still quiet and low self esteem...

ThermalYew1 Posts: 64 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
IDK if this belongs here or not... if it doesn't sry.

See even after my 110lb weight loss I'm still quiet and have low self esteem... IDK why. I keep telling my self that I'm not the person I use to be... I still find it hard to talk to people and I am still really quiet. If someone starts talking to me a lot of times I don't what to say... I pretty much grew up by my self not talking to really anyone cause everyone would just put me down and treat me really mean. So I think that's why I'm having a problem now talking to people cause I never really had friends or had a normal conversation w/ people growing up. I get intimidated by people A LOT. I look at a person and just assume "Naah they don't want to be my friend" or "Naah they'll think i'm bothering them..." Anyone else have these kind of feelings also?


  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I definitely understand where you are coming from. If you need a friend feel free to add me! Confidence comes with time. You look amazing and you should be proud of yourself.
  • LG2789
    LG2789 Posts: 20
    Yes... I used to feel so shy in high school, and I broke out of it by pretending I had confidence. If you keep your head up, talk confidently, even if you have to force it sometimes, people will pick up on it and think, "wow, he really is secure with himself," and then they'll want to get to know you. It's hard, but I'm sure if you work at it you will get positive feedback from others.
  • brayaddie
    brayaddie Posts: 101 Member
    yes I agree with the previous poster, confidence comes with time, YOU look amazing!! I'd love to have you as a friend!! A total inspiration to me & I never met you!!! Keep up the great work!
  • cmsu64113
    cmsu64113 Posts: 474 Member
    I do, I was never really picked on, but I have low self esteem and just like losing weight which you have to work at, you have to work on building that up, Mine has improved along the way. Just tell yourself you have worked this hard and have made it this far !
  • Kjandcuttysmom
    Kjandcuttysmom Posts: 146 Member
    It is hard coming out a shell that you've built up over the years but in time it will happen. Patience. You will eventually become more comfortable talking and befriending people. congrats on the superb weight loss.
  • Ree_Chatelain
    Ree_Chatelain Posts: 229 Member
    I've lost 123 so far and I still think of myself as a "fat girl" despite what people tell me or what i see in pictures. That definately effects my self esteem. But i think you need to just go for it, the worst that can happen is they say no. The only way to fail is to not try. =)
    BTW.. you do look great.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    Im also the same way somewhat but I think Ive always been that way even before the whole weight issue idk but I understand what you're saying.. add me if you'd like. Its always nice to have friends and support.btw you look amazing :smile:
  • miatavixxen
    miatavixxen Posts: 373
    Self esteem cannot always be found in appearances. If you have ever watched The Biggest Loser, you will notice they talk about how it is not enough to change your weight, you must change your thinking. How each person does that is different and depends upon the experiences that put you where you were - and what may have transformed you to where you are today. Good luck - you transformed the physical - now you must transform the mental.

    Positive thinking! You can do this - look how far you've come!
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    I was there as a child and teen and young adult years. I still am shy in one on one meetings but then I open up. I have worked with the public a lot as in hair styling and grocery checking. Both those jobs required direct contact with people and it really pulled me out of my shell. At one time in my life, I thought no one would be interested in approaching me till one night when I was about 21, someone told my friend and I that he thought we looked like snobs and he was afraid to approach us but he did and we became friends and he saw that we weren't snobs at all. That made me realize that if I wanted to meet friends I'd have to open up. Don't fear and just pass by anyone who rejects you and know there are people out there who will have a lot of meaning in your life. No one is really alone in this world. You just have to flow with your life's path. It will bring to you.
  • ZachyABaby
    ZachyABaby Posts: 235
    Just gotta step out there man. It's scary and you feel dumb and you'll make an *kitten* out of yourself once or twice, but it pays off in the long run.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Right here! I've always had pretty much zero self-esteem, and even now, though I know I've come a long way, it's hard for me to see the new person I am, and often get down on myself for the slacking I've been doing the past few months. I know I'm smaller b/c of my clothes, but I still see the 193lb girl in the mirror, who was always uncomfortable with herself.. This is a very mental journey, which I think is the harder aspect, versus the whole conquering eating/exercise thing. I've been making it a daily goal to think more positively of myself and I know eventually I'll get there! And I agree with Ihurtubise in that you look amazing!! That's an incredible amount to lose, and you have every right to celebrate and enjoy life! Feel free to add me as well!
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Life is soo short to spend on low self esteem. The world is yours for the taking...all you have to do is create the life you want. You've managed to show yourself what you are capable of in losing weight. Now you have another life style change coming - loving yourself, loving your life, loving your future and showing the world what you are made of!

    Check into Toastmasters - they teach people how to do public speaking and in the process gain self esteem and confidence. Go to therapy and learn about yourself. Engage in activities that interest you and at the same time invites you to engage with like minded people. Teach a fitness class and learn about your leadership skills.

    You can do this!!!!
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I was there as a child and teen and young adult years. I still am shy in one on one meetings but then I open up. I have worked with the public a lot as in hair styling and grocery checking. Both those jobs required direct contact with people and it really pulled me out of my shell. At one time in my life, I thought no one would be interested in approaching me till one night when I was about 21, someone told my friend and I that he thought we looked like snobs and he was afraid to approach us but he did and we became friends and he saw that we weren't snobs at all. That made me realize that if I wanted to meet friends I'd have to open up. Don't fear and just pass by anyone who rejects you and know there are people out there who will have a lot of meaning in your life. No one is really alone in this world. You just have to flow with your life's path. It will bring to you.
    I so agree about the whole snob thing... as a teenager I got told alot that I seemed stuck up cause I didnt talk to anyone unless they talk to me.. I was and still am very shy :/ I hate it
  • mommymovingmountains
    mommymovingmountains Posts: 192 Member
    Big hugs to you. It is hard to change how you feel on the inside but I think that you are making great progress. Losing weight was a great accomplishment (something to be so proud of) and coming to this site regularly to chat with others and make a connection is a fantastic start.
  • skinnycl
    skinnycl Posts: 1 Member

    I know how you feel because even at 42 years old I HAD low self-esteem and self-confidence. I finally overcame this problem by affirming "I love and approve of myself" hundreds times of day. It worked and I have finally overcome this malady. Try affirming positive affirmations and keep up the good work because you deserve to feel proud of yourself even if you hadn't lost one pound. You owe it to yourself to conquer this problem today. Good luck. If you need a friend, please add me.
  • moyyster
    moyyster Posts: 37 Member
    I know it's scary. It's so easy to let negative thoughts creep into your head. But don't.

    You've come this far. You should be SOOOOOOOOOO proud of yourself and everything you've accomplished.

    I know what you mean about it being intimidating to talk to people. Just take baby steps. For every negative thought you have, counter it with something positive- even if you don't believe it at first. And just let go.

    Next time you want to talk to someone just do it. And I know it is hard, but try to let go of assumptions. You never know unless you try. Just give it one go, then at least you will know.
  • Hbartels
    Hbartels Posts: 19 Member
    If there is one thing that I can recommend that I don't think anyone else has already mentioned, it's a good therapist. I've never had self-esteem issues myself but have a therapist to help me with anxiety and just life in general. She is warm, wonderful, helpful, encouraging, and just a safe person to be you with. You're body has undergone a huge transformation and it's silly to think that you'll somehow magically know how to change emotionally to match that. We don't come with user's manuals and we don't have very good perspective most of the time, so utilizing someone who is trained in helping us decode and strengthen our emotions makes perfect sense.
    Good luck, tiger!
  • suzukigurl
    suzukigurl Posts: 90
    Low self esteem doesn't just come from how much you weigh, I work with a few "skinny" people who have extremely low self esteem. I was very queit and shy until about 7th grade then I just figured people either love me or hate me. I'm very sarcastic and love to make people laugh. I can talk to whoever is around me and not care about what they will think of me if I say something stupid or do something dumb. I guess it's all about how you feel mentally. I am very inspired by your success!! Congrats!! and I hope everything works out for you :smile: feel free to add me as friend if you like
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    I used to be the EXACT same way. For me, it was going to college and finding a group of people I felt I had something in common with that started to bring me out of my shell, but I still wouldn't talk to people I didn't know or hadn't been formally introduced to. Even if they started the conversation it was awkward. After 5 years working front desk in a hotel, I kind of have no choice but to talk to people. And I found out if you fake happy 95% of people give that right back to you. If you smile, they smile. I still wouldn't say I'm very outgoing, but I no longer feel like I'm a nuisance. It just takes time and having 1 or 2 good friends who make you feel good about yourself. For me, girlfriends (read: friends who are female) have never been as good as guy friends. For guys, it may be the opposite as you tend to rag on each other like girls tend to put each other down in "subtle" ways.

    I hope it gets easier. You have to realize kids are just cruel and it really had nothing to do with who you were or how you looked: everyone got picked on.
  • mtasleem
    mtasleem Posts: 49
    It looks like you came a long way. I think you will build up the confidence with time too. I feel that it is always a good idea to walk around thinking off how great of a person you are. You definitely sound like someone who is hard working and committed to his goal. At the end of the day people don't necessarily want to talk to someone who is super fit or looks amazing but has a horrible personality. Just know that you have a lot to offer to others! At least that's how I think, and that attitude helps me a lot, especially because there have been a lot of times when people give me stares and negative comments. Just own yourself! :)
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