(Newly started) why did you start? your journey

StacieLea93 Posts: 41
edited November 2014 in Motivation and Support
Interested to know peoples story's :D why you started loosing weight did you have goal at the end or where you trying to be healthy or simply just change your lifestyle.


  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    I encounter so many people who have such CRAP ideas about what it takes to lose weight. And why people are overweight. But I also knew that not a soul would listen to me when I'm so overweight myself. Because obviously I must be a moron if I'm fat, right? (Grr! I hate those stereotypes!) I think a good part of it was to prove some people wrong... By proving you could lose weight my way (which is simply to eat less calories than you burn... You'd be surprised how many people I encounter who doesn't think that will work!) and without it being some big emotional drama/trauma (that's my biggest pet peeve about shows like Biggest Loser and Extreme Weight Loss... Is it portrays losing weight like it's some big emotional trauma).

    So I think I just said "why not?" And went for it.... Slowly making changes one by one that I could live with... Starting with the things I thought would be easiest for me. Now with 101 pounds lost... People always want to know what I'm doing. And when I tell them I watch my calories and workout... They still don't want to hear it. Go figure! But we'll see who has the last laugh!

    Seriously... I don't have some scary story about health problems or sob story about low self esteem or a motivational drive to be able do something I wasn't able to or even a vanity reason. I just have an attitude!

    Don't get me wrong, I love not having the nagging fear in the back of my mind about when my poor diet and sedentary lifestyle would catch up to me health-wise. I enjoy being able to do things I used to not be able to do. I love having more of a choice of where to buy clothes. And yes, I love feeling good about myself for being part of the population who takes care of themselves and feeling good about myself by realizing I am capable of more than I ever thought possible.

    And I really love being able to say "tell me I don't know anything about losing weight now, b****es!"

    See, told you I had an attitude! :-)
  • erichegwer
    erichegwer Posts: 34 Member
    To look good in a suit.
  • svetlana1974
    svetlana1974 Posts: 5 Member
    :) Great job and I totally love your attitude!
  • jaxass
    jaxass Posts: 2,128 Member
    I started, stopped, started, stopped and now I'm starting again. I had an unrealistic goal but did everything in my power to get close...which I did the first time. Then I ended up injuring myself (two herniated discs in my neck) which sidelined me for about a year. Add on a job change, a move to a new city and a new schedule of employment and I was lost.

    I started this thing for several reasons, but mainly to get healthy. My father has had 2 heart attacks, 7 bypasses and I was getting up there in age and didn't want to leave my children too early in life. So I dedicated myself to eating right, exercising and losing weight. My cholesterol levels were as low as ever, my heart rate was down and I was on the right path until the injury.

    So...to answer your question, I started this for my children and myself. They deserve to have their dad around for a bit longer. They deserve their dad to be around to see them marry and have children of their own. They deserve their dad to be the best dad I can be, inside AND out. So I will move forward for their sake.

    Good luck to you and keep the faith!
  • wendytheroo
    wendytheroo Posts: 8 Member
    edited November 2014
    Mainly I just have a list of things I wanna do that I wouldn't be able to at this size. Parkour, roller derby, maybe learning martial arts... Outrunning the zombie horde. Rule number one: cardio ;)
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I started because I was so uncomfortable in my body! I noticed new habits I had, like adjusting my shirt when I stood up and sat down, always messing with my clothing. I kept seeing pictures of myself but I always thought they were just bad pictures- nope! I realized when I saw my weight (I had stopped weighing myself) that I needed to get a grip!

    I started changing the way I ate. Mostly I stopped making so much food and stopped putting cheese on everything! Most of the food I ate was wholesome, I was just eating way too much for my needs. Portion control was/is my biggest struggle.

    I did set a goal weight of 135 but I focus on my daily and weekly goals the most. Once I get there, I'll see how I feel and adjust.
  • carolinagirl543
    carolinagirl543 Posts: 1,959 Member
    To return to the babe I once was! And be healthy.
    Have you ever seen a photo of yourself and said MY WORD! That CANNOT be me!!
    Well it was...
    Pictures don't lie.
    And I am changing that!
  • StacieLea93
    Cincysweetheart I Love the way you talk about it can tell you have right way to think that's what I need more off & I total agree with the Calorie Thing! x

    jaxass I hope your dads okay now and happy that you have decided to this for your kids that the exact same reason as me doing it for my little girl & too look good as well eh thats a bonus I'm quite young so no health problem atm but do have PCOS and loosing weight will help improve it and acid reflux keep up the good work hun x

    wendytheroo yes me too miss out on alot

    cortneyrenee04 I'm the same with pictures but like you say they dont lie I have no full body pictures of me good luck hun you can do it

    everyone else good luck on your journeys if you want to follow mine too just add me ;)
  • cacri
    cacri Posts: 12 Member
    I think I've been on a diet most of my life. Anyway, after many life accidents and incidents I found myself at 67.7kg. The heaviest for me. I'm only 5ft so... Husband made a couple of unwelcome comments and I went on a couple of fad diets but the results did not last. However I have a weak knee from an accident it has been in agony for months. So I decided to lose the weight or at least lose as much weight as I think feasible for me. I cycle everywhere but again my knee is getting in the way. First I tried juicing and this got me to 65.5kg but I was miserable. Now I count calories and with the help of meal replacement shakes and careful monitoring I have lost some more. Ideally I would love to be 60kg by January. After that lose another 7kg.
  • StacieLea93
    cacri well done hun that's excellent :smile: so happy for you keep up the good work:) xx
  • Spencerport
    Spencerport Posts: 270 Member
    I got on a scale in January and saw 300lbs, of course I was wearing heavy winter clothing so that obviously added to the weight. It wasn't until April that I got on a scale again and saw 278lbs staring back at me. I knew right then that I needed to change things up. Started walking every day and tracking steps with my Fitbit Force. Bought a kayak in May. Tracked everything I ate with MFP. Now I am down to 231.6lbs as of yesterday and intend to keep losing the weight!
  • StacieLea93
    you came a long way well done hun keep it up I need to do that too take up loads of walking I'm always in the house xx
  • sinistraltyger
    I started in January due to pain in my knees and back -- Not really sure of my initial weight but started on the scale at 285. Right now I am staring at 200 waiting for that number to go the 100s. I log every day (missed once near the beginning - my current streak is over 200 days), use the fitnesspal alarm when I don't log breakfast by 10AM, and am doing all I can to just be moving more. It can be done, just think of it as a change of lifestyle, not a diet.

    Remember: losing something means it has value, that you would like it back... this is not something that has value to us, so we are trashing, expunging, removing (pick your verb) but let's not lose it... if we do, someone may find it, and it may be you! :smiley:

  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    The best way I can say what started me on weight loss and getting in shape was that I just felt like a mess and didn't want to feel like that anymore. I was 37 and thought that I could either go on for the next 40-50 years feeling like garbage and feeling like I looked like garbage or I could make serious changes so I could feel better, look better, etc. The thought of going on like that seemed more exhausting than getting in shape so I chose the latter.

    I started in January of this year at 202.5. My first goal was to get to the top of the healthy range for my height (154) and then my goal was to get to 150, because it was a nice round number. I hit 154 in October and earlier this month hit 150.5. Right now I'm trying to maintain through the holidays and a bit beyond. I think I'll end up trying to lose another 8-10 pounds through the spring but I've flipped and flopped enough on that that I can't say for sure. I'm at the point where I've had to choose between continuing weight loss or eating enough to fuel the kind of workouts I'm doing (lifting weights.) If I eat enough to maintain, I can build more strength, but eating at enough of a deficit that the weight loss is not painfully slow means that I cannot perform the way that I want to (this is based on my own experience and may not be true for other people.) So I'm planning to switch back and forth, over time, until I get to where I want to be.
  • StacieLea93
    well done girls us both done so good! very motivational :D keep up the good work
  • mommyofjan
    mommyofjan Posts: 65 Member
    I started because I hit a weight that made me sad. I had been creeping on pounds through the years and told myself when I hit that magic number I would have to do something. Well, that was in May. I started using a treadmill and counting calories. I am now in the middle of my BMI range and just hoping to keep it that way now.
  • StacieLea93
    that's what I will be using to loose my weight as well my treadmill going be my new bestfriend hopefully haha going to a work out after dinner then chill later you done really well well done xxxx
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    because it was that or kill myself.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I joined MFP in July 2012, just after my 2nd baby was 1. I'd lost most of the baby weight by then through exercise and healthy eating, but I liked the idea of logging it, and I wanted to lose more. I lost a total of 66lbs since my baby was 8 weeks old by the time she was about 20 months, and MFP definitely helped me lose a lot of that, and helped me realise that I could actually eat more than 1200 calories a day, especially for how active I am!

    I then got pregnant again and logged and exercised through pregnancy, which was great. Unfortunately I still gained so I'm using it again and have lost a fair bit now.

    My goal is to get back to pre-pregnancy weight.
  • shortntall1
    shortntall1 Posts: 333 Member
    I watched "My 600lb life" and realized that could be me seeing I was halfway there. I told myself to put the brakes on NOW and Im down 85lbs since March.