What's the heaviest weight you've reached in life?



  • sarahd108
    sarahd108 Posts: 9 Member
    After my 3rd baby I weighed 235 lbs. 4 years later I am down to 143 ish 5ft5. Before Canadian Thanksgiving I had myself within 1.4 lbs of my final goal weight. Back at it again though, must survive the holidays ; )
  • Mandea0321
    Mandea0321 Posts: 16 Member
    I was 258 I am now 217, trying to work my way back down to 175 ish....About the same as I weighed in high school. I weigh more than most women naturally, so my 175# isn't as big as it sounds.
  • chunkytfg
    chunkytfg Posts: 339 Member
    I don't actually know. I know the scales topped out at 24stone(336) and i had been there a while still eating bad. Took a month or so of pretty strict dieting to see the scales move for the first time. I always say 336 as my heaviest though. Now 229.
  • jeepskate wrote: »
    I hit 290 lbs, I started my weight loss journey. Down 37 lbs in 2 months.

    Woah! That's progress!
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    262lbs but I think I've been heavier ..just didn't weigh then.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Around 225 or so.
  • mnsmileys
    mnsmileys Posts: 3 Member
    280 was 2 years ago. 205 today. Thisclose to under 200!
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
  • ntnunk
    ntnunk Posts: 936 Member
    235 at 5'9".

    I'm at about 178 now, aiming for 160, and I'm not going back.
  • Mick63116
    Mick63116 Posts: 47 Member
    My current 333
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Highest known weight was 350, but I suspect I came close to 400 at one point.
  • archanajoyce
    archanajoyce Posts: 219 Member
    264 lbs... Thanks to MFP and a lot of support from my husband it's coming off. Currently at 207 and don't plan to stop anytime soon
  • Allisonfitness99
    Allisonfitness99 Posts: 128 Member
    335!--- never again!!!
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    294 at 5'3

    i still remember the day i saw those numbers on the scale, and how i told my family i refused to hit 300 - they gave me a look like "yeah sure mhm".
  • bulbadoof wrote: »
    294 at 5'3

    i still remember the day i saw those numbers on the scale, and how i told my family i refused to hit 300 - they gave me a look like "yeah sure mhm".

    You refused! That's some dedication! What are you at now?
  • lissbee
    lissbee Posts: 1 Member
    My heaviest weight that I've seen so far is 195 lbs. I'm 5'7 and my goal weight is 135-140 lbs. Currently at 158 and hoping I reach 140 next year.
  • dashaclaire
    dashaclaire Posts: 127 Member
    175... 7 years ago, seeing 173, 4 months ago is what sent me running back to MFP!
  • bigcle82
    bigcle82 Posts: 134 Member
  • stopdropandlose
    stopdropandlose Posts: 162 Member
    245, now I'm at 237.2.
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    I had a broken scale for a while, but the highest I ever was at my doctor's office was 325. I could have been a bit higher, but I count 325 as my starting weight. Never again! For the longest time I was under the "ignorance is bliss" mindset with my weight, I knew I was big, but I didn't want to fully acknowledge it, because then I would have had to do something about it, so it just kept creeping up. Now I'm 57 pounds lighter, and loving life so much more right now!