NEED FRIENDS? New members post your username here



  • Benjinkan
    Benjinkan Posts: 1,107 Member
    add me :smile:
  • Hi Im Jaz_mim! only started logging in today! In the past I have lost weight but really struggled to keep it off... hopefully this website will help!
  • Pencil_Hearts
    Pencil_Hearts Posts: 152 Member
    Hi, everyone. I'm not technically new here. I've been a member since 2012 but I haven't been the greatest at logging in or anything like that. I guess I'm like everyone else that came to this forum, I'm just looking for internet friends to motivate me.
    Add me?
  • dkeener_81
    dkeener_81 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm a "re-member". This time I have a structured plan thru Fit Girls Guide. I'm on my last week of a 4 week plan and I'm kinda freaking out. What do I do? I need structure. I need a layed out fitness plan. Anyone know a site that has something like that?? And you are welcomed to friend me :smile:
  • Just joined. Not sure how all this works. I need a quick menu to work off of versus creating everything from scratch.... any tips!!?
  • Secrease
    Secrease Posts: 9 Member
    At it again! Seems like I've said that one to many times but too many is never enough when it comes to trying :). We are all here working towards becoming healthier so let's support, motiviate and hold one another accoutable (at least that is definitely what I need accountability from others). So please feel free to send me a request and good luck on your journey. My user name is Secrease
  • hsk1990
    hsk1990 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm 23 and from the UK. I've been on here a week and I'd love some friends so we can motivate each other. hsk1990 :)
  • bootcamp85
    bootcamp85 Posts: 64 Member
    Feel free to add me as well.......lost 15 pounds so far by going to bootcamp 4-5 times a week and trying to eat healthier as well (small portions)........Its been a little over 2 months for me!!!!!!!!
    I love the change im seeing......
  • New here. I downloaded MFP app awhile back, but never really used it... I was paying for WW, but finally couldn't afford the membership anymore. I had lost about 20 pounds in 2013 on WW, but after having an incredibly stressful beginning of 2014, I've gained almost all that weight back. I eat when I'm stressed, when I'm sad, or when it's time to celebrate! I'm looking to lose almost 30 pounds. Had been working out, but I'm now trying to simply get my eating under control. Would love a 'friend'/ mentor to help keep me on track!
  • Hello I am new and would like more friends on mfp my user name is afimelb2015
  • megaraeyoung
    megaraeyoung Posts: 5 Member
    Started my fitness journey almost a year ago. Recently switched to flexible dieting/muscle gain goals in mind! Add me if you like :)
  • Abstraktimus
    Abstraktimus Posts: 213 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I'm Dan, 22 from the UK. Started my journey at 364 and I'm down to 238. I'm active every day with logging, chatting and messaging people aswell as blogging about my experiences and stuff! If you ever need any motivation, someone to rant to or just a chat I'm always here!
  • Your username

  • I'm new too! Started this week. Feel free to add!
  • New Member! - Technika92
  • RedHeadHotMama
    RedHeadHotMama Posts: 50 Member
    Old member but gained most of it back due to problems. I have seen a doctor and now my energy level is through the roof. My friends have left me though. Feel free to send me a request.
  • Romee14
    Romee14 Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me, Romee14. Love people who share their diaries, and are honest about their journey!!
  • lisahulsizer
    lisahulsizer Posts: 31 Member
    Not new, but would love new friends! Add me! :)
  • andrew_in_va
    andrew_in_va Posts: 20 Member
    Feel free to add me. I enjoy seeing what my fellow MFPers are doing with diet and exercise.
  • ryder1013
    ryder1013 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone! I have been on and off MFP for awhile now but looking to really commit to my journey this time! Thought talking to others would really help! My username is ryder1013!