Diet, Exercise, Hard Work.... and NOTHING is paying off. Needing help guys!



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    bw_conway wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    603reader wrote: »
    bw_conway wrote: »
    Thanks everyone.
    I always thought losing weight was about eating healthy. I think everyone has this misconception at first.
    obviously I am new to the sight so I wanted to post and get advice. This is my first day logging, and I am buying a kitchen scale today.

    I think that if you are being advised to eat a less-healthy diet in order to get healthier, that isn’t rational advice. Part of being a healthier person is having self-respect, which doesn’t entail shoveling garbage into your body as long as the garbage is within your macros / calorie parameters!

    Define garbage.

    yes, please define "garbage"….

    It is up to the individual to define - hopefully without engaging in self-deception. Then again, there are a lot of times that I throw my definition of "garbage" on the curb and often someone comes by in an old truck and takes it. I'm sure if I talked to the guy in the truck he would stand out there and argue with me about why he didn't think it was garbage, but who has that kind of time?

    way to back track ..

    you said everyone is recommending OP eat garbage, then when asked to define said "garbage" you totally bail and say "well my garbage is not your garbage"….actually that is an epic back track…

    You also said that OP needs to eat "healthier"

    As this is her first day here, how is she to know what is "healthy" and what is "garbage" unless you define it?

    So please, define it for us….

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I just want to say good luck OP! This site has changed my life. I always thought you had to 'eat healthy' to lose weight and it's actually not that complicated. I also weigh everything. Before buying or eating something, I look up the nutrition online first so I can make better choices. Find what's filling for you, typically protein, fat and fiber are good things to eat so you don't get hungry. Obviously limit fried foods and 'empty' carbs, as they won't fill you up for the calories.

    I know that a lot of the misconception about losing weight is what's considered 'healthy' and what isn't... My previous doctor was telling me to eat low fat and whole grains, and have granola bars for snacks. Turns out it's not such good advice because grains have a lot of calories (I still eat them, but try to find lower calorie versions with fiber) and granola bars are a calorie bomb and don't fill me up one bit. Basically, meat, veggies and Greek yogurt are my staples at this point.

    The last thing I want to add is not to feel discouraged if you stall for a while or gain back a bit of weight... it's totally normal. As long as you log accurately and you know you're under your calories, it's just water weight.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    SLHysell wrote: »
    I"m sure others have already said this, but you'll never lose weight by working out and "clean eating" alone. Both are great, but the only way to lose weight is to eat less calories than you burn. Based on what you've said, I'd wager you are eating a lot more than you think. Someone wise once said, "you get fit in the gym, but you lose weight in the kitchen". I learned the hard way myself that you can't lose weight by exercise alone. And I'm not even sure what clean eating is; different people define it differently. Believe it or not, you can lose weight on a diet of nothing but candy and french fries if you simply don't eat too much of them. Calories in/calories out is the ENTIRE formula.

    Although...I don't recommend the candy and french fry diet if any kind of good health among your goals.

    I love how you explained it.. but eating less than you burn.. wont make the body weak.. ???

    Not sure I understand the question. Eating less than you burn is called a caloric deficit, which is required for weight loss.

    Now, the deficit CAN make your body weak if the deficit is too large and your body can support the difference in energy stores that it already has.

    how much deficit is required for weight loss.. based on only food intake..?? according to this site I need to consume 1200 cal (considering my fitness n weight loss goal i guess).. should I consume less than 1200 for shedding weight??

    What this website is saying is that in order to meet the weighloss goals that you entered you need to net 1200 calories. You probably entered in 2lbs per week, so the website did the calculation and shot out 1200 calories to meet that goal. It can be done through just eating 1200 calories, or eating 1800 calories and doing 600 calories worth of exercise.

    As another poster noted, it is probably unlikely that you need to go that low to lose weight unless your quite small, have little to lose, are "older", or a combination of all. Ht/age/wt/activity stats would help us provide other tips.
    603reader wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    603reader wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    SLHysell wrote: »
    I"m sure others have already said this, but you'll never lose weight by working out and "clean eating" alone. Both are great, but the only way to lose weight is to eat less calories than you burn. Based on what you've said, I'd wager you are eating a lot more than you think. Someone wise once said, "you get fit in the gym, but you lose weight in the kitchen". I learned the hard way myself that you can't lose weight by exercise alone. And I'm not even sure what clean eating is; different people define it differently. Believe it or not, you can lose weight on a diet of nothing but candy and french fries if you simply don't eat too much of them. Calories in/calories out is the ENTIRE formula.

    Although...I don't recommend the candy and french fry diet if any kind of good health among your goals.

    I love how you explained it.. but eating less than you burn.. wont make the body weak.. ???

    Not sure I understand the question. Eating less than you burn is called a caloric deficit, which is required for weight loss.

    Now, the deficit CAN make your body weak if the deficit is too large and your body can support the difference in energy stores that it already has.

    how much deficit is required for weight loss.. based on only food intake..?? according to this site I need to consume 1200 cal (considering my fitness n weight loss goal i guess).. should I consume less than 1200 for shedding weight??

    It's very unlikely that you need to consume as low as 1200 to begin with so don't reduce further.
    Please provide your stats: height, weight, age, gender, activity level, etc.

    I am female, 20 yr old.. activity level based on this site is around 1790.. my weight is 57.90 kg but I have a belly fat and my lower body is on the heavier side.. I do gym ( Cardio + strength training; although can't lift much weight :P) and also I practice zumba workouts and body weight exercises at home.. sometimes I get lazy.. even tho my weight stays around 58 kg but my belly inches starts increasing.. :(

    Whats your height?


    You're 5'4" and 127lbs. That's smack dab in the middle of the healthy range for your height.

    You said you've got belly fat and a heavier bottom half. You aren't going to be able to spot reduce, no one can except for a plastic surgeon doing liposuction.

    Based on the calculator on (it's the one I've always used, I know other people use other calculators, it doesn't matter one one you use, just be consistent):
    your BMR is 1700 calories at a sedentary activity level.

    You'd benefit from setting a more realistic calorie goal and actually lifting weights. Because if you're consistent with lifting, you'll be able to lift more weight.

  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    Thanks to those of you whom have focused on giving me good advice and not arguing against everyone else.

    Just keep at it. Check the Forums often. Notice especially, people who have already succeded at losing quite a bit of weight. They know what they're talking about. You will often see arguments in the forums but mostly it's because people who've been here for awhile don't want you to feed into the non scientific/ non proven beliefs that most of us if not all, subscribed to at the beginning of our weightloss journey which ended up leading to failure. Ashamed to admit, I Actually Did a "Juice cleanse" At the beginning of my journey (shudders)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Zhinkabean wrote: »
    I haven't read all the responses to your post so I may be repeating what has already been suggested. Have you had your thyroid checked? Very often woman have a change in their thyroid function after having children. If it is under active, that could be one reason why you are having trouble losing weight.

    as opposed to trying a calorie deficit for six to eight weeks with a food scale and weighing/logging/measuring everything?
  • Zhinkabean wrote: »
    I haven't read all the responses to your post so I may be repeating what has already been suggested. Have you had your thyroid checked? Very often woman have a change in their thyroid function after having children. If it is under active, that could be one reason why you are having trouble losing weight.

    No i have not, I honestly was thinking of making a doctors appointment just to get my health checked out in general. I will be sure to ask about this when I go. My father actually told me I should get it checked because even as a child I was always heavy.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    SLHysell wrote: »
    I"m sure others have already said this, but you'll never lose weight by working out and "clean eating" alone. Both are great, but the only way to lose weight is to eat less calories than you burn. Based on what you've said, I'd wager you are eating a lot more than you think. Someone wise once said, "you get fit in the gym, but you lose weight in the kitchen". I learned the hard way myself that you can't lose weight by exercise alone. And I'm not even sure what clean eating is; different people define it differently. Believe it or not, you can lose weight on a diet of nothing but candy and french fries if you simply don't eat too much of them. Calories in/calories out is the ENTIRE formula.

    Although...I don't recommend the candy and french fry diet if any kind of good health among your goals.

    I love how you explained it.. but eating less than you burn.. wont make the body weak.. ???

    Not sure I understand the question. Eating less than you burn is called a caloric deficit, which is required for weight loss.

    Now, the deficit CAN make your body weak if the deficit is too large and your body can support the difference in energy stores that it already has.

    how much deficit is required for weight loss.. based on only food intake..?? according to this site I need to consume 1200 cal (considering my fitness n weight loss goal i guess).. should I consume less than 1200 for shedding weight??

    What this website is saying is that in order to meet the weighloss goals that you entered you need to net 1200 calories. You probably entered in 2lbs per week, so the website did the calculation and shot out 1200 calories to meet that goal. It can be done through just eating 1200 calories, or eating 1800 calories and doing 600 calories worth of exercise.

    As another poster noted, it is probably unlikely that you need to go that low to lose weight unless your quite small, have little to lose, are "older", or a combination of all. Ht/age/wt/activity stats would help us provide other tips.
    603reader wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    603reader wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    SLHysell wrote: »
    I"m sure others have already said this, but you'll never lose weight by working out and "clean eating" alone. Both are great, but the only way to lose weight is to eat less calories than you burn. Based on what you've said, I'd wager you are eating a lot more than you think. Someone wise once said, "you get fit in the gym, but you lose weight in the kitchen". I learned the hard way myself that you can't lose weight by exercise alone. And I'm not even sure what clean eating is; different people define it differently. Believe it or not, you can lose weight on a diet of nothing but candy and french fries if you simply don't eat too much of them. Calories in/calories out is the ENTIRE formula.

    Although...I don't recommend the candy and french fry diet if any kind of good health among your goals.

    I love how you explained it.. but eating less than you burn.. wont make the body weak.. ???

    Not sure I understand the question. Eating less than you burn is called a caloric deficit, which is required for weight loss.

    Now, the deficit CAN make your body weak if the deficit is too large and your body can support the difference in energy stores that it already has.

    how much deficit is required for weight loss.. based on only food intake..?? according to this site I need to consume 1200 cal (considering my fitness n weight loss goal i guess).. should I consume less than 1200 for shedding weight??

    It's very unlikely that you need to consume as low as 1200 to begin with so don't reduce further.
    Please provide your stats: height, weight, age, gender, activity level, etc.

    I am female, 20 yr old.. activity level based on this site is around 1790.. my weight is 57.90 kg but I have a belly fat and my lower body is on the heavier side.. I do gym ( Cardio + strength training; although can't lift much weight :P) and also I practice zumba workouts and body weight exercises at home.. sometimes I get lazy.. even tho my weight stays around 58 kg but my belly inches starts increasing.. :(

    Whats your height?


    And you entered in 2lbs per week?

    OK, your 20 yrs old, 5'4", 125lbs. 1200 is pretty low for you. I have 1200 below your BMR (what you'd burn laying on the couch all day). I figure with light exercise for the week, you could eat anywhere under 1900 calories and lose weight.

    It sounds like you don't need to "lose weight" per se. You should be tracking your progress with the tape measure at this point. Having your calories in check, eating about 200 cals below maintenance, cardio if you like it, and getting on a solid progressive lifting program. It sounds like you're more suited for a "recomp", rather than what I would call weight loss.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    edited December 2014
    It can sometimes take a while for the weight to drop post partum, but it will start to come off. It's important to take measurements too. All those hormones are still in your body, especially if you're breastfeeding.

    My third baby is 7 months today (my other kids are 5.5 and 3.5) and since Sept 10th (or thereabouts) I've only lost around 16lbs, but I've lost 12.5cm off my waist and 9cm off my hips.
    I do everything right, I exercise loads (since my 6 week check) I walk loads with my kids, I use a food scale, and it still took until 5/6 months post partum for the weight to start dropping noticeably.

    I do think using a food scale is important, however I didn't used to use one that often, and I lost 66lbs after my 2nd baby, but I was aiming for too few calories, and not eating back exercise calories, so even if I underestimated I'd have probably been eating what I was supposed to be lol. It's kind of surprising how small 20g of peanut butter is. I've got to a point when I can cut a slice of cheese or get some peanut butter out and put it on the scale and have the amount pretty much dead on!

    Just keep going and you will start seeing a difference. I've noticed a pattern now I'm on my third baby....the weight comes off slowly in the beginning then speeds up. This is what's kept me going, knowing all the hard work will pay off. Remember 9 months on, 9 months off. It took me a year with my other two.

    Are you doing any strength training! This has helped me loads.

    Feel free to add me.
  • Does anyone have any suggestions as far as some low calorie foods that can keep me full for long periods of time? I am a southern girl married to an italian, we like to eat lol. So any low calorie filling foods?
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    bw_conway wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    603reader wrote: »
    bw_conway wrote: »
    Thanks everyone.
    I always thought losing weight was about eating healthy. I think everyone has this misconception at first.
    obviously I am new to the sight so I wanted to post and get advice. This is my first day logging, and I am buying a kitchen scale today.

    I think that if you are being advised to eat a less-healthy diet in order to get healthier, that isn’t rational advice. Part of being a healthier person is having self-respect, which doesn’t entail shoveling garbage into your body as long as the garbage is within your macros / calorie parameters!

    Define garbage.

    yes, please define "garbage"….

    It is up to the individual to define - hopefully without engaging in self-deception. Then again, there are a lot of times that I throw my definition of "garbage" on the curb and often someone comes by in an old truck and takes it. I'm sure if I talked to the guy in the truck he would stand out there and argue with me about why he didn't think it was garbage, but who has that kind of time?

    AHEM...I said: No one has told her to eat garbage. We're just pointing out that "eating healthy" isn't enough to lose weight, you have to have a calorie deficit. 3000 calories per day of "healthy food" is going to make her gain weight.

    You remind me of my husband...just looking to start an argument...
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    As its the Dr who raised the issue with you, then youd have thought he would hav had the gumption to consider a medical cause if he flet there was one. Try eating at a deficit first.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    yeah.. My weight is within normal limits.. I am 20.. 5'4'' and my current weight is 57.90 kgs.. but I want to lose fat from my belly and lower body.. so I guessed 54 kgs should be my goal weight.. I am hesitant in going into completely strict diet.. where you only eat like steamed veggies and yogurt n stuff.. because I can't follow that kind of eating forever..
    You are correct and congrats for realizing that.

    If you're at a good weight for your height but still have fat you want to lose then what you're really looking for is body recomposition, not weight loss. It's two completely different mindsets. What you want to do is to reduce your body fat percentage and the best way to do that is.... to build muscle.

    I'm pretty sure you said earlier that you can't lift much. Time to change that! :wink: Seriously, strength training has soooo many benefits. I started earlier this year and I'm wearing the same clothes in the mid-130 pound range that I was wearing a few years ago in the lower 120 pound range. I carry my weight around my hips and thighs, too. I've been running for a few years and while my thighs have only gotten a little smaller so far, I can see muscle definition in them that running didn't bring by itself.

    So, start lifting and use the tape measure instead of the scale to judge your progress. You'll be much happier doing that than subsisting on steamed veggies and still not looking the way you really want to look.

  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Does anyone have any suggestions as far as some low calorie foods that can keep me full for long periods of time? I am a southern girl married to an italian, we like to eat lol. So any low calorie filling foods?

    First, do you mind telling us what you've set your goals to here?

    I'd honestly hate for you to have to set too great of a deficit and struggle so much at the get go.

  • 603reader wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    SLHysell wrote: »
    I"m sure others have already said this, but you'll never lose weight by working out and "clean eating" alone. Both are great, but the only way to lose weight is to eat less calories than you burn. Based on what you've said, I'd wager you are eating a lot more than you think. Someone wise once said, "you get fit in the gym, but you lose weight in the kitchen". I learned the hard way myself that you can't lose weight by exercise alone. And I'm not even sure what clean eating is; different people define it differently. Believe it or not, you can lose weight on a diet of nothing but candy and french fries if you simply don't eat too much of them. Calories in/calories out is the ENTIRE formula.

    Although...I don't recommend the candy and french fry diet if any kind of good health among your goals.

    I love how you explained it.. but eating less than you burn.. wont make the body weak.. ???

    Not sure I understand the question. Eating less than you burn is called a caloric deficit, which is required for weight loss.

    Now, the deficit CAN make your body weak if the deficit is too large and your body can support the difference in energy stores that it already has.

    how much deficit is required for weight loss.. based on only food intake..?? according to this site I need to consume 1200 cal (considering my fitness n weight loss goal i guess).. should I consume less than 1200 for shedding weight??

    What this website is saying is that in order to meet the weighloss goals that you entered you need to net 1200 calories. You probably entered in 2lbs per week, so the website did the calculation and shot out 1200 calories to meet that goal. It can be done through just eating 1200 calories, or eating 1800 calories and doing 600 calories worth of exercise.

    As another poster noted, it is probably unlikely that you need to go that low to lose weight unless your quite small, have little to lose, are "older", or a combination of all. Ht/age/wt/activity stats would help us provide other tips.
    603reader wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    603reader wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    SLHysell wrote: »
    I"m sure others have already said this, but you'll never lose weight by working out and "clean eating" alone. Both are great, but the only way to lose weight is to eat less calories than you burn. Based on what you've said, I'd wager you are eating a lot more than you think. Someone wise once said, "you get fit in the gym, but you lose weight in the kitchen". I learned the hard way myself that you can't lose weight by exercise alone. And I'm not even sure what clean eating is; different people define it differently. Believe it or not, you can lose weight on a diet of nothing but candy and french fries if you simply don't eat too much of them. Calories in/calories out is the ENTIRE formula.

    Although...I don't recommend the candy and french fry diet if any kind of good health among your goals.

    I love how you explained it.. but eating less than you burn.. wont make the body weak.. ???

    Not sure I understand the question. Eating less than you burn is called a caloric deficit, which is required for weight loss.

    Now, the deficit CAN make your body weak if the deficit is too large and your body can support the difference in energy stores that it already has.

    how much deficit is required for weight loss.. based on only food intake..?? according to this site I need to consume 1200 cal (considering my fitness n weight loss goal i guess).. should I consume less than 1200 for shedding weight??

    It's very unlikely that you need to consume as low as 1200 to begin with so don't reduce further.
    Please provide your stats: height, weight, age, gender, activity level, etc.

    I am female, 20 yr old.. activity level based on this site is around 1790.. my weight is 57.90 kg but I have a belly fat and my lower body is on the heavier side.. I do gym ( Cardio + strength training; although can't lift much weight :P) and also I practice zumba workouts and body weight exercises at home.. sometimes I get lazy.. even tho my weight stays around 58 kg but my belly inches starts increasing.. :(

    Whats your height?


    You're 5'4" and 127lbs. That's smack dab in the middle of the healthy range for your height.

    You said you've got belly fat and a heavier bottom half. You aren't going to be able to spot reduce, no one can except for a plastic surgeon doing liposuction.

    Based on the calculator on (it's the one I've always used, I know other people use other calculators, it doesn't matter one one you use, just be consistent):
    your BMR is 1700 calories at a sedentary activity level.

    You'd benefit from setting a more realistic calorie goal and actually lifting weights. Because if you're consistent with lifting, you'll be able to lift more weight.

    thanks a ton for taking time and giving me advice :) yeah I will try to lift more.. my hands start shaking at times.. I guess I have lower strength in my upper body.. I have to be more consistent with weights...
  • 999tigger wrote: »
    As its the Dr who raised the issue with you, then youd have thought he would hav had the gumption to consider a medical cause if he flet there was one. Try eating at a deficit first.

    It was my OBGYN at my 6 week PP appointment whom pointed out my weight and got me wanting to get pushing. So it was just her job to say "Oh your healed you can start trying to lsoe weight" but I kinda felt that way too. I have not seen a family doctor since I was a child. I am going to try the whole calorie thing before I do anything.
  • DestinyLittle
    DestinyLittle Posts: 14
    edited December 2014
    603reader wrote: »
    Does anyone have any suggestions as far as some low calorie foods that can keep me full for long periods of time? I am a southern girl married to an italian, we like to eat lol. So any low calorie filling foods?

    First, do you mind telling us what you've set your goals to here?

    I'd honestly hate for you to have to set too great of a deficit and struggle so much at the get go.

    My info is set at 190 pounds, 5'5", lose 2 pounds a week, active. It says 1200 calories.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Does anyone have any suggestions as far as some low calorie foods that can keep me full for long periods of time? I am a southern girl married to an italian, we like to eat lol. So any low calorie filling foods?

    Protein is usually filling...chicken, ham, nuts, tuna, cottage cheese etc. I like to have an apple with peanut butter.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    603reader wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    SLHysell wrote: »
    I"m sure others have already said this, but you'll never lose weight by working out and "clean eating" alone. Both are great, but the only way to lose weight is to eat less calories than you burn. Based on what you've said, I'd wager you are eating a lot more than you think. Someone wise once said, "you get fit in the gym, but you lose weight in the kitchen". I learned the hard way myself that you can't lose weight by exercise alone. And I'm not even sure what clean eating is; different people define it differently. Believe it or not, you can lose weight on a diet of nothing but candy and french fries if you simply don't eat too much of them. Calories in/calories out is the ENTIRE formula.

    Although...I don't recommend the candy and french fry diet if any kind of good health among your goals.

    I love how you explained it.. but eating less than you burn.. wont make the body weak.. ???

    Not sure I understand the question. Eating less than you burn is called a caloric deficit, which is required for weight loss.

    Now, the deficit CAN make your body weak if the deficit is too large and your body can support the difference in energy stores that it already has.

    how much deficit is required for weight loss.. based on only food intake..?? according to this site I need to consume 1200 cal (considering my fitness n weight loss goal i guess).. should I consume less than 1200 for shedding weight??

    What this website is saying is that in order to meet the weighloss goals that you entered you need to net 1200 calories. You probably entered in 2lbs per week, so the website did the calculation and shot out 1200 calories to meet that goal. It can be done through just eating 1200 calories, or eating 1800 calories and doing 600 calories worth of exercise.

    As another poster noted, it is probably unlikely that you need to go that low to lose weight unless your quite small, have little to lose, are "older", or a combination of all. Ht/age/wt/activity stats would help us provide other tips.
    603reader wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    603reader wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    Aditi1310 wrote: »
    SLHysell wrote: »
    I"m sure others have already said this, but you'll never lose weight by working out and "clean eating" alone. Both are great, but the only way to lose weight is to eat less calories than you burn. Based on what you've said, I'd wager you are eating a lot more than you think. Someone wise once said, "you get fit in the gym, but you lose weight in the kitchen". I learned the hard way myself that you can't lose weight by exercise alone. And I'm not even sure what clean eating is; different people define it differently. Believe it or not, you can lose weight on a diet of nothing but candy and french fries if you simply don't eat too much of them. Calories in/calories out is the ENTIRE formula.

    Although...I don't recommend the candy and french fry diet if any kind of good health among your goals.

    I love how you explained it.. but eating less than you burn.. wont make the body weak.. ???

    Not sure I understand the question. Eating less than you burn is called a caloric deficit, which is required for weight loss.

    Now, the deficit CAN make your body weak if the deficit is too large and your body can support the difference in energy stores that it already has.

    how much deficit is required for weight loss.. based on only food intake..?? according to this site I need to consume 1200 cal (considering my fitness n weight loss goal i guess).. should I consume less than 1200 for shedding weight??

    It's very unlikely that you need to consume as low as 1200 to begin with so don't reduce further.
    Please provide your stats: height, weight, age, gender, activity level, etc.

    I am female, 20 yr old.. activity level based on this site is around 1790.. my weight is 57.90 kg but I have a belly fat and my lower body is on the heavier side.. I do gym ( Cardio + strength training; although can't lift much weight :P) and also I practice zumba workouts and body weight exercises at home.. sometimes I get lazy.. even tho my weight stays around 58 kg but my belly inches starts increasing.. :(

    Whats your height?


    You're 5'4" and 127lbs. That's smack dab in the middle of the healthy range for your height.

    You said you've got belly fat and a heavier bottom half. You aren't going to be able to spot reduce, no one can except for a plastic surgeon doing liposuction.

    Based on the calculator on (it's the one I've always used, I know other people use other calculators, it doesn't matter one one you use, just be consistent):
    your BMR is 1700 calories at a sedentary activity level.

    You'd benefit from setting a more realistic calorie goal and actually lifting weights. Because if you're consistent with lifting, you'll be able to lift more weight.

    thanks a ton for taking time and giving me advice :) yeah I will try to lift more.. my hands start shaking at times.. I guess I have lower strength in my upper body.. I have to be more consistent with weights...

    The shaking hands could be from trying to lift too much. From holding the weight too tight. From not eating enough. From not drinking enough.

    Also, OP, the advice I've been giving @aditi1310 can be adapted to work for you as well which is part of why I've been answering her questions her instead of PMing her. So you could see the info and learn from it as well.

    Don't be afraid to lift. We don't have the testosterone to get "bulky" (I hate that word so much). And lifting weights - free weights preferably - will make your life easier. It'll make lifting your kids easier, carrying in all the groceries easier, less jiggle, etc.

  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    bw_conway wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    603reader wrote: »
    bw_conway wrote: »
    Thanks everyone.
    I always thought losing weight was about eating healthy. I think everyone has this misconception at first.
    obviously I am new to the sight so I wanted to post and get advice. This is my first day logging, and I am buying a kitchen scale today.

    I think that if you are being advised to eat a less-healthy diet in order to get healthier, that isn’t rational advice. Part of being a healthier person is having self-respect, which doesn’t entail shoveling garbage into your body as long as the garbage is within your macros / calorie parameters!

    Define garbage.

    yes, please define "garbage"….

    It is up to the individual to define - hopefully without engaging in self-deception. Then again, there are a lot of times that I throw my definition of "garbage" on the curb and often someone comes by in an old truck and takes it. I'm sure if I talked to the guy in the truck he would stand out there and argue with me about why he didn't think it was garbage, but who has that kind of time?

    way to back track ..

    you said everyone is recommending OP eat garbage, then when asked to define said "garbage" you totally bail and say "well my garbage is not your garbage"….actually that is an epic back track…

    You also said that OP needs to eat "healthier"

    As this is her first day here, how is she to know what is "healthy" and what is "garbage" unless you define it?

    So please, define it for us….

    I have my own standards of food quality - I encourage the OP to do the research and find her own.

    I'm not sure what mislead you into thinking that I was going to contribute an extensive disertation on my theories of nutrition. You are flexing shirtlessly for your profile pic, so I'm sure you have figured out your own standards.

    That's really all I have to say about it - if you are looking for a fight, I'm sure you are disappointed.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    603reader wrote: »
    Does anyone have any suggestions as far as some low calorie foods that can keep me full for long periods of time? I am a southern girl married to an italian, we like to eat lol. So any low calorie filling foods?

    First, do you mind telling us what you've set your goals to here?

    I'd honestly hate for you to have to set too great of a deficit and struggle so much at the get go.

    My info is set at 190 pounds, 5'5", lose 2 pounds a week, active. It says 1200 calories.

    IMHO, 1200 is really aggressive.