Would love friends who are breastfeeding!



  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I'm BFing my 15 month old on demand and some days I'm convinced he drinks more than a newborn and some days hardly anything (he loves food and water). I only have around 20lb to lose but I'm in no hurry. Hopefully I'll get there by the time he's 3.

    I'm eating round about what my fitbit says is maintenance, but from past experience I know is a diet, without adding breastfeeding, so the days I actually keep to it, my deficit is my breastfeeding.

    Did you know that the 500kcal for breastfeeding actually already includes a 200kcal deficit? The recommendation was chosen to allow for some of the calories to come from fat stores.
  • barefootcassie
    barefootcassie Posts: 27 Member
    I'm breastfeeding now. Technically it is on demand but the demand is only in the morning and at night before bed. My LO is 27 months old though. This is my 3rd baby that I have nursed. I let them wean when they choose (I have a limit of 36 months but none of them have come close).