So I am NOT going to "shut down" my metabolism if I drop to 1200 or even 1000???



  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Assuming all the numbers are reasonably accurate, logging/tracking is reasonably accurate, and macros are reasonably balanced, cut your intake by 10% for a month and see what happens. If no change, cut another 10% and try that for a month.

    If you get to where you're at 1000 cals per day and still not losing, only then would I start looking at WHAT you're eating.

    Consistent and reliable logging will be crucial, as will be patience.
  • ladybug77707
    1200 was before any exercising. I would 'eat back' any exercise calories because I didn't want to lower my metabolism. Before that, I pretty much ate what I wanted and never worried about it - for YEARS. I don't know what I ate, only that I know it was a lot more than 1200. I never needed to track it so I didn't, but know it was a heck of a lot more than 1200.
    So 10% per month, jacksonpt...........that sounds reasonable. I have just never had to do this before. If I could figure out what the magic formula is, I am very motivated and could stick with's the not knowing what to do that makes it super-hard!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    1200 was before any exercising. I would 'eat back' any exercise calories because I didn't want to lower my metabolism. Before that, I pretty much ate what I wanted and never worried about it - for YEARS. I don't know what I ate, only that I know it was a lot more than 1200. I never needed to track it so I didn't, but know it was a heck of a lot more than 1200.
    So 10% per month, jacksonpt...........that sounds reasonable. I have just never had to do this before. If I could figure out what the magic formula is, I am very motivated and could stick with's the not knowing what to do that makes it super-hard!

    Metabolic "damage" only happens when significant deficits are maintained over LONG periods of time. People on 500 calories for a year, that kind of thing.

    It sounds like you have some perspective on what you need to do, but also what the potential concerns are. Just take things slow, be patient, and evaluate as you go. I don't think you've got anything to worry about.
  • girlschmoopie
    girlschmoopie Posts: 140 Member
    Do you track your body measurements? I know if I put on an unhealthy 5# exactly where it shows up in terms of inches gained. I know if I have put on a healthy 5# because I don't have that gain of inches, but a slight increase of definition. The 6# could in part be due to the increase of strength training.
  • amw8675309
    amw8675309 Posts: 95 Member
    how long did it take you to gain the 6 pounds? if it took a full year than you were only eating over your TDE by 57 calories per day (3500*6/365). I don't think dropping to 1200 immediately may have been necessary if you were eating way more than that before. usually when calorie cutting ive seen it recommended to track normal eating for a few/days weeks to get an idea of your baseline, and then cut from there.
  • ladybug77707
    I don't track my body measurements, but notice that some of my 6's don't fit as well in the waist while 8's are no longer larger on me. I don't SEE any gained fat there, but it does feel tighter with the clothes.

    Thanks, Jacksonpt for your thoughts on the metabolism. It sounds like I am not in as dire of a situation as I had thought :).

    Amw8675309, it has been almost a year........maybe 10 months or so. I wish I could just find what works so I can stick with it! I am not giving up, though.