"H20" Exploding the Pounds - 10 Week Challenge - Week 2

H20 Exploding the Pounds
Week 2 of 10 (9 weeks to go) IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO JOIN!!!

-Welcome, for those who have joined my challenges before you know a little bit about how it works. Over the next 9 weeks i will be posting weekly challenges to help you shred those egggstra pounds you have gained over the winter months, or to help you lose more of the weight you have been working so hard on shedding. I am going to do this just a little bit different this time around, I will explain below. For the newbies out there, I would love to invite you to join us. It is never too late to get in on the fun, or never too late to star losing weight. Welcome, and we look forward to getting to know you...


May is finally here. Hoping the month of may will bring me some better luck. Money wise, and weather wise. Lets make May a great month Ladies.

Walking challenge: How many miles do you have in of the 150.
Would you like a weekly challenge with the walking to help keep you accoutable for getting the 150 miles in?

Pilates Challenge: How many hours of Pilates do you have in of 100?
If you need ideas of how to find some Pilates exercises let me know. Ill help search. Maybe share links if you have any to some videos. :)

Workout Video Challege: how are you doing with your workout video. ARe you struggling.. if so maybe we can help you.


Challenge 1 - Week 2
(05/01) - Three positives daily. You may share them if you would like. Along with the three positives, if you have a reason to feel negative, lets try to find a positive out of the negative.

Challenge 2 - Week 2
(05/01) - ABS - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edUFqkWSve8 try this workout for the week. Twice OR
Try each of these 50 counts each 3 times this week

-Windshield Wipers: This works nearly exactly how the name suggests. You simply need to lay down on the floor or an exercise mat, and support your body with your arms outstretched on your sides. Lift your legs straight pointing towards the ceiling and bring them together. Move them in a motion as you are using them to wipe a gigantic windshield. It does wonders for your lower abs because these twists and not only doing the crunches but also burn the unnecessary body fat around your abs.

-Crunches On a Tree: If you plan to be more ambitious then you can really tone your leg muscles alone for lower ab workout by hanging on a rod or a strong branch of a tree. You will be hanging upside down while your legs are keeping you hooked on to that bar. Bring your hands behind your head and bring your torso towards your knees as high as possible. This is probably the most gut-wrenching exercise possible with the pain coming from your weight but also the best lower ab workout in short deadline. This will be challenging but will give you an immensely powerful lower back with tougher lower abs. If you can lift your own weight, you can really go anywhere in 7 days with that abs.

-Transverse Abdominus: As complex the name suggests; this is one of the exercises that can take your lower abs workout with concentrated attention. It worked as well as yoga does to all other muscles. You need to lie down on the exercise mat, face down with your hands and knees on the floor. You only need to suck your belly so much as if to reach your spine. Maintain it as long as you can until you do not feel anything. Best start is a count of 10 seconds. This practice will force to use your lower abs and develop them as they are being used.

-Bicycle Maneuver: This is one of the most common ways to fat loss and develop abs for your body. This is like moving your legs in a bicycling motion while twisting your torso with your elbows. If done quite frequently, it can achieve results in 7 days. You only need to lie flat on the mat and bring your knees to a 45 degree angle. Simultaneously bring your hands to below your head and elbow outstretched. Bring your legs to a bicycling motion upside down while slightly lifting your hips off the ground. When your right knee come towards you, bring your left elbow close to the knee and then retreat. Bring your right elbow when left knee comes nearer. This way you are simultaneously burning fat and building lower abs to tone your body.

Challenge 3 - Week 2
(05/01) - CARDIO - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkD9LwDBWW0 try this video twice this week Or
Try each of these.. For 5 minutes a piece Three times this week

- Punches :Whilst doing this side to side stepping movement, you can begin to incorporate punches. With each step to the side, punch out in front of you whilst remembering not to lock your elbows when you extend your arms. These straight punches are called ‘jabs’ and are the easiest type of punch to do. Continue this motion for 1 minute if you can.

- Knees -Stop moving from side to side and face front. Now, step forward 2 steps with your arms above your head and raise your right knee whilst bringing your arms and hands down to meet it. Imagine you are grabbing an assailant’s head and are bringing it down to meet your upcoming knee. This is exactly the move that would be used in a real kickboxing fight ,and as well as being extremely effective at disabling an attacker, uses a lot of body movement. Alternate the knees left and right for another minute, trying to raise them as high as you can.

- Kicks Coming straight out of the knee exercise, begin to alternate kicks in much the same manner. Lift the knee first before kicking out, again try to kick as high as you can without injuring yourself. If you find this difficult, you can kick lower if you need to. Keep your hands and arms up in a defensive position in front of your face during this part, and pull in your abs.

Duck and Squats - As important as attacking is in kickboxing, defensive maneuvers are just as vital. Ducking and weaving are great ways to work your lower body and the exercises are very simple to do.
Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, squat down slightly and then lean over to one side, pushing yourself back up to an upright position. Do not extend your legs fully to lock the knees-keep them slightly bent. At the end of the movement, you can add a cross punch or ‘hook’ with one of your arms. Imaging ducking below and to the side of someone punching at you and you punching them in the side of the head. This is exactly the movement you are striving for.

Challenge 4 - Week 2
(05/01) - STRENGTH - http://exercise.about.com/cs/exerciseworkouts/l/bltotalworkout.htm Choose 5 of these to do 25 reps each. Three times this week.

Challenge 5 - Week 2
(05/01) - Drink ATLEAST (8) glasses of water daily. & Try a new recipe this week. Share youre recipe with the group.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you dream it, you can become it." - William Arthur Ward

Although, I originally wasn't going to get this challenge together until tomorrow, I wanted to get it out of the way. I did some quick searching to find some of it. I hope you like it. Sorry for all the links to the different workouts. I hope you enjoy it. Have a beautiful weekend. Hope you started your first day of may off in a good way.

Until next week
April Val


  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member

    That is a lot of links but hopefully I will be able to get to them all. Time is a little bit of a crazy thing, I'm sure for all of us :) Thanks for getting this up early! Helps to get my head ready for the week!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Youre welcome. Sometimes I come up blank. so I have to go searching.. It ALWAYS takes me atleast an hour to do the challenges.. and then i wonder if they are stupid, or what not. haha. I try.. Suggestions are always helpful.
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    I think I'm going to give the water challenge a try. I'm heading into week 6 of my start date and my goal for this week is to reach my half way point (20lbs) by Mother's Day. Will let you know how I do... Thanks for the post
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    I'm game...gonna be tough....life is busy (as if we all don't know it)...but this sounds like my kinda fun. THanks!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    More good challenges!! You do a great job... so thanks! This week might be tough for me, as stated before, my son is grounded for at least next 10 years!!! But I will get my running in along with some strength training as possible.

    Tonight I have one negative. My back has a knot in it the size of Lake Michigan... and it's about that deep too!!! I don't know where it came from, but it's been around for about 24 hours. I'm medicating (ibuprofen didn't work and Aleve is only just on board) and since icing made it worse, I'm trying heat. Hoping I can get more sleep tonight, last night was horrible. I managed only a week hour at the gym today, no way I could do ab work today, so we'll see what happens and how it feels tomorrow.

    Hopefully I'll be back on track soon, I have a 10k on Saturday! I'll be logging my miles and workouts as the week goes on... so see you again soon!!!!

    Thanks again, April... you ROCK!
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    Just checking in to tag the new challenge--have a great evening, and I'm looking forward to kicking butt on the challenges this week :D
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Bump for Monday!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Positive.. BIN LADEN is reported DEAD.. ;) Finally..
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Positive.. BIN LADEN is reported DEAD.. ;) Finally..

  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member

    I'll be back in tomorrow about this week's challenges.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I had a fairly okay week last week. It was a bit strange though....Going to get into my garden this week - it's low impact and I can spend hours doing it.....to be honest, I need to spend hours doing it...the weed to plant ratio is out of control :)

    Weighed in today - a little surprised that I'm down to be honest - It's TOM for me and so I was all geared to up have gained the customary 3-5lbs and no I was down from Friday (my last weigh in day)....so far so good.

    I think I'm super dehydrated right now though - having lots of skin issues that are dryness related and my skin is showing dehydration with the pressure test (when you push down on your wrist with your thumb and count how long it takes to go from being pale (from the pressure) to regaining colour - right now for me it's around 5 seconds (usually it's immediate or at most I can count to 1). I've been drinking my water and haven't been going over on sodium so I'm not sure what's up. Might go to the doctor's next week if it hasn't resolved. I had a full panel bloodwork done last week though so maybe they'll already have the answers.
  • elysetoplin
    elysetoplin Posts: 253
    hopefully i'll have time to do the challenges this week - i only have one more final left (a paper due on Thursday, but I'm hoping to get it done by tomorrow) and then it's summer!!! even without doing the challenges, though (and without really working out or watching what i was eating too carefully over the weekend) i managed to lose 2.5 lbs this week!
  • linemansgirl
    linemansgirl Posts: 152
    I am back after a wonderful time with my sister! I have been maintaining for the last little bit, but now I am ready to shed these last few pounds. I am going to mix things up by lowering my carbs for a bit and adding in some High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on the treadmill.

    Another wonderful challenge April! I have only gotten in 1.5 miles so far, but I am hoping to really change that this week! I hope to try some of the other challenges this week. I will see how much energy I have left with doing HIIT. It is supposed to be really tough and work you to your max. :tongue:

    My happies for today -
    1 - This is a new week and a new month. I am planning on it being full of new beginnings. :happy:
    2 - We will be done with school soon! :bigsmile: (I homeschool my kiddos)
    3 - We are getting closer to having the house remodel done all of the time!

    Thank you SO much for your support everyone! I am hoping to be around a lot more for this challenge and hopefully reach my goal with a few extra pounds for cushion! :happy: Have a fabulous Monday ladies!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    hello Ladies and any gents joining!!
    I am so glad to be back.
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    April - thanks so much for the new challenges! I hope your week is significantly better than last week, and given the time it takes to put these together, I'm happy to have a new week :happy: By the way, I finished 250 jumping jacks for the challenge last week, and I'm so happy with them I've added 100 to every workout this week too!

    I did the strength training today and I'm chugging water as I write this, so hopefully I'll be on track for this week's challenges.

    My happy's today:
    1: I've inspired my husband to keep working out and watch what he eats. And yesterday he joined MFP!
    2: The SNOW we got yesterday is melting. Yes, we got snow on May 1st. But it should be gone today.
    3: May flowers! I love pretty flowers in bloom
  • autumn_lea85
    Thanks for the challenges hope they aren't too tough. My three positive are:
    1.snuck a weigh in this morning even though my actual weigh in isn't until wednesday. I"m down .5 so that put me at 169.5. It's been to long since i've seen the 160's hope i can maintain until wed.
    2. Won a contest at work so i get to pick my schedule the whole week of June!
    3. I know this sounds weird but I noticed yesterday it's getting easier for me to cross my legs! I always could but it's didn't look or feel as natural if that makes any sense??
    Good luck with the challenges everyone!!
  • autumn_lea85
    Alegria- So jealous that your husband is jumping on board with you. I'm trying to convince mine but so far no luck...it's so much easier when you know the one you love is suffering right along with you!
  • clipsychic
    clipsychic Posts: 99
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    April! Thanks for making such great challenges for us to try I'm always amazed at the time and thought that go into the challenges you create it quite awesome!

    This weekend was pretty much hell. I got sick on Friday and have now finally recovered...I think. Still had to work because of a crazy big ceramics conference going on. I have a deep appreciation for art but these artists were driving me insane! Taking it easy today but getting back on track working out starting tomorrow. I'm going to get up early and go for a run/walk outside for a change rather than my usual treadmill route. Want to see what it's like since as someone else said there aren't really any 5ks taking place on the treadmills at the gym. :wink: I snuck a weigh in this morning and I was down from my crazy gain last week but I'm going to wait and see if it holds at all. Official weigh in is on Thursday.

    Today's Positives:
    1) Got a route planned out for tomorrows run/walk
    2) I remembered to pay my car insurance before the due date so YAY!
    3) Having a nice relaxing day.