Need advice! Going on a 7 day cruise!!

KValmera71 Posts: 82 Member
edited December 2014 in Motivation and Support
I am leaving Dec 12th to Miami and boarding on a 7 day Caribbean Cruise on the 13th. I have lost 42 lbs in the past 110 days and while I know 7 days will not completely blow my progress, I would like some advice from others who have cruised. I am not a drinker so I am not worried about that. I plan to staying pretty busy, lots of walking around I am sure, the pool and I believe the ship has a fitness room. But any other advice anyone can offer I would much appreciate!!


  • ankdworak
    ankdworak Posts: 336 Member
    I haven't been on a cruise but I would suggest making sure you eat high protein meals and/or bring some protein drinks or bars with you to have on hand. Have fun!
  • deannasjoy2014
    deannasjoy2014 Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2014
    KV, No worries!!! You can absolutely eat healthy on a cruise! There are always salad bars, lean meat choices, and plenty of vegetables. You have to remember that calories don't take vacations, only you do. So indulge in the amazing desserts once a day instead of at every meal, and try to stay away from all the extra-sugary-fruits that look beautiful. There is plenty of fresh healthy choices, you just have to have the will power to make the good choices! You got this far, you can handle the cruise! :-)

    Oh, and all the cruises I've been on have had 24hr fitness centers. So if you're having a hard time sleeping the first couple nights like I did, go for a quick walk around the deck or a jog on the treadmills. Nothing quite like the salty ocean air to get you refreshed.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I just don't stuff my face off- and they have a fitness center. Best thing about vacations is you can work out twice a day ;) I went and I did cardio in the morning and lifted in the afternoon.

    Plus honestly- after 2-3 days all that food just isn't that big of a deal- it's not like you can seriously eat like that for 7 days straight without making yourself sick.

    Eat well- have a good time- but don't make yourself sick and you should be good.
  • Kellyfitness128
    Kellyfitness128 Posts: 194 Member
    Oh man... I just talked to some friends about the food on a cruise recently. Apparently everything is just slathered in grease to the point it doesn't even taste good (that could just be the specific cruise they went on, though...) they recommended spending the money to eat at the restaurant each night (I think it's $20 per person) because they actually serve delicious food. The buffet though...avoid as much as you can. They said even the eggs were hardly edible because they used so much oil!
  • BruceHedtke
    BruceHedtke Posts: 358 Member
    On my one cruise (before I was trying to lose weight), I chose anytime dining because I assumed I would be hitting the buffet more than formal dining. I never made it into the formal dining room, mainly because I was really surprised at the quality of food available through the buffets. Lots of variety with fresh fruits and cooked/steamed vegetables and if you want to stick to a healthier menu, you should have no issue. Of course, there is also plenty of high calorie stuff so that if you wanted to cut loose once or twice, you'll also have no issue there :) .

    As far as fitness goes, cruise ships are floating cities and many things are available 24 hours a day. I recall on my ship there was a plaque on the wall stating that if you enjoyed jogging, a lap around the deck was something like a 1 mile run. I could be remembering that wrong, though.
    I also found that if you wanted to swim and have the pool to yourself, hit them up around 10 pm or so. It may have been because it was a cruise to Alaska, but the pools/hot tubs/saunas/steam rooms were pretty much deserted at that time.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Sign up for all the physical activities you can and enjoy yourself.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    The food is not great so don't worry about it. Eat at the salad bar for lunch. Eat what you like for dinner, chose from the "healthy" option a few nights. Don't finish the plate if it's not great. Go back for seconds if it's amazing. Hit up the gym. I didn't gain an ounce on my trip. You'll be fine.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss and going on a cruise. I love cruising and love the food,. We cruise Celebrity and the buffet and main dining room are so good I don't get to the specialty restaurants!
    There are plenty of salads around, in the buffet and MDR. If you feel you want to splurge on one meal in a day; have salad for the other.
    Remember you will put on a few pounds of water weight when you are on the cruise, don't panic, it is gone in a week, 2 at the most.
    Hit the gym if you feel you must, but Caribbean cruises are quite port intensive so you will be off the boat and using up all your extra calories enjoying yourself on those wonderful islands.
    Take the stairs whenever you can, you would be amazed how many filghts of stairs you can log in one day-all a nice calorie burn.
    Hit the night club and dance off the calories.
    I always hear stories of folk who put on 1lb a day (my BIL could, he eats and drinks everything in sight), but it is much more likely you will put on 1 maybe 2 over the whole 7 days. I only put on 2-3 over 14 days and always have desert.

    Have a great cruise (you know how to lose it, so don't let counting calories run your trip)

  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    As getting online (to use MFP) can get a bit prohibitively expensive, I'd also advocate physically writing down all your food.

    The calories won't be as accurate (as you'll need to guess), but you'd be surprised how easy it is to pop in for snacks, meals, 2nd helpings, given the cost (free), and availability (everywhere/around the clock). Also, some cruises offer spin classes for a nominal charge, which can help keep you in a routine on the exercise front.
  • rheannaraye
    rheannaraye Posts: 62 Member
    You're going to have a BLAST! Hubby and I went on a cruise last year for our honeymoon and are planning one for April this year :) There are SO many healthy ways to eat on a cruise. If you eat in the main dining hall, there are tons of options - it's set up like a buffet line, but you can pick and choose from many different areas. You can also order room service if you feel it'll be too tempting. Dinner is easy, as well, as they are very accommodating if you need to ask for substitutions, etc. There should be a fitness room on the cruise, and the boats are so big, walking around on the deck is a great way to stay active and enjoy the sites as well. You can swim in the pool, and can always just work out in your room (sit ups, jumping jacks, etc.) I hope that helps!!! Have an AMAZING time, and don't worry too much :)
  • There was one restaurant that was an all you can eat buffet.This didnt encourage me to eat more i was just glad at all the choices.wonderful salad bar, vegetables,fruit.Enjoy your trip eat the dessert once or twice,dont deny yourself everything.Try to eat healthy , all the running around you do, the rich food really made me kinda sick.Most of the food from the so called fancy restaurant i didnt think was very good.Eat a healthy meal and then walk a lot, swim,have fun and dont let worrying about your weight ruin your vacation.Take comfy clothes and forget the heels except maybe at night.If you put on 3 or 4 pounds it is not the end of the world,happens to most people.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    Ohhim wrote: »
    As getting online (to use MFP) can get a bit prohibitively expensive, I'd also advocate physically writing down all your food.

    The calories won't be as accurate (as you'll need to guess), but you'd be surprised how easy it is to pop in for snacks, meals, 2nd helpings, given the cost (free), and availability (everywhere/around the clock). Also, some cruises offer spin classes for a nominal charge, which can help keep you in a routine on the exercise front.

    To each their own, but I would not do this. It is one week. Moderate as best you can and enjoy.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    KValmera71 wrote: »
    I am leaving Dec 12th to Miami and boarding on a 7 day Caribbean Cruise on the 13th. I have lost 42 lbs in the past 110 days and while I know 7 days will not completely blow my progress, I would like some advice from others who have cruised. I am not a drinker so I am not worried about that. I plan to staying pretty busy, lots of walking around I am sure, the pool and I believe the ship has a fitness room. But any other advice anyone can offer I would much appreciate!!
    I've been on 3 Disney Cruises and maybe gain a total of 5lbs. I just kept my eating under wraps and continued working out like I do as if I were at home. Don't FEEL you have to eat large to get your money's worth.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • KValmera71
    KValmera71 Posts: 82 Member
    Thanks everyone for all of the wonderful suggestions and advice! I am pretty much a tight wad, so I don't see myself paying for internet to log on. It's a vacation right? Although I hate to lose all of the days I have racked up. But oh well. I plan to enjoy everything I possibly can. But I am glad to know there are healthier options available. I was picturing lines and lines of the most fattening foods and desserts possible. lolol
  • I_can_do_this2
    I_can_do_this2 Posts: 294 Member
    The quality of the food and the manner in which it is served varies by cruiseline. I have found eating in the main dining room to be my best option. There is a range of dishes from which to choose and there is always at least 1 "light" option - those are lighter versions of the other options, for example fish grilled rather than fried and served with no creamy sauce - so you can eat what everyone else has and not be the freak with a bowl of lettuce for each meal - it's just a healthier version. I do try to avoid buffets but, if that's not possible, I restrict myself to one plate (not a platter) and I try to make good choices. Don't be afraid to ask how things are prepared and ask for a variation if it doesn't work for you - another advantage of eating in the main dining room. Generally, I find restaurant desserts don't live up to the hype so I tend not to order dessert. If you want dessert, maybe ask someone to share one with you. Try deciding in advance (before you go to the dining room) whether or not you will have (1) bread, (2) wine, (3) dessert - once you've made that commitment to yourself you'll be more likely to keep it. My thought would be to save dessert for the last night or two. Then, you're not as likely to get derailed whereas if you have dessert on Day 1...

    The cruiselines usually have lots of options for getting/keeping fit. If you go ashore each day, you will likely get in a lot of exercise. My husband and I got up early each morning and walked laps on the upper deck as the ship was sailing into port. This ended up being one of our favourite parts of the trip - it was so beautiful and cool and to see those sweet little ports before they became crowded with people - just great. I know your concerns about losing your momentum while on vacation - you've already achieved a lot and you don't want to fall off the path.

    You'll be fine. Have a wonderful time. Just 9 more sleeps!!!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Enjoy your vacation. That is what I would do.
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    Don't eat at the buffet stands - my wife and I ate in the formal dining room our entire cruise - breakfast, lunch and dinner. Great meals, reasonable portions. We put on a total of 3 lbs on that cruise and as others have suggested their is usually a gym and/or running track. Enjoy the cruise
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    I agree that the portioned dining room food is easier than buffet. And running on a treadmill on a moving ship is hard. That's all I got. As you said, OP, it's only 7 days--have fun, don't stuff yourself, accept that you will likely see a water weight gain on return, don't let that discourage you.

    Oh, and I am soo jealous!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    I've been on two cruises and have another one Feb 7, 2015. I plan to eat every meal that I can in the Dining room. I didn't find most of the food at the buffet as good and it's just too easy to get more than you need. The food in the dining room was very good and like others have said, you can request baked, no sauce, etc. I too, won't pay to eat in a restaurant on a cruise when all the other food is included. Just keep it similar to what you eat now, with a few extras like the yummy desserts. Have a wonderful time!
  • keladry89
    keladry89 Posts: 42 Member
    I ran on the ships track on the days we didn't go to port. Fair warning, it was windy on half the track. I mean the boat was moving (so making its own wind). I ate basically whatever I wanted BUT I didn't clean my plate like ever and I really tried to eating so much that I felt too full. I gained such a little amount of weight can't be sure it wasn't water. And I've lost almost 20 pounds since the cruise (it over fall break). I also walked a ton on shore, went swimming on shore and on the boat. And there is dancing, too! I danced at least three nights. I had to nap during the afternoon though because of waking up early and running :]. Have you planned your excursions? I suggest doing something like zip lining because one it was awesome! And I'm afraid of heights and you have to hike up to go down! :]. I also enjoyed the zip line because at my heaviest I was too heavy to qualify (though I never was in a situation to).

    Again, when you come back, give yourself a week of eating your normal way and I bet most of the weight you gained will disappear.

    Also congratulations! And enjoy your cruise!