What's For Breakfast, Everyone?

Greetings fellow MFPers!

Today is my first day of taking control of my health, after a long hiatus from dieting due to complacency and negligence, and having gone through several stop-starts along the way as a yo-yo dieter.

What is everyone having for breakfast today?

When I am not paying attention to my diet, I would normally eat anywhere from 500 to 750 calories for breakfast, consisting of things such as:

- 2 eggs
- 2 slices of wheat bread
- 50 to 100 grams of some kind of breakfast meat

In the past, I have tried switching to a healthier breakfast, such as:

- One serving of FiberOne cereal
- 50 to 100 grams of strawberries
- 50 grams of blueberries
- 1 tbspn of honey
- 5 grams of walnuts

This amounts to approximately 400 calories

When I have this "healthier" breakfast, I definitely can feel that I have a LOT MORE energy in the mornings, than when I have my "unhealthy" breakfast above.

But still I have a feeling something is not quite right with either of these breakfasts.

What am I doing wrong? What am I doing right?

I am addicted to having 2 eggs for breakfast every single day. But I realize that I need to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into my diet.

Any advice? Feel free to critique my dietary choice. I'm here to learn and to improve. And I am going to start sharing my diet tracker publicly soon so that everyone can critique it.

What did YOU have / what are YOU having for breakfast today?



  • RKeady
    RKeady Posts: 1 Member
    I like to have a peanut butter & banana smootie with yogurt & almond milk. It's very filling, and I can make five on Sunday to get me through the week!
  • CarrieCans
    CarrieCans Posts: 381 Member
    My breakfast usually just consists of anywhere from 36 to 48 oz of coffee. It's my normal breakfast routine for the last 20 years or so. I am curious what others eat because at some point i would like to include a real breakfast time meal in my routine.
  • thedietpilot
    thedietpilot Posts: 56 Member
    Today for breakfast I had:

    1) 1 medium apple
    72 calories

    2 hours later:

    1) 4oz of strawberries
    2) 4oz of blueberries
    3) 10g of walnuts
    4) 0.5 cup of silk vanilla soy milk
    230 calories

    Total of 302 calories so far, and I have been awake for 3 hours.

    This is SO NOT MY OLD SELF. My old self would have easily had 700 calories of food that consists of meat and bread, and no fruits or vegetables.

    So this is definitely a 180 degree paradigm shift. I know that after a couple of days, I'm going to crave eating my meats for breakfast again... But for today, being day #1 for me, this is the healthiest breakfast I've had in a LOONG time.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Coffee, Greek Yogurt, and Oatmeal.
  • thedietpilot
    thedietpilot Posts: 56 Member
    CarrieCans wrote: »
    My breakfast usually just consists of anywhere from 36 to 48 oz of coffee. It's my normal breakfast routine for the last 20 years or so. I am curious what others eat because at some point i would like to include a real breakfast time meal in my routine.

    I have a habit of drinking 8 to 12 ounces of coffee every morning, with cream and honey (not sugar).

    I have come to the realization that it doesn't do anything for me (in terms of waking me up - I could still go back to sleep after having a cup of coffee). I just have it for the taste.

    I'm going to try to avoid coffee for a few days while I kick start this diet.

    Perhaps you should try to reduce your coffee intake gradually? Maybe replace 8 to 12 ounces of that coffee with a piece of fruit? And work your way down slowly...

  • legowrangler
    legowrangler Posts: 229 Member
    today I had a chocolate chip Panera bagel and that was like 4 a.m. so since I have also started on a bag of sunchips that I will be snacking on throughout my work day
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Spinach and egg white mini omelette, fage Greek yogurt with honey.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I start work at 8am so I always have a big spoon of crunchy peanut butter put in a fage greek yoghurt. So yummy try it.

    Then about an hour or hour and a half, I have a porridge pot.

    Then I have a later lunch about 2pm.

    For breakfast I love the above, or weekends I love omelettes or scrambled eggs on toast.

    Mix it up. Try all different things.

    Porridge, smoothies, shakes, eggs, bagels - You name it.

    I love breakfast!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Smoked salmon with scrambled egg - mmmm
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Today, I am having one piece of French toast with strawberry sauce and a glass of milk.
    Lately, I have been alternating between eating Greek yogurt with or without a piece of fruit and half a bagel with cream cheese and a glass of V8 vegetable juice.
    I am eating it around 9 AM and will eat lunch around noon. If I ate earlier I might need a snack between breakfast and lunch but I will be fine.

    Maybe you could just switch the breakfast meat out for some fruit or vegetables and still eat your eggs and toast.
  • schelly81
    schelly81 Posts: 161 Member
    CarrieCans wrote: »
    My breakfast usually just consists of anywhere from 36 to 48 oz of coffee. It's my normal breakfast routine for the last 20 years or so. I am curious what others eat because at some point i would like to include a real breakfast time meal in my routine.

    I have a habit of drinking 8 to 12 ounces of coffee every morning, with cream and honey (not sugar).

    I have come to the realization that it doesn't do anything for me (in terms of waking me up - I could still go back to sleep after having a cup of coffee). I just have it for the taste.

    I'm going to try to avoid coffee for a few days while I kick start this diet.

    Perhaps you should try to reduce your coffee intake gradually? Maybe replace 8 to 12 ounces of that coffee with a piece of fruit? And work your way down slowly...

    If you plan on cutting out coffee, watch out for the headaches.
    This morning is a cup of greek yogurt with a cup of frozen sweet cherries and 3 cups of coffee with a TBSP of hot chocolate mix added. I think it's 400 calories all together.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I'd take your first breakfast, switch out one piece of toast for some fruit, and then eat that.

    Today I had two scrambled eggs cooked in coconut oil, some grape tomatoes, and coffee mixed with 1 cup 2% milk.

    My general breakfast template is the coffee with milk, a protein (eggs, yogurt, or cottage cheese), and fruit or veggies. Sometimes I add bacon in there too.
  • AmandaPantz87
    AmandaPantz87 Posts: 27 Member
    1 whole egg omelette (onion, mushroom, fresh garlic)
    1/2 WW bagel w/1tsp margarine
    1 cup strawberries
  • zchastain
    zchastain Posts: 55 Member
    1 cup of plain 2% Greek yogurt
    1 cup of Kashi GoLean cereal
    Lots of strong, black coffee
  • thedietpilot
    thedietpilot Posts: 56 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    I'd take your first breakfast, switch out one piece of toast for some fruit, and then eat that.

    Today I had two scrambled eggs cooked in coconut oil, some grape tomatoes, and coffee mixed with 1 cup 2% milk.

    My general breakfast template is the coffee with milk, a protein (eggs, yogurt, or cottage cheese), and fruit or veggies. Sometimes I add bacon in there too.

    Thanks for the suggestion. I guess the key point you are recommending is to swap out one slice of bread with a piece of fruit = bread is loaded with "bad carbs", whereas I need to ensure that I have at least one serving of fruit / vegetable to start the day.

    I can definitely live with one less slice of bread! :smile:

    And judging by your breakfast, you definitely aren't loading up on any "bad" carbs.

    I'll try it later in the week, on a day when I can't fight my craving to have eggs.
  • thedietpilot
    thedietpilot Posts: 56 Member
    1 whole egg omelette (onion, mushroom, fresh garlic)
    1/2 WW bagel w/1tsp margarine
    1 cup strawberries

    Nice breakfast.... I'll give this one a try one of these days... I take it the WW bagels are much lower in calories than a typical bagel?
  • SLHysell
    SLHysell Posts: 247 Member
    I have a protein bar for breakfast ever day. Today it was a crunchy chocolate Pure Protein bar. Yummy. I like a larger dinner, so I go really light in the morning.
  • 1 cup Greek natural yogurt
    3/4 cup frozen mixed berries

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I'm a natural early riser, so this is my time. This morning it was Red River cooked cereal with dried currants, a handful (1/4 cup) of sunflower seeds, dried mango slices and a dollop of 0% greek yogurt. In all it came out to 350 calories. I have a lighter breakfast because I also tie in a morning and afternoon snack.
  • thedietpilot
    thedietpilot Posts: 56 Member
    SLHysell wrote: »
    I have a protein bar for breakfast ever day. Today it was a crunchy chocolate Pure Protein bar. Yummy. I like a larger dinner, so I go really light in the morning.

    I also like larger dinners too (and apparently larger breakfasts and lunches, which is what got me into this situation in the first place.). There is something psychologically satisfying (for me at least) about having a large dinner after a long day of work.

    But if dietary willpower is all in the mind, then I may have to work on changing my mindset.

    You feel satisfied with that one protein bar? How long between your breakfast and your next meal / snack?
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    Mini bagel, one egg, 1/4 avocado, pico de gallo sammich. Homemade.