What's For Breakfast, Everyone?



  • Torontonius
    Torontonius Posts: 245 Member
    I wake up at 4:55 every morning, gulp a big cup of black coffee, then have the following:

    1/2 cup natural oatmeal
    1.5 scoop whey protein powder
    1/2 cup frozen blueberries
    1 small banana

    Hit the gym at 6 AM, have a solid workout with weights (usually 8-10 exercises, 3-4 sets per exercise, all written down)

    7 AM get home, have another black coffee and either:

    2 eggs
    1/2 an avocado
    2 ryvita crisps


    shake with:
    1 scoop whey protein
    1/2 an avocado
    small banana
    ice cubes

    that sets me up great for the morning, I'll either have a very small mid-morning snack or none at all until lunch.

    Feeling great. Been doing this for 2.5 weeks and even though last weekend had 2 parties where I binged a bit I'm down 7 lbs, my muscles are stronger (the benefit of logging, you can tell what's going on) and my waist is shrinking.
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    Oat bran with milk
    Banana oat muffin (from the skinny taste recipe book)
  • MalineVD
    MalineVD Posts: 649 Member
    I make one thick pancake with following ingredients:

    1 egg (+ sometimes an extra eggwhite)
    1 banana
    20 gr of oatmeal
    a sip of milk
    some cinnamon.

    Bake a thick pancake on a low fire.
    Best breakfast ever and it keeps me full until lunch.
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    Two fried eggs, two slices of wheat toast, a banana, and a casein protein shake.
  • hulslaj
    hulslaj Posts: 4 Member
    coffee, black
    double espresso
  • chaokitty
    chaokitty Posts: 42 Member
    RKeady wrote: »
    I like to have a peanut butter & banana smootie with yogurt & almond milk. It's very filling, and I can make five on Sunday to get me through the week!
    I like this!
    What kind of yogurt do you use?
  • frksfrau
    frksfrau Posts: 108 Member
    I have several different breakfasts I rotate throughout the week so I am not bored.

    Breakfast 1:
    40g Steel Cut Oatmeal
    10 g craisins
    Coffee with ff half & half
    approx 200 cal

    Breakfast 2:
    4 egg whites
    1 slice cheese
    bagel thin
    Coffee w/ ff half & half
    approx 250 cal

    I especially like my breakfast 2 egg sandwich. Much tastier, healthier, and cheaper than anything I would get in a drive thru.
  • seththealmighty
    seththealmighty Posts: 51 Member
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    2 slices of dry toast with a medium sliced tomato coffee. and 12 ounces of water (every weekday)... weekends I have steel cut oats, with a scoop of whey isolate, crushed walnuts, or pecans and a 1/4 cup of plain no fat Greek yogurt and if I am feeling it.. a tablespoon of honey
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    since i intend to skip lunch Sausage Egg and Cheese on an everything bagel.
  • QueenKristine7
    cottage cheese and a small banana
  • Curious3D
    Curious3D Posts: 23 Member
    Turkey burger patty, side of cottage cheese with blueberries and roasted pumpkin seeds, coffee with almond milk.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Egg whites on two slices butterbread with two slices turkey bacon, and coffee.
  • Rugbynutter
    Rugbynutter Posts: 33 Member
    Bulking phase so 150g brown rice (cooked) + 3 eggs (1 whole, 2 whites). Post workout - 150 sweet potato.
  • misskarihari
    misskarihari Posts: 104 Member
    Scrambled eggs with chicken breast in slices, mushrooms and onion. Served with tomatoes. Yum!
  • kristinhowell
    kristinhowell Posts: 139 Member
    I'm having poptarts.
    One morning I had chicken pot pie.

  • hastingsmassage
    hastingsmassage Posts: 162 Member
    my 500 calories out of 2000...I am not on diet, only maintaining nbl22bjasukf.jpg
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I'm a creature of habit. I need the same breakfast every day or I just feel off. I have oatmeal made with 40g of oats and 270ml of 1.2% milk. Then I stir in 2 tsp of strawberry jam and sometimes 1/4 teaspoon of peanut butter.

    Plus a mug of coffee with milk and sugar.
  • LBoggie77
    LBoggie77 Posts: 57 Member
    Half a cup of brown rice, 1 poached egg, sauteed with 2 fresh mushrooms and 2 teaspoons of homemade salsa. Keeps me full until snack time :smiley:
  • NARudy
    NARudy Posts: 33 Member
    This is simple and easy and healthy.

    1 Fiber 1 English Muffin -- 100 calories
    1 Fried egg (break the yolk) -- 100 calories
    1 ounce Turkey Ham -- 50 calories
    1 slice Provolone -- 50 calories

    The ham and the egg are actually lower, but I rounded up. This is 300 calories. You can also easily leave out the Turkey ham to keep it lower, or use low-fat cheese but it doesn't melt right.

    Add in a banana and some black coffee (buy good grounds, not supermarket cans), and you're at less than 400 for a delicious, yummy breakfast that feels decadent but is not.