Blame it on the ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, alcohol



  • Jesyka_Gee
    Jesyka_Gee Posts: 27 Member
    Here's what I do. Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this but when I'm out with friends and we are grabbing drinks, either stick to light beer or if you want the hard stuff go for a Vodka Tonic or Gin & Tonic. Tonic is a form of water, which will help with hydration throughout the night and a minimal hang over. This always works for me. My go-to drink is either Grey Goose and Tonic with a few lime wedges or Kettle and Tonic the same way. Hope it works out for you! :)
  • anask4
    anask4 Posts: 86 Member
    One Shot (1 oz) of Jack Daniels or Bicardi Gold is only about 70 calories. Just mix 5-6 ounces with liquor and a diet soda and sip on that.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    edited November 2014
    No judgment here. I know lots of people who find that going out on a weekend for drinks is their downfall when it comes to counting calories. Not only because the drinks themselves are high in calories, but because once you've had 2 or 3 drinks, it's easier to say "oh, eff it" and order greasy salty food and more drinks. You lose your inhibitions, so it's much harder to stick to the plan.

    First, the bad news: There really isn't any "low-cal" alcohol. There are drinks that have fewer calories than other drinks, of course. But they're all fairly high in calories, and more to the point, in 'empty' calories (in that they add calories to your day without helping you get closer to your nutrition goals). The simple reality is that there isn't a trick to it; if you want to lose weight, you're gonna have to either drink less, or cut back in other areas.

    Now, the good news: You're eating less, so like someone else said, your alcohol tolerance will go down. You'll get a similar effect from one beer as you used to get from two or three. Just as much fun, fewer calories, and less money = win.

    More good news: You don't have to cut alcohol entirely. I mean, you don't sound like an alcoholic (if you did, I'm sure everyone here would advise you to seek some help). As long as you're keeping it in control, a glass of wine or a beer now and again won't harm you. There's even some medical research suggesting that a small amount of red wine can be heart-healthy.

    If having those couple of drinks on a weekend is important to your social life, go for it. Just find a way to fit them in your macros: Eat less that day, or add another weekend workout in the mornings, or eat less snacks, or give up something else to make them fit.

    Personally, I love craft beer. The way I do it is by pouring myself "tasting" pours instead of full glasses, so, my friends and I will split 1-2 bottles of a new craft beer and each have a couple of ounces of it. If I'm out at a bar, I'll order a glass / half pint instead of a pint. Stuff like that.

    Another tip: In between each drink, order a glass of sparkling water and drink that. Space out your drinks more so that you can stay out with your friends and socialize longer without that awkward empty glass in front of you, but still keep the calorie count down.
  • aelathali1
    nomas616 wrote: »
    P.S. Please abstain of judgement.

    Judging others is how we deem them worthy of our time or not. If we did not judge others, just anyone could be our friend. We'd marry just anyone regardless of how well they matched us. Judging others is required. You judged your friends that you go drinking with to be worth going to drink with.

    And don't come on here and cry that you know what your problem is and aren't willing to correct it or compensate for it then expect pity.

  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    edited November 2014
    Diet soda is not poison. Deit soda, like any other drink or food, should be consumed in moderation.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    nomas616 wrote: »
    If you don't want to make the commitment to better your health, then don't. But, don't dabble your toe in the water just enough to think you have reason to whine about nothing changing while still touting that you're not really changing at all.

    I have been an alcoholic for much of my adult life, especially the last decade, so I know a thing or two about it, and have zero sympathy for people who not only refuse to change, but make a mockery of changing at the same time.

    Dude, you are projecting. DID I NOT SAY I AM NEW TO THIS AND I AM LEARNING BY TRIAL AND ERROR? and ABSTAIN FROM JUDGEMENT". My diary is public, go see me make an effort. You have an alcohol problem I DONT. You are projecting. I am simply trying to lose weight while maintaining my life style because I refuse to let the diet BECOME my life.

    I'm obviously open to change, hence asking for advise and opinions.

    Rant over.
    Delicious rant, but it's not reasonable to expect that others will not judge. It's naively unreasonable.

    Also, you judged him. Be the change you want to see in others.
  • Harunan
    Harunan Posts: 22 Member
    gkirk2000 wrote: »
    By the way diet soda is poison
    Nope. Kindly quit with the fearmongering.
  • Torontonius
    Torontonius Posts: 245 Member
    Look up metabolites of aspartame and tell me it isn't poison.
  • AllAboutThatPace
    AllAboutThatPace Posts: 151 Member
    With the exception of a surprise bottle of wine from the hubby, I have no drank any alcohol and don't plan on it. I told my hubby until I make it to my half way point, I am not having any alcohol, so no more surprises!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    gkirk2000 wrote: »
    Look up metabolites of aspartame and tell me it isn't poison.

    It's not poison.
  • nomas616
    nomas616 Posts: 13 Member
    @dbmata YOU GOT ME. Guilty.

    It just got to me. Bad filter.

    I guess I should have expected lots of negative replies, although I've only gotten a few.

    Everyone has actually been super helpful and given useful practical advice that I can implement on Turkey weekend, which should be my next debauchery.
  • Sevendust912
    Sevendust912 Posts: 122 Member
    If you don't want to make the commitment to better your health, then don't. But, don't dabble your toe in the water just enough to think you have reason to whine about nothing changing while still touting that you're not really changing at all.

    I have been an alcoholic for much of my adult life, especially the last decade, so I know a thing or two about it, and have zero sympathy for people who not only refuse to change, but make a mockery of changing at the same time.

    From a fellow recovering alcoholic/addict, this post is spot on
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,895 Member
    gkirk2000 wrote: »
    By the way diet soda is poison, and sodas in general should be avoided, they leech calcium and other minerals from your body. The only liquids I drink now are water, green tea, black coffee, red wine, and if I have hard liquor I drink it neat or on ice.

    I've been poisoning myself for years. Oh the tragedy!!!

    OP: When I drink socially I like to do vodka and diet drinks. One of my favorites is Vodka and Diet Cherry 7up, especially in the summer time. Now that it's colder I like a warmer drink and will occasionally have Fireball with Diet Coke. Usually I just drink beer though and fit it in, but my daily calorie goal to maintain is closer to 1800 so I have some more wiggle room.

  • Harunan
    Harunan Posts: 22 Member
    gkirk2000 wrote: »
    Look up metabolites of aspartame and tell me it isn't poison.

    Read some peer-reviewed studies and tell me it is.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    gkirk2000 wrote: »
    Look up metabolites of aspartame and tell me it isn't poison.

    It Isn't Poison
  • ncscott11
    ncscott11 Posts: 100 Member
    You don't have to quit drinking to lose weight. Hell I quit drinking for 8 months and didn't lose a lb! I have lost over 30 lbs on here will still enjoying my wine and sometimes beer or liquor. Really it comes down to the choices you make while drinking. Are you the type who has a couple drinks then all will power goes out the window and you eat everything in site? Then you might want to think about not drinking too much. Alcohol really doesn't have a ton of calories if you make the choice to not go too sweet and stick to diet mixers. If it's something you like fit it in. You have the right idea with not letting this consume you like a diet. That's what will make it stick!
  • LifeInTheBikeLane
    LifeInTheBikeLane Posts: 345 Member
    We don't go out and party. Ever. My Love is in 2 bands and we usually find ourselves at a bar twice a month for their gigs. I'll admit, I love my rum and diet coke. But the calories in alcohol are so pointless. So I plan my day out the day before so I can fit two rum and cokes into my night.

    I love my wine, though. 110 calories I give myself a night.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    If you are overweight then i suggest that 1280 calories per day is far too low anyway.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    gkirk2000 wrote: »
    By the way diet soda is poison, and sodas in general should be avoided, they leech calcium and other minerals from your body. The only liquids I drink now are water, green tea, black coffee, red wine, and if I have hard liquor I drink it neat or on ice.

    This is madness. Science - study some of it.

    Diet soda is not poison, nothing wrong with sodas in general. if you have the calories for them, and they fit your lifestyle
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    nomas616 wrote: »
    @dbmata YOU GOT ME. Guilty.

    It just got to me. Bad filter.

    I guess I should have expected lots of negative replies, although I've only gotten a few.

    Everyone has actually been super helpful and given useful practical advice that I can implement on Turkey weekend, which should be my next debauchery.

    I make beer. I made cider. I make mead. I will eventually distill.

    I've cut down what I drink for two reasons. 1. I feel like hell after drinking when I work out. 2. When I make 5 gallons of beer, I have to drink 5 gallons of beer. That's a lot of calories for the types of beers I make.

    I need to prioritize proteins over ethanol. Just comes down to what you want and what you want to do. I'd rather explore the beauty that is strength, than the beauty that is a finely crafted whisky flip.