday cake for their store celebration. I didn't take a piece of cake and told the woman who was giving them out that I couldn't fit it into my diet today. She says, "Oh just take a walk later on!"

    That piece of cake was probably a good 300-400 calories (maybe more) and a 30 minute walk for me would only burn about 150 calories. I'd have to walk for about 1.5-2 hours to burn off that cake. And it's too cold to be outside for that long.

    Point is, it's very easy to think you're not eating all that much, when in fact you might be.

    Yeah but looking at her diary, unless a lot of things are homemade and not logged properly (using some random entry instead of making her own, for example), I can't really imagine how she would underestimate her food by the 1000 calories it would take for her to plateau. I mean yeah, she had a cupcake that she logged at 175 calories (try 400), but it's the exception rather than the rule. She's really not eating a lot of food... I mean, half an avocado and 88g of chicken for lunch? I'd be starving within an hour. Assuming of course that she's weighing and not really eating twice that, but she says she has a food scale.

    So yeah, something isn't right. I was smaller, less tall, and 10 years younger than her when I started and I never had to eat under 1600 calories to lose weight, and some months I lost 1.5 pound a week easily. IMO she's totally ruined her metabolism by eating so little, so she needs to see a doctor and have her BMR tested.
  • Hi Kat-

    I am new here but I can tell you what worked for me. Looking at your diary I see a good amount of processed foods that it looks like you're eating which may be one of the reasons that you're at the plateau. About 10 yrs ago I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that for the first time in my life I was officially fat and needed to do something about it. At the time I had moved back home and was going back to school, eating fast food in between classes, eating whatever I wanted and drinking soda/Coke like there was no tomorrow. Instinctively I knew the two obvious thing that I needed to cut out were the soda and fast food - no question. At the time I thought that would be a good 'start.' So, one day I put my foot down and started cooking everything that went into my body - everything. Little did I know I'd drop 35lbs in about 12-14 weeks (honestly, it almost got to the point where my friends and family went from impressed to...WTF? Whoa! :o ) All that I did were cut those two factors out and it made all of the difference in the world. Besides the soda, I ate whatever I wanted - as long as it came from my kitchen. Fettucine Alfredo? No problem - made it myself and ate it as often as I liked. Cheesecake? Lasagna? You bet - but again, I made it all myself and therefore it wasn't chock full of ridiculous amounts of sodium, nor additives and preservatives that I couldn't even begin to pronounce (much less tell you what they were doing to my metabolism, etc...) Was I making my own pasta and raising my own cattle? No. But you get the picture. :)

    I even remember that I stunned myself - I had no idea how much of an impact cutting out fast food/restaurant food and Coke (which I substituted with water and iced tea) would have in such a short amount of time. I was floored! In fact, that was my only change. I didn't work out at all. I simply vowed to not eat anything that I didn't make myself - and stuck to it. Worked like a champ for me and if you can, give it a try for a few weeks. I think you'll be surprised at what you see.

    Good luck to you and whatever you do, don't give up and keep reading. I just joined and there is some great advice here!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    i havent really taken any breaks n i use my scale daily

    If you are logging honestly, I would see your doctor so you can have your BMR tested.

    I would do this too. You successfully lost 100 lbs and have been on very low calories for a while. It could be you need a diet break and your metabolism has been lowered (I usually don't think that's likely, but it could be in some cases), or it could be you have a lowered metabolism for other reasons that only became noticeable as your total maintenance level came down with the weight loss.

    There are places in the area where you can test RMR if your doctor doesn't seem helpful, but I'd bring the log and show your doctor.

    Good luck!
  • m_o_
    m_o_ Posts: 40 Member
    LitheVixen wrote: »

    (On an entirely unrelated note: how the eff are the 4 tortillas in your diary only 200 calories? The lowest calorie tortilla wraps in my supermarket are at least 100 calories a piece... o.O)

    La Tortilla Factory makes a low carb tortilla

    La Tortilla Factory - Original Low Carb Torilla, 2 torilla (36g) 100 20 4 10 14 16

    If you're not into strict corn tortillas