Blame it on the ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, alcohol

nomas616 Posts: 13 Member
edited November 2014 in Health and Weight Loss
So I've been counting calories for a few weeks. Have only lost one pound, the first week. Then I went out and got drunk and when I sobered up I realize I had drank the equivalent of one day's food intake. FML. I am not going to stop drinking because it's part of my social life and I like it. I like hanging out with my friends and we do it over liquor every two weeks or so.
My partner and I stopped buying beer for the house so we don't have beer with dinner or meals to reduce the calorie intake. That much I can do, no liquor at home.
That being sad, any other drinkers out there who are including alcohol on their diet? Is there anything low-cal I can drink instead?
I had riesling and a few shots of Jack daniels last weekend and went 1300 cals over goal, which is 1280 :(

P.S. Please abstain of judgement.
PS 2: Should have mentioned. I don't drink calories. Only calories I drink is alcohol and coffee (skim, splenda/sugar). NEVER sodas or juice. Only water and seltzer water. Been doing it for years.

Thanks everyone for the advise already.


  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    This is what works for me:

    -As I have lost weight, my alcohol tolerance has gone down quite a bit. At my height, I used to have a nickname of "the hollow leg" in college because I could drink twice what any of my friends drank and still not be completely drunk. As my tolerance has gone down somewhat, I no longer feel like I need as many drinks when I'm out - no more hollow leg :p

    -I used to prefer sugary cocktails with a lot of soda or fruit juice, but would get the worst hangovers from these types of drinks. Switching to beer/sangria/dry wine makes me get more "volume" of drinking while I'm out, but for less calories than the 500 calorie bay-breezes I used to drink. I.e. a giant glass of delicious draft German beer has less calories than the sweeter drinks, but I get to drink more of it and therefore it lasts me longer.

    -I also ***generally*** don't drink on work nights, whereas I used to have a few glasses of wine after a stressful day at work, or just because it was there. I save drinking for weekends, and enjoy it more. I also space out drinking a little bit more, I'll have a glass of wine, have some water, pour another glass but drink it a little slower, etc., so I end up consuming less of it but still enjoying myself. I have gotten to the point where I'd rather avoid a hangover than get sh!tfaced drunk, because I hate feeling sick the next day. Less is more! :)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I'm too drunk to taste this chicken. - Col. Sanders.
  • ItsSlimpossible12
    ItsSlimpossible12 Posts: 127 Member
    Last year when I lost 40 pounds (back before I gained it all back) I refused to cut out alcohol for the same reason, but only drank Captain Morgan Spiced Rum and Diet Cokes. Don't really like either of the 2 separately, but it got the job done and was easy on the calories.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    you just have to workout before going out. I successfully drink and maintain. I also drank while I was losing weight. Good Luck

  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    If you don't want to make the commitment to better your health, then don't. But, don't dabble your toe in the water just enough to think you have reason to whine about nothing changing while still touting that you're not really changing at all.

    I have been an alcoholic for much of my adult life, especially the last decade, so I know a thing or two about it, and have zero sympathy for people who not only refuse to change, but make a mockery of changing at the same time.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    edited November 2014
    nomas616 wrote: »
    I had riesling and a few shots of Jack daniels last weekend and went 1300 cals over goal, which is 1280 :(
    You drank 1600 calories worth of wine and whiskey?
    I'm not even mad, I'm impressed.

    Anyway, I drank (non-flavoured) vodka instead of beer while I was losing weight. Beer was just impossible to fit into a calorie deficit in a comfortable way. Alcohol has calories in and of itself, though, so you literally can't spend less than 100 cals/drink.

    ETA : vodka with a diet mixer. Mixers can have a crazy amount of calories, and neat shots will get you f'ed asap.

    Best thing about going on maintenance was going back to beer...

    Not going to lie, though, half the time when I drink I just say "f it" and eat 5000 calories worth of junk food and take-out afterwards.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    If you don't want to make the commitment to better your health, then don't. But, don't dabble your toe in the water just enough to think you have reason to whine about nothing changing while still touting that you're not really changing at all.

    I have been an alcoholic for much of my adult life, especially the last decade, so I know a thing or two about it, and have zero sympathy for people who not only refuse to change, but make a mockery of changing at the same time.

    Strong truth.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    It's all about planning and priorities. You can not drink thousands of calories every weekend and expect to lose weight. You have to have a 3,500 calorie deficit to loose one pound. I drink less often so my tolerance went way down. Less drinks = less money and less calories. Just watch cutting out food during the day so you can drink, you will get drunker faster with nothing to absorb the alcohol. Learned that lesson the hard way.

    Good luck!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Maybe you could try fasting one day to allow for excesses on another?
  • redfisher1974
    redfisher1974 Posts: 614 Member
    I switched to Molsons 67, Only 67 cals a beer... a 12 pack a week and I'm still losing 1.5 lbs a week.
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    Alcohol can impact muscle growth, recovery, hydration, and the central nervous system. I can understand a few drinks here and there, but I don't see much of a reason to keep it as an integral part of your diet.

    I've noticed significant impacts on my athletic performance for a few days after drinking so I really don't have more than 4 beers ever at any time.
  • rseneca724
    rseneca724 Posts: 46 Member
    Me and alcohol have always had a love/hate relationship. I like to go out about once a week for a few Crown & Cokes and I enjoy a glass or two of wine at home a few times a week. I avoid the sweet wines (like has 2 times the calories of Pinot Grigio) and switched to Diet Coke with my Crown. On the days that I plan to go have a few drinks I out, I eat light during the day so I can have a solid meal before having those drinks. I also make sure I have some water while drinking so I don't get dehydrated. As for the wine...kind of the same thing, I don't allow myself more than 2 glasses (my size glasses which are 8 oz, not 4). I log all of it (even when it may be embarassing) and even if I go over calories a little bit, in my mind (I could be totally wrong here...) it's not as bad as going over calories with Ben & Jerry's. I have been doing this for a few weeks now and I am still losing.
    I have been wondering how people log/allow alcohol into their diets. I know I can't be the only one that likes to drink from time to time....
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    If you use soda in your drinks, switch to diet soda and save calories.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Im cutting way way way back, matter of fact, only 3 times for the rest of the year......gotta go to the Dr, and Ive gained some since seeing him......I MAKE THE WORST CHOICES when I have had 3 glasses of wine.....

    for me ,and again, this applies to me..........I feel so bad and guilty the next day, its' not worth it for me.......again, I have to lose this last amt of weight, Im not a happy camper

    sooooo............Ive cut back now about 95 percent......again, Turkey day, Christmas I plan to do so, and then it's got to come to a stop......I want my good health
  • theflatpick
    theflatpick Posts: 106 Member
    I treat it just like any other calories in take in. Count them. Go to the gym that day to get some buffer room.
  • Torontonius
    Torontonius Posts: 245 Member
    Alcohol has many deleterious effects beyond the caloric impact. As a fairly heavy drinker myself, who has yo-yo'd between 220 and 270 lbs for most of my post-University adult life, all I can say is:

    If you REALLY want to lose weight, (and keep it off) you have to strictly moderate your booze intake.

    Does this mean you can't enjoy yourself from time-to-time?


    It means:

    1) No "binge" nights. You can't consume 3000+ calories in a night and expect to get lean, period.
    2) More cardio on days you expect to drink.
    3) No sweet drinks, alcohol + sugar is far worse than booze alone.

    Personally, you have to evaluate your priorities. If your goal is to get to "x" lbs in "x" months, you may need to completely cut out booze, or you may be able to lightly indulge, but binge nights aren't an option. could always try the ol' 420, preferably vaped. Calorie free and if you get the munchies, cucumber, broccoli and water takes care of it. Nutritious, filling and low calorie.
  • Jim_1000
    Jim_1000 Posts: 52 Member
    I didn't start losing until I stopped drinking. After a few drinks all willpower to avoid snacking went out the window for me. If you have a healthy brain it is so much easier to make good choices. For a low calorie drink I like grapefruit flavored Perrier water. 0 calories. You might have to drink a few bottles to aquire the taste for it, but once you do, its a great thing to be able to enjoy a 0 calorie drink with no artificial sweeteners. I would also recommend drinking zero alcohol coolers once in awhile just to give sobriety a chance. It may not be fun at first but you get used to it after awhile and its great to know you aren't harming your brain. Good luck!
  • nomas616
    nomas616 Posts: 13 Member
    If you don't want to make the commitment to better your health, then don't. But, don't dabble your toe in the water just enough to think you have reason to whine about nothing changing while still touting that you're not really changing at all.

    I have been an alcoholic for much of my adult life, especially the last decade, so I know a thing or two about it, and have zero sympathy for people who not only refuse to change, but make a mockery of changing at the same time.

    Dude, you are projecting. DID I NOT SAY I AM NEW TO THIS AND I AM LEARNING BY TRIAL AND ERROR? and ABSTAIN FROM JUDGEMENT". My diary is public, go see me make an effort. You have an alcohol problem I DONT. You are projecting. I am simply trying to lose weight while maintaining my life style because I refuse to let the diet BECOME my life.

    I'm obviously open to change, hence asking for advise and opinions.

    Rant over.
  • Torontonius
    Torontonius Posts: 245 Member
    By the way diet soda is poison, and sodas in general should be avoided, they leech calcium and other minerals from your body. The only liquids I drink now are water, green tea, black coffee, red wine, and if I have hard liquor I drink it neat or on ice.
  • jeffreytsparks842
    Alcohol is one of the least nutrient efficient things you can eat or drink.

    FWIW, I had normally drunk 1-2 drinks per day over the last few years. Because my triglycerides were all out of whack when I saw the Dr, 3 weeks ago, I've stopped entirely (at least until the next checkup in another 3 weeks). I've also counted calories and have been doing cardio (treadmill) 5-6 times a week.

    I've lost 12 pounds in those three weeks alone. Weight loss isn't my primary goal. Mostly, I want my liver and blood levels back to some kind of normal, but being under 200 pounds for the first time in years doesn't stink!