To cold to walk outside



  • JulieFinn
    JulieFinn Posts: 52 Member
    I really like my stationery bike. Lots of times people are giving those away, so maybe you could find one for free? And I know how that is, mine sat unused for a long time in my basement--my husband said something about getting rid of it a while back, but I insisted that we keep it and I'm so glad we did. Now that I am desiring to exercise, I can walk in the cold, but when it's snowy, it's hard to get out and walk because you risk falling and hurting yourself. I don't mind riding my bike at all… I read, crochet or knit, or watch a show on my laptop while doing it. And, I really think the circular motion has helped my knee. It was bothering me a little, and now it feels great since I've been using my exercise bike so much in recent weeks.
  • librarial
    librarial Posts: 61 Member
    Last winter I bike commuted every day that was above 0 degrees Fahrenheit. You can walk in 15 degrees, easy. You just need to bundle up. Especially your face, your hands, and your feet... you can be comfortable in very cold temps, if you just bundle up! Might not be necessary for simply walking, but for biking, I found ski goggles to be very helpful in keeping the cold wind out of my eyes.

    Something else I found helpful was to set a cutoff temperature for myself. Any day that it was above 0, even if I really didn't want to, I rode my bike. It's too easy to use the cold as an excuse otherwise. Set your limit and stick to it.

    If you're really, truly, deeply against walking outside, definitely check out some workout videos. But make sure that you're not just giving yourself an excuse to sidetrack the progress you've made already. If you love walking, don't let the weather stop you... and if you do think it's too cold, REALLY hold yourself accountable to an indoor, at-home workout.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited November 2014
    sullus wrote: »
    Buy a coat? maybe some boots?

    I do get the not walking outside. We had record snowfalls last year. Yes, I have boots (those are comfy...not)....but the plows couldn't keep the streets clear enough. The lanes kept getting more narrow....and forget sidewalks. No ordinance requiring those to be shoveled.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    RGv2 wrote: »
    There is no bad weather only inappropriate clothing! But if you seriously dislike the cold (everyone has different cold tolerance) lots of great suggestions above (there are lots of people who do the mall walks here, keeps you moving and doesn't cost anything!)

    I respectfully disagree.

    You need to put on a thicker tank. ;)

    For at least winter weather. I've never braved any of that crazy rain bs, so I don't know about that.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I have lost around 60 pounds and my main exercise has been walking. Well with winter the temp is around 15 degrees and I just can not walk in that. When I started my weight loss I did not think about winter. My question is what can I do now to get the weight off and I can not afford to go to the gym. Ideas please please.

    Well, comments on that not being so cold aside...

    You lose weight based on how much calories you eat, so exercise or lack thereof will not stop you from losing.
  • GeeWillickers
    GeeWillickers Posts: 85 Member
    edited November 2014
    You can walk in this weather and I do. Usually picking the days without squalls such as today. Just need to bundle up.

    The only suggestion that pops into my mind is if you have a bicycle you can get something to ride it stationary at home for a reasonable price IMO.

    Edit: Sometimes I just adjust my calories down for the day if it looks to be a doozy of a storm brewing. In midwestern Ontario that appears to be the case for the next week.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I don't think I've ever experienced it quite so cold. I live in England and don't remember anything lower than about -3 degrees celcius. However, I could easily walk in that with a warm coat, gloves, scarf etc. If it were me I'd just layer up and walk fast!

    If you really don't want to, then do exercise at home, or join a gym.

    It's around 15 celcius here at the moment and I'm actually hoping it gets a little colder!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    I don't think I've ever experienced it quite so cold. I live in England and don't remember anything lower than about -3 degrees celcius. However, I could easily walk in that with a warm coat, gloves, scarf etc. If it were me I'd just layer up and walk fast!

    If you really don't want to, then do exercise at home, or join a gym.

    It's around 15 celcius here at the moment and I'm actually hoping it gets a little colder!

    Dawnie, my high temp today is -6c. ;)
    I'm in shorts and a t shirt.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Well you can walk loops inside your house. You can walk loops at mall. You can walk loops at walmart, target, or any suoer big box store they have more space. You can make youtube your new bff I think denise austin and bridgette fonda have walking workout vids on youtube for free as well as many other vids aee available! Have a wii? And a balance Board? Do wii fit! Tgere is a walking section and running section and its fun!
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,324 Member
    I have lost around 60 pounds and my main exercise has been walking.

    Well with winter the temp is around 15 degrees and I just can not walk in that.

    of course you can.
    When I started my weight loss I did not think about winter. My question is what can I do now to get the weight off and I can not afford to go to the gym. Ideas please please.

    there has already been advice about getting winter gear (which i would imagine you already have, seeing as you live in a climate that goes to 15 degrees), so that would be my first suggestion.

    if walking outside isn't going to happen, just walk.....inside.


  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    I don't think I've ever experienced it quite so cold. I live in England and don't remember anything lower than about -3 degrees celcius. However, I could easily walk in that with a warm coat, gloves, scarf etc. If it were me I'd just layer up and walk fast!

    If you really don't want to, then do exercise at home, or join a gym.

    It's around 15 celcius here at the moment and I'm actually hoping it gets a little colder!

    Dawnie, my high temp today is -6c. ;)
    I'm in shorts and a t shirt.

    Is it snowing? I really want to take my kids on a sledge. It hasn't snowed here since Jan last year.
    I wouldn't be in shorts and a t-shirt though lol. Even at 15 celcius I had my winter coat on.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    Not yet, soon hopefully. I'd love to be able to make a snowman by the end of the month. Although, on thursday I did drive 350km through a snowstorm. Longest blizzard I've ever driven through.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    Tons of free videos online... or heck just walk in place while you're watching tv... you don't need a video. Otherwise you could look into a membership to the Y... they have a program to base your membership fee on your income so you could get one pretty cheap. Planet Fitness is only $10/mo if you have one of those nearby. 15deg is pretty cold but i've seen folks posting about going out for a run in sub zero temps so I think the key is just layer/layer/layer! :)
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Canadian here, in the arctic city of Edmonton. It dropped to -20C last week (that's -4F). It just so happens I signed up to a running class for ten weeks at the same time, and I had just taken a thirty minute lesson on how to dress for the weather. I shopped at our local work world shop and bought T-Max full leg stockings, a wicking running shirt, a balaclava, and extra socks. I dress in layers, and a simple windbreaker goes over all. It was -5C last night and after my run I was stripping off layers I was so hot.

    Hi jgnatca, I live in Spruce Grove, and yes last week was cold and I only got out twice but last night I got out for 1 1/4 hr walk, threw in a short 1.4 k jog at the end and I was hot and sweaty when I got home. It seemed downright tropical last night compared to last week for sure. I need to invest in good base layers to keep me going through the winter.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited November 2014
    Tons of free videos online... or heck just walk in place while you're watching tv... you don't need a video. Otherwise you could look into a membership to the Y... they have a program to base your membership fee on your income so you could get one pretty cheap. Planet Fitness is only $10/mo if you have one of those nearby. 15deg is pretty cold but i've seen folks posting about going out for a run in sub zero temps so I think the key is just layer/layer/layer! :)

    Along these lines.....Wii has a walking game called Walk It Out. You earn points for steps, and use points to build an island. You buy cars, trees, buildings, etc. Not terribly strenuous (you can block slow paced songs) but the time flies.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    edited November 2014
    jgnatca wrote: »
    RGV2, would you consider -20C, -4F with a wind chill to be "bad weather"?

    Um, no....considering it was basically like that here

    If it was, I sure as hell wouldn't live in Minnesota anymore.

    What are you trying to get at?
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,949 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    15 degrees? Fahrenheit? -10 C? Uhhh that's GORGEOUS weather to walk outside in. -25 C is getting a bit cold to walk (if it's windy). Get a coat, gloves, and hat and suck it up. I walk outside in that weather all the time. In just normal runners. Pick up the pace if you really find it that bad. putting on a scarf and hood in addition to the other items will let you get to -35 C weather too.

    Oh and you can also wear ski goggles and ski mitts and long underwear too. We do that here. Winterpeg, Manisnowba. -45C with the windchill is common in winter here. I do tend to hide inside on those days. I seriously feel that -10C is perfect though. It's my favourite temp to walk in - the air is fresh and crisp and after just 3 mins of walking you're plenty warm.
  • melduf
    melduf Posts: 468 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    15 degrees? Fahrenheit? -10 C? Uhhh that's GORGEOUS weather to walk outside in. -25 C is getting a bit cold to walk (if it's windy). Get a coat, gloves, and hat and suck it up. I walk outside in that weather all the time. In just normal runners. Pick up the pace if you really find it that bad. putting on a scarf and hood in addition to the other items will let you get to -35 C weather too.

    Yep! This. Unless it's under -4F, I go out for a walk, snowshoeing, horse back riding, name it! You just need good gear!

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    What's funny is that when in negatives, I wouldn't take a horse or a dog out. However, I'd totally go camping for a day or two.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    What's funny is that when in negatives, I wouldn't take a horse or a dog out. However, I'd totally go camping for a day or two.

    Winter camping = best camping