December Challenge Group



  • I didn't get a message :(
  • vidu2806
    vidu2806 Posts: 4 Member
    I am in! I procrastinate too.. So i am in dire need of motivations and a group like this one.
  • driczal
    driczal Posts: 10 Member
    I am interested
  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    This was not what I was expecting - seems like more of marketing for a business and though it may work - I'm going to pass.
  • ishoulda
    ishoulda Posts: 263 Member
    I know I am late coming to the party but if there is room and you have the details, please include me.
  • So I have already used several BB programs and LOVE them! But I am no fan of supplements and shakes, and the science is definitely behind whole, minimally processed foods. For our challenge, I decided to make a commitment to smoothies instead--lots of veggies, some almond milk or cold green team, a little citrus zest, and a fruit. I am trying to have one a day because I was really having difficulty getting 4 servings of veggies per day prior to this challenge.
    I have also been eating entire cucumbers and peppers on the go, rather than an apple or banana or a granola bar like I used to.
  • I only weigh in and measure my waist once a week, on Fridays. So far I have exceeded my goal of 1 lb per week, probably because I am not consuming enough calories on some days. I know the next 10 lbs will be harder. So I am trying to focus on just showing up every day for exercise, no matter what it is or if I only have time for 1/2 hour instead of my preferred 1 hour workouts.
  • I was not able to start PiYo Dec 1 like I wanted to so am using my trip to NJ to visit my parents as my jumpstart--there is room in the basement with a DVD player, and no gym here as a distraction....5 days should let me do the entire cycle of workouts and get me into the groove.
  • Will try to post each week from now on!