Wondering if this is okay to eat every day....



  • ashleyjohnstonn1
    ashleyjohnstonn1 Posts: 359 Member
    edited November 2014
    This is my new revised plan:

    so intended macros are the same
    goal: 1400 cals, 140 g carbs, 31 g fat, 140 g protein, and 34 g fiber
    attained: 1396 cals, 136 g carbs, 36 g fat, 134 g protein, and 39 g fiber

    Breakfast (same)
    vanilla chai tea
    two white corn tortillas
    1 egg
    3 egg whites
    handful of spinach

    light string cheese

    Snack 2/Lunch
    1/4 cup bear naked granola
    sugar free jello cup
    baby carrots
    light laughing cow wedge
    light salami

    Post Workout
    Quest Bar
    1 scoop gnc protein powder

    1 small red potato or sweet potato
    8 oz chicken breast
    1 cup of steamed broccoli
  • eatliveplay
    eatliveplay Posts: 24 Member
    Looked at revised plan.

    Not enough vegetables (5 serves ideal, you only have about 3.5)
    Not enough fruit (2 serves ideal, you only have 1)
    Not enough calcium (milk, yoghurt? At this stage you only have a very small amount of highly processed cheese)
    Red meat? (iron is very important for young women)

    Variety in diet keeps it interesting/sustainable and provides different nutrients.
  • I've beeb lifting weights for years, heavy, and your meals are a good start. Might I made a few suggestions?

    You should consider cutting back a little on the carbs. Or swap in better carbs.

    I'd do something like this:

    Breakfast (same)
    vanilla chai tea
    1 egg
    3 egg whites
    handful of spinach, for sure (I always keep baby spinach on hand)
    Laughing cow wedge or any low fat cheese (I love fat free chive and onion cream cheese with eggs)

    light string cheese
    Handful of almonds OR granola

    baby carrots with hummus
    Wrap with tortilla, "heathy" or low fat turkey or ham, spinach, and light cheese (or mustard or a lite dressing for flavor)

    Post Workout
    1 scoop gnc protein powder

    1 small sweet potato
    8 oz chicken breast
    1 cup of steamed broccoli

  • Embera
    Embera Posts: 289 Member
    Looked at revised plan.

    Not enough vegetables (5 serves ideal, you only have about 3.5)
    Not enough fruit (2 serves ideal, you only have 1)
    Not enough calcium (milk, yoghurt? At this stage you only have a very small amount of highly processed cheese)
    Red meat? (iron is very important for young women)

    Variety in diet keeps it interesting/sustainable and provides different nutrients.

    Yes iron is very important I find myself craving rare steak for a week a month because of mother nature but not nessisarily that week I'm Aldo mildly anemic tho
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I suggest to you what I ate today. Minus the zone bar. I don't know where that came from. Hanger probably.
  • ashleyjohnstonn1
    ashleyjohnstonn1 Posts: 359 Member
    Thank you guys all so much for your help! Tons of great suggestions. I will have to change everything up a little and fit the guidelines better :)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Sure. Go for it. You'll find out relatively quick if it's a good dietary approach.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    The general rule on protein is .8g per kilogram of body weight. If you weigh in pounds or stones, there are conversions online. Google "pounds to kilograms."

    If you eat the same food every day, your body may lose out on vitamins and minerals that it lacks. But you'd probably get really sick of it after a few weeks.

    If you must eat the same food every day, take a multivitamin with one of your meals. :)
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    edited November 2014
    shai74 wrote: »
    Lelah77 wrote: »
    I wonder if you need so much protein (I think a normal protein intake for adult women is somewhere between 40-50 g/day and you are aiming for 140g

    40 - 50g of protein a day is not NEARLY enough. If you wanted to cut back on anything, you'd be better off cutting back the carbs.

    THIS^^ A good rule of thumb is 1 gram protein per pound of lean body mass.
  • dlbaron
    dlbaron Posts: 79 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    If you eat the same food every day, your body may lose out on vitamins and minerals that it lacks.

    I was gonna say this ^
    I agree with the above suggestions that you get more fruit and veggies. Dairy can be problematic (it definitely is for me, unless its fermented), but if you aren't getting enough calcium (dark leafy greens are a good source) take a calcium-magnesium supplement. Most Americans get plenty of calcium, but not enough magnesium. Getting the magnesium helps you assimilate the calcium and helps with tons of other functions in the body. I'd take a cal-mag supplement over a multivitamin and then aim to get your micronutrients from a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Most non-starchy vegetables are low calorie, so maybe consider leaving a ~120 calorie and 30g carb buffer and switch out your veggies every day. If you aim to get lots of different colored veg every day, you'll get plenty of micro- and phytonutrients. If you get bored of the menu, change it! Remember that your body doesn't operate on exactly a 24 hour schedule, so as long as you get enough nutrients most of the time, it will even out. If your macros are a bit off some days, don't drive yourself crazy trying to make them fit. I know some people can do it but I hated trying to hit exact macros. Use those as a guideline, but for me, as long as I get enough protein (100+ g) and fiber (35+ g), I feel good. In fact when I was forcing myself to get 130g protein I was just constipated regardless of how much fiber and water I consumed. Experiment and see what works for you.
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    Try adding more veggies, and some milk/yogurt, some nuts maybe? You can replace the quest bar or the 2 scoops of protein powder with peanut/almond butter on an apple for example?
  • Tim_Simons
    Tim_Simons Posts: 64 Member
    You also look into your lifestyle if you are physically active or not much. You can take supplements for your fill up your nutrient deficit. I would add more greens to that.