Weight loss with PCOS



  • lisha7997
    lisha7997 Posts: 185 Member
    Thank you for this info. I'm a carb lover but will start treating it like I am diabetic as well and hopefully I will have better results.
  • melissawilson21
    melissawilson21 Posts: 74 Member

    I haven't had my period in three months; I am linking this to stress, hormones and pcos and weight loss. I think once everything stablizes and your body adjusts to what you are doing such as reguating your eating habits, it will be fine. I am so happy that I am not alone in this..the only thing I wish though is that my symptoms would let up. I have noticed since I have been diagnosed two years ago is my hair growth. I noticed it did increase on my arms and I have two little black hairs on my face which makes me freak out..I do notice if I watch what i eat sugar wise it lessens up.. soo weird!
  • laydeneko
    laydeneko Posts: 54 Member
    Hello! I have been struggling with PCOS for almost 10yrs. It has been a long & frustrating road filled with many medical problems & very few solutions. Many of your stories are the same or similar to what I have experienced! I have messaged some posters to be my friend, but anybody, please feel!
  • I too have PCOS, i found out yesterday! This message board is very inspiring to me! Im so happy to know im not alone! I found out a lot of interesting tips, like eating like a diabetic. Thanks!
  • melissawilson21
    melissawilson21 Posts: 74 Member
    I too have PCOS, i found out yesterday! This message board is very inspiring to me! Im so happy to know im not alone! I found out a lot of interesting tips, like eating like a diabetic. Thanks!

    Thanks for joining us! :)
  • melissawilson21
    melissawilson21 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Halloween is almost here and I see Christmas trees everywhere!! Crazy huh? Anyways, I know after Halloween, our holiday dinners/lunches/breakfasts amps up quite a bit..so in this case I would like to start up someting with out group since we all have the same thing in common. I would like for everyone in the next few weeks share your favorite/healthy recipes. One cool thing I learned a while back was usinga 12 oz can of your favorite diet drink with a box of sugar free cake mix. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day so far!

  • melissawilson21
    melissawilson21 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Sorry I have been away. Everything has ben hectic and I have been stress eating. I have calmed down in the last day or two though thank goodness.. I took pictures of myself and gave myself motivation and I also bought a 14/16 Lane Bryant knit top I need to finish working my way into, super vintage and cute! How do you guys motivate yourselves through things like this?
  • twingirlsmommy
    twingirlsmommy Posts: 111 Member
    I have PCOS too!! Love to make friends ladies!! Please add me!
  • Just_do_it_xo
    Just_do_it_xo Posts: 30 Member
    Wow! first of CONGRATS on your weightloss as of now!!! You can do anything your heart sets out to do! I too was diagnoised with PCOS at 20 years old, last year. I weighed 147lbs and as of today I weigh 130lbs. A couple of slip ups but atleast you are aware you want to change for your health and family!!! Congrats melissa!

    Add me ladies! Lets stick together!! <3 xoxox
  • mefit87
    mefit87 Posts: 57 Member
    Hello :) I have pcos aswell, was diagnosed when I was 19years old.... I'm 25 now. I'm determined to lose the weight and become healthy. The number 1 reason for me wanting to be at a healthy weight is because I know it will make a huge difference in the symptoms that are associated with pcos. I also wish to have children one day and right now it's just not possible for me :s. I wish you all the best and feel free to add me. We girls, need to stick together and help eachother get through this. :D
  • katescurios
    katescurios Posts: 224 Member
    Fellow PCOS sufferer here too. Really want to get pregnant but lack of TOM and no ovulation meant that was a no go. I've lost 32 lbs in 3 months so far by sticking to a low carb diet and going to the gym about 4 times a week. Since losing some weight Aunt flow has made a re-appearance **YAY** so hoping if I keep it up me and the hubby could be Mommy & Daddy in the not too distant future. :heart:
  • Hi everyone! I just joined today and am so happy I ran accross this post! I also have PCOS and was diagnosed after the birth of my first son in 2007 then by 2008 was also insulin resistant and prescribed Metformin. It evenyually stopped working and gave me terrible side effects. I am happy to see all the posts of women with the same issues and the success they have made in weight loss! I think I am really going to like this site and it will help!! my heaviest was 245 lbs (not pregnant) and my weight now is 214. goal is 150! You all inspire me, Thank u, any I will be making a post in introductions soon :)
  • melissawilson21
    melissawilson21 Posts: 74 Member
    Welcome :) I am glad this is very inspiring. I think many people do not understand what PCOS actually is and what he can mean for our minds and bodies. I am like that I have people to talk to about this!
  • BABC2010
    BABC2010 Posts: 9 Member
    Amy, I'm 34 years old and also have PCOS. I too have had success eating a diabetic diet. My doctor suggested 165 carbs a day along with Metformin (to battle the insulin resistance while I try to lose weight). Coupled with MFP's suggestion of 1200 calories a day, I've been able to shed an average of 2 pounds per week since mid-January, dropping from 231 to 148 currently. While I still have 15-20 pounds to go, I have no reason to believe I won't get there.

    I welcome any friend "adds", particularly from other women suffering from PCOS. I would love to help support others in their journey and receive support myself as I approach the maintenance phase.

    Good luck everyone!
  • melissawilson21
    melissawilson21 Posts: 74 Member
    edited November 2014
    I am not sure if anyone reads this thread anymore. I know I started this up. It has been 2 years. As soon as I started this thread, November 11, 2012 my mom was killed in a car wreck and I have not been back on since. I am sorry you guys. I am back again though, I need to diet and change my life for the better. I am trying a new diet which is known as the Ketogenic diet and it is suppose to help women with PCOS. I am trying to adjust my carb intake to 50 grams or less per day, slowly but surely I am getting there, give or take. I hope everyone is well and I would like to get this going again. Thank you all so much for the responses!
  • I have just started back at MFP again. I am also a PCOS woman. I was diagnosed 15 yeas ago. Struggled with my weight ever since. As PCOS women we have harder times losing weight. I would love to be supported by a community of women who understand the struggle we face and support one as well! Welcome and good luck!
  • melissawilson21
    melissawilson21 Posts: 74 Member
    Yay! I still need to buy a scale to track my progress. lol
  • Pencil_Hearts
    Pencil_Hearts Posts: 152 Member
    I am so happy to have found this forum! I was diagnosed with PCOS last year. After years of wondering why the hell everything I was doing wasn't working and why I just wasn't "normal."
    Now that I know what I have and how to control it, I'm hoping to get on the right track to being healthy, I just need support as well. Anyone can add me as a friend!
  • melissawilson21
    melissawilson21 Posts: 74 Member
    I am glad you are here too!! If you ever have any questions just post and ill help or anyone else will help as much as possible! I have been diagnosed for 6 years now.
  • PattieCakes25
    PattieCakes25 Posts: 30 Member
    I just found out I have PCOS about 5 months ago. And since I just got married about 2 months ago, I've decided to start working on my weight because we want to start a family.
    This thread helps a lot because i know with PCOS its harder to get the weight off.
  • melissawilson21
    melissawilson21 Posts: 74 Member
    edited November 2014
    well, the last two days my carb intake went from 50ish to over 100 and i can tell. I have plantar fascitis and i have noticed anytime i go over it hurts. I also researched low carb diet helps PF so I understand why now. I really need to wean myself down, anyone who is doing low carb, any advice??? Thanks
  • melissawilson21
    melissawilson21 Posts: 74 Member
    Pattie, feel free to add me. I was diagnosed in 2006, I have had weight gain and a couple other symptoms and I am working on losing weight now. If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask!! :)
  • nomoredoughnuts
    nomoredoughnuts Posts: 130 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS too and have managed to lose 30lbs so far. 10lbs more to go to reach my goal weight. You just have to be extra strict with what you eat. No room for slacking unfortunately. Best of luck and feel free to add me :)
  • Hey I am also a PCOS sufferer, feel free to add me sisters to share this challenge x
  • melissawilson21
    melissawilson21 Posts: 74 Member
    edited January 2015

    Hey, This is Whitney who also suffers PCOS and she is bringing it to light now. Maybe people can understand more about this condition! Plus, she is from my area, she use to be a producer at a local radio station. Check it out!
  • melissawilson21
    melissawilson21 Posts: 74 Member
    hey everyone. I had some labs done and it came back decent. I had one thing that showed which alarmed me some. my liver enzymes were up and I have never had that result before. They are not sure why but I will probably have more labs drawn in about 6 months to see if they are still elevated. Hopefully it was just pain medicine (i cant remember if I took any before labs) that caused the elevation and not something more serious such as fatty liver. I have lost 11 lbs so far, I hope I can continue! Plus I plan on rejoining the gym at the end of the month since the holidays are over and focus on cardio before strengthening. Do any of yall have a similar story? Thanks!
  • aplcr0331
    aplcr0331 Posts: 186 Member
    Sorry to hear about the horrific loss of your Mom, good luck with your program you can do it!

  • melissawilson21
    melissawilson21 Posts: 74 Member
  • melissawilson21
    melissawilson21 Posts: 74 Member
    Hello, I wanted to give an update on my PCOS. I have been to the doctor twice in a month, going back again on the 26th. My labs are showing high adrenal output at 1200, high liver enzymes, hyperglycemia and there is a couple more. My weight is around my abdominal area and in my face. The doctor thinks that I may have a tumor on my ovary or ovaries causing these symptoms. Tumor and cysts are different. The PCOS could be masking the tumor which is causing the PCOS to be more aggressive. The other symptoms I have is no period (no period for 1.5 years, just got it with some pills she gave me, it isn't BC though.) ..increase in hair, lower abdominal pain (dull ache sometimes), back pain (comes and goes) and acne (not as bad here lately, I treat it with tea tree oil). My blood pressure is stable, last time it read at 104/68, it has always been normal. I have been working out almost every day, I don't eat over my calorie limit, if I do it is rare. So this could explain a lot of things for me. I have also been on water pills because of the water retention. I go back March 26th for an ultrasound and follow-up the same day to come up with a plan. If you experience any of these symptoms or have the same abnormal labs ..do something. The doctor I previously had NEVER told me my adrenal output was significantly high, this is not good!!! I will update once I go back.
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    i didnt see anyone link this yet but there is a large and active PCOS group here on mfp http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/3070-p-c-o-sis

    lots of good info about pcos, diet, exercise and lifestyle info about pcos along with lots of friends who can relate.
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