

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    did OP ever come back?????????
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    did OP ever come back?????????

    No. His Balloon of Self-Righteousness was last seen floating out over the Pacific Ocean...
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    Two thirds of gastrics end up regaining the bulk of the weight inside of five years.

    And then what...?

    This is something I've been curious about. If they are physically unable to overeat because of the surgery, how do they regain? I mean obviously they start consuming more calories than they expend, but shouldn't there still be a stopgap because of the surgery? Does the "stop you're full" sensation go away?

    Not sure about people who've had bypass, but my mother had lap-band surgery. She would eat small amounts, wait ten minutes, eat a couple more mouthfuls, wait 10 minutes, eat some more, and so on. She said if she ate too quickly, it would trigger her to vomit, so she had to eat slowly. She ate all day long and ended up gaining a lot back. Not all, but still enough to be obese again.

    I know a girl who gained it all back because ice cream, milkshakes and alcohol all fit through the bank just fine! (and she freely admits it!)
  • fearlessleader104
    fearlessleader104 Posts: 723 Member
    you people are mean

    I think if everyone has a piece of chocolate, everything will be fine. B)
  • jrose1982
    jrose1982 Posts: 366 Member
    I gotta be honest, I am frustrated. I realize that everyones journey is their own....totally get it. But I am sick of seeing people whine and complain.....sick of seeing them sabotage themselves and blame circumstances, holidays and failed relationships. Someone needs to say "GET OVER IT!" Seriously, I had to tell it to myself and I still to this day say it to myself. You cannot wallow in self pity. You cannot blame gorging yourself with food that is killing you on anyone else but yourself. I did it for years. I played the victim. I blamed being busy, other people, my kids and the fact that I simply liked food "too much" to give it up. I wish someone would have kicked me in the *kitten* long ago. If this is you....GET OVER IT! Step up to the plate and choose life. There is nothing or no one that can get in your way....except you! I love you so much. You can do it!

    It's frustrating to read and frustrating to hear from people you know. I'm sick of people in response to what I've achieved whine about how they wish they could do likewise. It's insulting because it's like they're suggesting I've done this through luck and good fortune and just ignore the years of hard work and discipline I've put in. I'm sure I should be more understanding of their frustration, but when they just write off your efforts like that - I struggle to want to sympathise.

    You don't have to sympathize, you can write off their complaining as easily as they write off your success. It's their problem, one that they have to figure out. All you can do is tell them how you did it. It's up to them whether they listen or not.
  • FromGastricToFantastic
    I have spent the past hour reading posts. Some I laughed out loud on, some just plain made my eyes cross and others made sense. Honestly, I have spent my life obese. There is nothing that anyone can say that would hurt me. I am proud of myself....I am proud of my decision....and I would do it over again if given the choice. You can be angry, you can be supportive.....whatever floats your boat. Your words won't hurt me nor my success.
  • FromGastricToFantastic
    I still stand firm on GET OVER IT! And many of you....need to get over yourselves.
  • jrose1982
    jrose1982 Posts: 366 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Also, to clarify, the OP is both right and horribly wrong.

    He's right for the people who come here whining about how they can't lose weight because their dog died/grandma spontaneously combusted/think they have some medical issue that no one outside a scientologist would think is real/etc. These people need to man or woman up, quit their moaning, and stop blaming everything but themselves.

    On the other hand, he's totally wrong about the people who come here, want to make a change in their lives, but are getting frustrated because the broscience crap that is peddled by the media and, shamefully, elements of the medical industry, doesn't work for them. They're as frustrated as anyone and need advice and support.

    And sometimes people just need to talk out what they're going through.

    For example: "I can't eat healthy because my family/roommates/friends eat too much crap" (I've seen this one a lot) - it's easy to say make your own meals. But there's a lot of emotions involved. Eating with family is a traditional form of bonding, and it feels like you're letting your family down when you alter such a tradition. These emotions make this feel like such an insurmountable problem when they're bouncing around in your head. But then you say it out loud, put it out to the world to hear, and some things happen:
    - You hear yourself. Sometimes that's all you really need.
    - Others hear you and recognize the challenge. It's so liberating to be validated.
    - Others share their stories of how they mastered that particular challenge. Suddenly this seemingly insurmountable problem is framed in a new light. There's a solution, you can handle it.

    This is how whining on a weight loss forum can actually be helpful. If you can't sympathize, don't try. Just walk away. Somebody that can relate to the situation will share their experience and that person will be one step closer to where they need to be.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    So Much Love.

    don't step there. That's love. Let me get the mop.

    OMG. NATLOL. (Not admitting to.)
  • fearlessleader104
    fearlessleader104 Posts: 723 Member
    How do I get over it?
  • FromGastricToFantastic
    I have spent the past hour reading posts. Some I laughed out loud on, some just plain made my eyes cross and others made sense. Honestly, I have spent my life obese. There is nothing that anyone can say that would hurt me. I am proud of myself....I am proud of my decision....and I would do it over again if given the choice. You can be angry, you can be supportive.....whatever floats your boat. Your words won't hurt me nor my success.

    weak sauce

    get over it

    Blah Blah Blah
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,087 Member
    I still stand firm on GET OVER IT! And many of you....need to get over yourselves.

    Methinks you should take your own advice and get over yourself first before telling others what to do about themselves
  • FromGastricToFantastic
    I have spent the past hour reading posts. Some I laughed out loud on, some just plain made my eyes cross and others made sense. Honestly, I have spent my life obese. There is nothing that anyone can say that would hurt me. I am proud of myself....I am proud of my decision....and I would do it over again if given the choice. You can be angry, you can be supportive.....whatever floats your boat. Your words won't hurt me nor my success.

    weak sauce

    get over it

    Blah Blah Blah

    others have spent their life obese as well, including me who are more humble, greatful, and gracious.

    at this point you just seem arrogant and rude.

    Talk to us in 5-10 years when your surgery starts to fail and you need real guidence to do things the right way.

    Good luck.

    Thank you. You have warmed the cockles of my heart <3
  • fearlessleader104
    fearlessleader104 Posts: 723 Member
    anyone planning on seeing the new movie Wild?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I have spent the past hour reading posts. Some I laughed out loud on, some just plain made my eyes cross and others made sense. Honestly, I have spent my life obese. There is nothing that anyone can say that would hurt me. I am proud of myself....I am proud of my decision....and I would do it over again if given the choice. You can be angry, you can be supportive.....whatever floats your boat. Your words won't hurt me nor my success.

    and what do you think your post was?????

  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    This is an excellent example of what happens when people lose weight and let it get to their heads.

    Exactly what NOT to do.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    anyone planning on seeing the new movie Wild?
