New here and letting this diet destroy me


I'm new to the website in full. I used to just keep an Excel spreadsheet for a calorie counter that I had to manually fill out and throw in some simple formulas, back when I tried to gain weight. Now that I'm older, sit around on my *kitten*, and ever so unmotivated to work out............I am going on a diet to LOSE weight - and let me tell you it is difficult.

It's not difficult in the sense that I have to eat so little to reach my 1200 net calorie goal, but just the opposite. I am finding it extremely difficult to reach that mark. Hell, I had trouble coming up with more than 500 calories to eat. Finally came up with a decent days schedule, falling just 300 calories: 125 carbs: 35g fat: 25g protein - short of my goal, leaving that empty in case i feel the need for a snack.

I eat my breakfast and lunch, but then I don't even feel hungry for dinner, which now would cut me short about 700 calories from my goal. I feel bad for you people on high gain diets trying to shove in 3-4k calories.

Anyways, cheers. I'll be eating my dinner for a midnight snack I guess.


  • castlefuzz
    castlefuzz Posts: 99 Member
    you can always add me.I was told by my doctor and I dont know if this will help ya.For me I was told dont eat after 10 or midnight ah heck I cant rem. Hope that helps I am here for support and encourage people feel free to add me.You will get there never give up on your goal
  • River83
    River83 Posts: 10 Member
    Wow. That's awesome. I had the opposite problem. I kept going over, now some days i'm over by hundred and less or under a hundred or less. Great job I guess. Keep up the great work.
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    You are 28 years old, how did you come up with the 1200 calories per day?
    That seems like such a small amount of food to exist on.

  • lastchance918
    Try peanut butter. It's higher in cals, a couple tablespoons is like 200 cals or so. Plus it bumps up your protien and is rich in HEALTHY fats. 25g of protien isn't very suitable, you should be having at least 100 to 150 grams a day.
  • mellyo77
    mellyo77 Posts: 214 Member
    1200 calories does seem very low for a 28 year old male veryyyyyy low
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    I will admit that this concerns me a bit. As a moderately active 28 year old female, I lose weight on 1700 calories a day. 1200 calories seems very low for a 28 year old male with only 25 pounds to lose.

    If you're having trouble eating enough, you may need to re-evaluate what it is that you're eating. Are you eating a lot of low-calorie, high volume foods? If you haven't already, try eating more full-fat or calorie dense foods like nuts, seeds, nut butters, butter/olive oil, avocado, cheeses, salmon, and full-fat versions of foods like dairy products and salad dressings rather than low-fat or 'light' versions. And don't be afraid to leave room in your diet for treats. :)
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
  • DragonShoe_GCole
    DragonShoe_GCole Posts: 137 Member
    Tinabob777 wrote: »
    If you can't eat enough to even reach 1200, what were you eating to get to a point of needing to lose?

    Exactly what I Planned to ask. OP????
  • seththealmighty
    seththealmighty Posts: 51 Member
    To answer some of the questions: I'm used to only eating one meal a day. Always was too lazy and didn't care to eat breakfast or lunch. So going to multiple meals is a huge change for me.

    It is 1220 net calories, which means after my workout. So total if I just do cardio, I need to eat right below 2,000 calories. If I do weights on the same day, then possibly upward to 3,000 calories..........although I just started and only did an hour of cardio at 188bpm average today.

    I do eat a lot of low calorie food such as tuna, egg whites, rotisserie chicken. Hell, I had to add wheat beer to my breakfast just for some more calories :lol:

    To the guy that said don't eat after 10. It is 9:45 and I am hurrying to eat my dinner and shove it down my face then xD
  • brewinggirl_butskinnier
    Tinabob777 wrote: »
    If you can't eat enough to even reach 1200, what were you eating to get to a point of needing to lose?

    That question.

    My maths are confused.
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    To answer some of the questions: I'm used to only eating one meal a day. Always was too lazy and didn't care to eat breakfast or lunch. So going to multiple meals is a huge change for me.

    It is 1220 net calories, which means after my workout. So total if I just do cardio, I need to eat right below 2,000 calories. If I do weights on the same day, then possibly upward to 3,000 calories..........although I just started and only did an hour of cardio at 188bpm average today.

    I do eat a lot of low calorie food such as tuna, egg whites, rotisserie chicken. Hell, I had to add wheat beer to my breakfast just for some more calories :lol:

    To the guy that said don't eat after 10. It is 9:45 and I am hurrying to eat my dinner and shove it down my face then xD

    Sooo before you could eat enough in one sitting to gain weight and now you can't eat enough in a whole day to net 1200 cals gross 2000 cals?

    Things make even less sense, and I didn't think that was possible!
  • seththealmighty
    seththealmighty Posts: 51 Member
    ohhhh. forgot to add, whoever mentioned something about 25 grams per day? No, I was mentioning that I was 25 grams short of my goal.
  • seththealmighty
    seththealmighty Posts: 51 Member
    Sooo before you could eat enough in one sitting to gain weight and now you can't eat enough in a whole day to net 1200 cals gross 2000 cals?

    Things make even less sense, and I didn't think that was possible!

    This confuses me as well. My weight slowly goes up though. Maybe the one meal a thing and sitting on my *kitten* slowed my metabolism up.... a lot. Oh well, I find it easy to relatively kick things back to the way they were. I once lost 10lbs in a month while on a pork and noodle diet while living in thailand, from very basic workouts. haha
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    Sooo before you could eat enough in one sitting to gain weight and now you can't eat enough in a whole day to net 1200 cals gross 2000 cals?

    Things make even less sense, and I didn't think that was possible!

    This confuses me as well. My weight slowly goes up though. Maybe the one meal a thing and sitting on my *kitten* slowed my metabolism up.... a lot. Oh well, I find it easy to relatively kick things back to the way they were. I once lost 10lbs in a month while on a pork and noodle diet while living in thailand, from very basic workouts. haha

    So were you asking for help or just making a thread for the giggles?
  • seththealmighty
    seththealmighty Posts: 51 Member
    Kinda both? Making a thread to introduce myself and making small talk by explaining my problem. This is the "introduce yourself" subforum, isn't it? The explanation of the problem, more or less to find out how serious is falling short of the calorie goal. Will it just make me sore as *kitten* from my body not being able to recover from the daily workout?

    I made my diaries public. I'm not sure if this allows you to see what I eat for the day or not, but if it does, now you have an ideal of the diet I made up for my first day.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Beer for will rule MFP. #nextlevel
  • seththealmighty
    seththealmighty Posts: 51 Member
    edited November 2014
    lol. Kind of a joke between me and someone else, but since wheat beer is been told to help recovery after cardio, figured a hefeweizen wouldn't hurt too much after doing 6 miles for my first workout. So far so good. No soreness, although I can't contribute that to the beer. :wink:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    edited November 2014
    A hefeweizen never hurt anyone...anytime. Did you put orange slice in it?...b/c, breakfast!
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    Kinda both? Making a thread to introduce myself and making small talk by explaining my problem. This is the "introduce yourself" subforum, isn't it? The explanation of the problem, more or less to find out how serious is falling short of the calorie goal. Will it just make me sore as *kitten* from my body not being able to recover from the daily workout?

    I made my diaries public. I'm not sure if this allows you to see what I eat for the day or not, but if it does, now you have an ideal of the diet I made up for my first day.
    If this is your first day you're fine. It is common at the start of a diet for your enthusiasm to take over. Give it a few days and you will find those cals easer to eat. If you still have difficulty in a week just add more cal dense foods like full fat dairy, avocado, nuts/nut butters, and ice cream.
  • seththealmighty
    seththealmighty Posts: 51 Member
    edited November 2014
    Someone told me to look into making smoothies using oats. That would let me hit the calorie and carb mark, and maybe closer to the fat and protein mark if I use milk. Have any recommendations on a smoothie recipe site so I can mix it up? I'm no kitchen genius